Primitive Technology

Have you guys seen his channel? It's actually pretty fascinating. This guy, with literally nothing but his shorts and a video camera, goes into the woods and builds stuff.

I never knew there was so much you could do with stone, wood, mud, and fire. He doesn't talk throughout the whole thing too, alls you hear is forest sounds. It's mesmerizing.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's goat

I could honestly watch this guy for hours just making shit in the jungle

GOAT channel

You could at least post a video if you say some cool shit

Here. This is the coolest project imo.

>this guy
Being in Sup Forums and not recognizing James Franco building shit in the woods

>no music
>no intro
>no explainations
>fucking nothing



Best way I've heard it described is whites speedrunning African culture.

Fascinating shit.

Based as fuck.

He is already well beyond even Modern day Africa

Minecraft LARPing?

GOAT of course but don't ever think this is an actual survival guide

Most complex thing he made. You really have to appreciate the ingenuity it took to make such an instrument.

Nah I don't think so either, but it's not as if I didn't learn anything either. I'd like to see how he'd fare in a less hospitable environment.

That little bitch from Into the Wild could of used this, he still would be a little bitch but at least not get murdered by berries.

Watching this reminds me a lot of Better Call Saul

That's fucking awesome.

That's basically it.

McCandless would have fucking worshipped this series.

You think he invented it right there in the wild?

I mean, props to the man for being so ingenious, he really is,, but he clearly researched reference material and practiced quite a bit before making that

have you niggers here never participated in outdoor activities or boyscouts or something? people do this shit all the time.

This John Muir motherfucker is GOAT

I couldn't do dick in the woods.

comfy as fuck desu

Heh. Sure, kid.

Scouts build tile roofed mud huts all the time?

I would love to see a "The Island" / "Naked & Afarid" kind of show where this guy or a bunch of semi professionals have to survive for the 40~ days

Nothing special, Africans did all of this and more centuries ago.

> fat
> cargo shorts
> 80s cartoon t-shirt
> raising someone else's kid

is this what white males have come to?



Fuck you, James Franco does not have 1/100th the willpower to do the shit this guy does.

It's called Primitive Technology for a reason.

>look at the comments for some of the videos
>see people greentexting
why do some of you guys do this?

Of course, but it's interesting to see how inventive primitive humans were. It really makes you appreciate tools and think about them in a different way.

>commenting on youtube videos
No, man, I really don't

How does he upload this stuff to youtube?

That's not really the point. It's interesting to see the process of it happening.

Whats your excuse now blacks?

He builds a modem out of twigs and uploads it using a wind powered rock running raspberry pi

Guys, it's a joke, all peoples did this and more at some point in history

But black people in shorts build mud huts all the time? There's just nobody recording it so we don't get to shitpost about it here from the comfort of our homes.

He did those over the course of a few months

>no useless padding and stupid personalities
>thats a bad thing

Its just pure visual teaching. He's said he does it that way on purpose so the videos can be watched by a wider audience.

Primitive Technology is based. I heard some militaries are in contact with him to train like Green Berets or some shit to learn his skills.

If a black person was doing it I would automatically think it's less impressive

what the fuck do you want for him to play Kanye west during the whole thing?

I want to see videos of this concept now, complete with a dude running around in wooden pants.

well you get points for honesty i guess.


He didn't invent all of these techniques, he researches different methods and building techniques from all over the world and then tries to put them into practive. He started doing it for fun/as a hobby but now has enough of a following he gets paid a decent amount for it.

Lol people build giant skyscrapers and cars and shit all the time

its people from entry level boards like Sup Forums

He is a proud Bernie Sanders supporter.

That's racist.

This guy should get a TV show.

pretty comfy channel desu senpai

1 million subscribers without uttering a word, it's a great channel alright

were hiz spaceship?

some people suggested that he'll be smelting shit with his charcoal stash. any merit to that?

>rock music plays
>camera zooms in and out at his fireplace
>quick shots of him pulling down trees
>dutch angle of him walking towards/past the camera
>explosion sounds as the title comes up

He said he's been toying with the idea in the comments of one of his videos, I think.

