Where are the alcoholics at? i know Sup Forums smokes weed all times of day...

where are the alcoholics at? i know Sup Forums smokes weed all times of day, and a lot of you are more hardcore drug addicts, so there have to be a couple of you fuckers drinking at all times of day.
It's 11am here and I've been fucked up since the liquor store near me opened at 9. I'm on the last day of 2.5 days off and I'm working through my second handle of cheap vodka

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Yeah yeah Ill be starting as soon as the wifey leaves for work, got a day off - if not drink before work, durring lunch, durring my two breaks, after work, atleast a fifth daily usually more

You aren't alone, i guess we just feel less of a need to show it off in everyone's face like the other degenerates

I don't personally but most of my neighbors do. One of the perks of having various disabilities and getting checks from the government (legit disabilities, too, like a military man with a fucked eye, my next door neighbor who's had three bouts of cancer and two heart attacks from her crack addiction, etc.) I can see the appeal, but I don't drink often myself. I'll hang out and keep ya company, man; I'm always the "one sober friend."

i feel like its because alcohol is legal. theres this mentality of "well you can go buy it at a store so its not really going to be a problem."
but (while i dont have any experience with other drugs) it really is an addiction like any other


our anthem

what, i guess its just two/three of us? shame

You will awaken one sorrowful morning and as you gasp for short breathes and hunch over your damaged internal organs you will finally have an aggressive hint at what dying on a cold sidewalk like the drunks before you must be like. You are cold, but you are sweating bullets like a chinese man at Pet's Mart. Your thoughts are cloudy and you probably can't read an entire sentence, the circuits in your head are too corroded and you are losing more electromagnetic impulses by the day. As you slowly become weaker and more confused you almost can't even determine why you're sick, and then you black out.

You wake up in a hospital alone, surrounded by nobody. This was the kindling to the flames that encouraged your lifelong drunkenness to begin with. You join an A.A. group, and have an occassional relapse but... but the thoughts about Anne, that woman that had your son, she has found new love many years ago and your son would never recognize you.

You commit suicide, after one final relapse. Days sober: 38

Alcohol distorted my parents life. And now they're more than 20 yrs sober.

doing some yayz and having a couple drinks if that counts. have to cut myself off soon though, I have work in ~ 12 hours

Usually start my drinking at 8 or 9, some vodka preferably. Then by 11 i break out the crown royal

what do you fags do for a living?

Alcoholic for approximately eleven years now and still going.
Also more or less addicted to other shit out there. My doctor said I'll die at age 30 if I don't change anything. I'm 27 now.

im a student at the moment. have one more year left. hopefully when i'm done i can get a solid job.

Overnight IT helpdesk. So I'm a day drinker. Not an alcoholic per se as I normally just have 2 beers and call it good. Sometimes after a stressful day I have a 40. And some days I don't drink at all. I'm just treating this more as a general drinking thread :^)

How much u drink a day?

studying what exactly?

I can probably relate more to you. I work the night shift as well, but on the weekend I get absolutely trashed with the girlies


What's your occupation faggot? Do your best not to lie

Same, on the weekend I go all out and normally just go to the strip clubs every night
>tfw no friends up here
>tfw the only people who know me by name are coworkers and strip club bouncers/dancers


im a supply chain management major

that blows dude. how long you been living like that? should find yourself a couple buddies/girlfriends

that sounds hella boring lol

I don't have a job right now but I used to work in retail. Well I doubt that I'll ever have a job again. But I live in Switzerland so that's not gonna be a problem.

You just sound like me after another week on GBL with withdrawl syndrom. Puke/shit blood every so often, stopped caring long ago.

I don't really know. Normal day for me is to get up (if I could get some sleep at last), take some shit that lies around and then I start drinking. Pass out, wake up and drink some more. I've lost track on what and how much I consume.

Right now I'm sober but just 'cause I just got back from the doctor. Drinking vodka right now.

About a month and a half. It's actually quite nice. I had a thing with one of the strippers but we hardly talk anymore. Don't know what's going on with her and what the truth is these days, and not gonna get too attached to try finding out since she doesn't seem into it like I was
As long as I got a plug for alcohol and have you guys, I'm all good

i mean is any college major exciting?
its by no means perfect, but its a living.