Sup Forums and Sup Forums

is this the biggest broship on Sup Forums?

Don't you mean conjoined twins that hate each other?


Kill yourself Sup Forumseddit

No, Sup Forums and /lit/ are, because film and literature are the best artforms in existence. And we all know video games aren't art.

Sup Forums x /fit/

Sup Forums is like the younger brother that wants to be friends with his older brother Sup Forums but Sup Forums always acts like a dick to him for no reason other than to be edgy

It's Sup Forums and /k/

Sup Forums and /trash/
Might as well be identical twins tbt

Sup Forums and Sup Forums more like

No Sup Forums is Sup Forums's tumor


Sup Forums and Sup Forums is kino

fuck off cuck

Isn't Sup Forums in bed with Sup Forums. I thought that was a thing.

Go back to Sup Forumsedit

Sup Forums and Sup Forums
/k/ and Sup Forums
Sup Forums and /tumblr/

Are are all bigger bros with eachother.

Sup Forums hangs out with Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Nobody really likes Sup Forums.

/lgbt/ and /fit/

shit > Sup Forumsedditors

Sup Forums is all about banter and shitposting on soccer teams, and some retard american sports

Sup Forums and /reddit/

You're a small guy

I never asked for this

Sup Forums is the weirdo that tries to fit in with as many people as possible but no one actually likes


Get the fuck out.

Its genuinely Sup Forums x Sup Forums as much as it pains me. This is a direct result of the current catalog of movies , tv shows and media and celebrities that have become so politically and socially confrontatonal, that you can't watch or talk about anything anymore without getting into an argument.

no. get the fuck out.

Some kino games are art.

>some movie games are art


No, Sup Forums is pretty much reddit.

Sup Forums and /fa/ have been going pretty seady for years now.

Post essential kinocore

lol no
it's Sup Forums and Sup Forums
everyone know's this
more like Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Film is nowhere near a top tier art form. It's a level above video games but still several levels below literature, architecture, music, painting etc.


Nah it's /diy/ and /fit/

i wish I had some fedora pics to spam at you

You don't need that shit. Just hit a truck tire with a sledgehammer.

Rolfe brings us together.

The mods tear us apart.

ive never once been to /lit/ so...


Into the trash

this 2bh

/lit/ and Sup Forums memes are also the most patrician on this site.

Former Sup Forumsitician here

I'd say Sup Forums and Sup Forums because of Sup Forumss growing influence on us. /k/ hates Sup Forums because they were conservative before the whole knee jerk reaction wave hit the rest of Sup Forums, and the rest of Sup Forums tries too hard to fight back. I don't make Sup Forums threads before you start giving me shit, in fact I'm the first one to denounce Sup Forumstards whenever they start spewing their nonesense.

/vr/ is where the patrician autist goes

Sup Forums is so far ahead of all the other boards in terms of post quality, sense of humor, meme creation and shitposting that I don't feel we share a particular kinship with any of them. We're simply the best.

Undertale's fanbase is abysmal.

However the game itself is better than 99% of trash that gets released every year.

/lgbt/ & /fit/
/fa/ & /fit/
/cm/ & /fit/
/y/ & /fit/

>neighbours report they heard the Florida man shouting "LIGHTWEIGHT BABY!!" moments before the accident

>muh art

what a pleb

>a 2 hour flick

kill yourselves Sup Forumsermins

at least with video games, theres a lot more room for character development and story



/lit/ are a bunch of insufferable fedora faggots

/sci/ and /his/ is the best combo

Yeah there's a lot more room but too bad it's never utilized 99% of the time

All TV does is complain about black people and feminism in TV and film

Yup we're """"bros"""""

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

that's a jaw dropping statement

When did Sup Forums leave Sup Forums? I've been here for a decade now and I don't remember this

Baseball is great bro, even the Japs adopted it after we nuked them.


>go on /fit/ almost everyday
>never seen one mention of Sup Forums
Doesn't Sup Forums just talk about professional sports like a bunch of high schoolers and manchildren? Instead of actually playing sports?

>playing video games past middle school

Sup Forums is just video niggers
Sup Forums is argentinians

>board culture

this is pure Sup Forums shit and redditor tier garbage.

you people killed this board.

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums
No. Not at all. Not even a bit. I have no idea where you would get this notion from. Have you actually been on Sup Forums? Or here for that matter? Prior to today?