> I want to smelt iron. I have tried with a short furnace recently using only natural draft- I formed spheres of ore and charcoal powder then put them into the furnace. It only partially melted though. I'm also considering a reverberatory furnace (basically a cross draft kiln) fueled by wood. These were once used as puddling furnaces to melt iron (sometimes with wood fuel but more often mineral coal). I've read such a furnace can approach 1400 c with wood fuel and natural draft alone and think it could be adapted to smelting iron (ore and carbon mixed together to reduce the iron chemically).

Yall talking about relaxing as fuck wilderness survival documentaries?

This is one of the originals and one of my favorite documentaries period.

just a small part

I liked this one

all frogposters must hang

>centuries ago.
It's funny cause you only say centuries...rather than a few millennium, when Rome was already sprawling megacity

>its cool when white people do it

McCandless didn't die from eating poison berries. He was smarter than that at least. The main theory was he ate a poisonous part of an otherwise edible plant that could only really kill a person if you were already in a weak or starved condition. He had a perfect shelter and methods of staying warm but wasn't prepared or didn't have the means of getting enough food. In the end he regretted what he did but it was too late, I personally don't think he should be called a little bitch but I know thats not really a sentiment Sup Forums/tv/ agrees with.

I loved the shit out of this one, too.

It's probably my favorite youtube channel despite only getting one video a month. In my opinion every man should have at least some basic wilderness survival skills. If I ever give up on life the bush is where I'll spend the rest of my days.

No, just a comfy thing that plays with no dialog.

Kinda like the earth satellite channel.


those animal sounds are fake as fuck

anyone got a full length link for that one? only been able to find several short parts

His cabin is still standing and maintained

Look how comfy this shit looks

God damn I love this shit.

i am not a man

Holy shit, that looks great!

A modern person having archaic skills is cool because it makes for a novel experience. Possessing such skills because they represent the pinnacle of your civilization's technological capabilities is just kind of sad.

where is his computer?

>ywn be this fucking boss

Seriously, this is pretty spectacular.

comfy thread lads, well done

since when can we have threads about this but not threads about bob ross' maximum comfy streams?

>Possessing such skills because they represent the pinnacle of your civilization's technological capabilities is just kind of sad.

Thread reminded me of this guy. Used to watch this with my dad when I was a toddler.

Thanks for the memories, Sup Forums


im subbed to this channel.

Funny story Im actually gonna go live in the woods for a few months with just some bare necessities for a few months.
Thank god. I hate obnoxious youtubers.

why is there no more simple educational stuff like this on TV anymore? Is it just all on Youtube now?

He also spends months and months building this shit.

>No retarded nigger music anywhere
>No dumb, flashy, overly long intro
>Show, don't tell
I sure hate what videos should be.

>this was on after the new yankee work shop which I watched with my dad
where do the years go?

Most of Africa.

And even at that, most Africans aren't this good at what he does, despite those skills being necessary to survive.

Most of Africa isn't hunter-gatherer uncontacted jungle tribes.

what are some good movies with lots of primitive/medieval buildings and forests? im in the mood to watch some

It literally is though

That cabin is a lot of things. "Comfy" isn't one of them.

>gravel floors
>lack of proper heating or cooling
>no indoor plumbing

Granted, it's comfy compared to your average Sudan mud-hut, but not comfy in general.


Most of Africa wasn't even hunter-gatherer before Europeans showed up. The whole Bantu migrations thousands of years ago was because they discovered agriculture and had metal weapons to fuck their neighbors up with.

I did absolutely nothing in boyscouts. My scout leader was my friend's mother - yes, mother. We did some arts and crafts type shit, never went camping, never really learned anything until we merged with another troop as everyone but me and my friend had left her shitty troop. I quit shortly after, which is a shame given how cool it supposedly gets.

Women shouldn't be troop leaders.

most recently The VVitch is supposedly entirely authentic

>Is it just all on Youtube now?

Pretty much. On television it's too niche a subject to maintain a necessary audience.

That's one of the major benefits that a service like YouTube has created in the Information Age.