Best game in the past five years. You hype for Blood and Wine coming out on the 30th? I might shed a tear after I finish it just because it might be the last Witcher game.


I went there a few times years ago. Once to troll about the bible being the greatest fictional book ever and I actually got some serious replies. They know their shit.

I'd agree with you but Sup Forums's influence here isn't much more profound than on other boards. I mean, we get the brunt of blacked and cuckmaymay shit but as is generally the case, it's a handful of horrible little twits from Sup Forums that post and then the children follow suit while the rest of us desperately try to talk about television and film

> ah, blood meridian, monsieur? that novel is the sark and chaparral of literature, the filament whereon rode the remuda of highbrow, corraled out of some destitute hacienda upon the arroya, quirting and splurting with main and with pyrolatrous coagulate of lobated grandiloquence. our eyes rode over the pages, monsieur, of that slatribed azotea like argonauts of suttee, juzgados of swole, bights and systoles of walleyed and tyrolean and carbolic and tectite and scurvid and querent and creosote and scapular malpais and shillelagh. we scalped, monsieur, the gantlet of its esker and led our naked bodies into the rebozos of its mennonite and siliceous fauna, wallowing in the jasper and the carnelian like archimandrites, teamsters, combers of cassinette scoria, centroids of holothurian chancre, with pizzles of enfiladed indigo panic grass in the saltbush of our vigas, true commodores of the written page, rebuses, monsieur, we were the mygale spiders too and the devonian and debouched pulque that settled on the frizzen studebakers, listening the wolves howling in the desert while we saw the judge rise out of a thicket of corbelled arches, whinstone, cairn, cholla, lemurs, femurs, leantos, moonblanched nacre, uncottered fistulas of groaning osnaburg and kelp, isomers of fluepipe and halms awap of griddle, guisado, pelancillo.

not a Sup Forums meme
You have Sup Forums to thank for that one.

>genre fiction


Sup Forums is full of underage children who shitpost as hard as they can because they think it's hot shit to be the world's biggest asshole. I feel like /ck/ would have more in common with Sup Forums.

Maybe not but they quickly adopted it into their shitposting arsenal

/ck/ is full of angry poorfags who get upset when people can afford to eat more than lentils and rice

Pretty much but they have a really good post to hot chick ratio. I only have a few teams I care about but the threads are fun.

the reason those are both everywhere on Sup Forums is cause Moot got cucked and Sup Forums laughed at him so he started posting interracial cuck porn on Sup Forums.

At least it's not as /ramen/ as it used to be.

So did all of Sup Forums. And on Sup Forums we had Cuckldino topics before even Sup Forums infected all of us with the cuck may may. Ironically, it was because of James too.

Neither originated on Sup Forums but I understand it's convenient to have a boogeyman.

But food and tv/films/movies go together so well.

You faggots and Sup Forums need to stay off our board. Sup Forumsfaggots too for that matter.

I know they didn't. Just pointing out why it's popular.

You forgot about the alcoholics

Fuck you, juden

Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums all share similar anons and a brain, but Sup Forums is different enough from Sup Forums and Sup Forums that it can function on its own.

Hello Kike.

Who would you cast to play Sup Forums in the Sup Forums movie?

Sup Forums & /k/
Sup Forums & Sup Forums
Sup Forums is Sup Forums's obnoxious cousin.

I'm from Sup Forums and I know better than anyone that Sup Forums does not pair well with ANY other board on Sup Forums. No, not even Sup Forums. Sup Forums outshines that shithole.

Well I'M from Sup Forums and I know better than anyone that there's no fucking difference between any of the boardsevery board just shits on other boards just to feel better about their own shithole

Zack Gallifinakis

Sup Forums is only slightly better than Sup Forums and that's not saying much.
2nd worst board , because /soc/ is so bad it doesn't even count

>He says this when most tv threads are about super hero movies and bitching about sjw

>i'm from Sup Forums

kys Sup Forumseddit

this pretty much. except Sup Forums is infested with children who are probably just starting highscholl and are bland as fuck.

Sup Forums fucking sucks though.

The entire board is entitled contrarian faggots who would rather bitch about other faggots on the internet than actually talk about games.

/hm/ and /fit/

>he doesn't check in on /soc/ regularly to download lewd camwhore videos


>Puts down rubber mats to protect the floor
>Shoots the top of the rack through the fucking ceiling


for you