Will be so happy when this preachy fucker gets his comeuppance. What would be most fitting Sup Forums... hanging, decap...

will be so happy when this preachy fucker gets his comeuppance. What would be most fitting Sup Forums... hanging, decap, stabbed, stoned, or dawged?

The worst punishment ever blacked

Butthurt about the whole sex with men = sin thing, huh?

Anal impalement

Why do people hate this guy but love Bernie Sanders? I don't get it.

He did nothing wrong, what's your problem with him?


I dropped this show a few years back but is it true he looked right at the camera to say the rich are evil?


his stance on homosexuality

literally the only reason

He's based as fuck, he gets anyone who confronts his to see things from his perspective.

Literally the only good "villain" the show had and will ever have.

He's roleplaying, he's obviously up to something. We're gonna see soon

Yes, he also said "FeelTheBern". The other characters looked pretty confused.

Dunno how D&D let this in

Are you implying this guy and Bernie are similar in any way, other than being old, white, and relatively poor.

do you mean best?

So whoreing and drinking isnt for him? Thats pretty dick to say I cant do it!

Yes. He wants to break the 1%. He sells a false ideology. He is popular with the folks of King landing. His rival is a blonde corrupt bitch with a closet of skeletons. How is he not bernie?

They both hate rich people and a socialist economic order.

>How is he not bernie?
Because he's not.

>and want*

>implying any comeuppance he receives wont be accepted with open arms

any death that comes to him would be incredibly impotent, nigga dont give a fuck bout anything but being pious

How the fuck does Westeros not allwoed to kill these bum retard sin cloth and chains? Seriously. One good armored man could take 10 of those bernie bastards

Why do you like him and hate Bernie?

Sanders fags don't like GoT because it is racist and misogynist and is part of rape culture

John Pryce is such a great actor. Sometimes I can't decide if I want to root for him or not - and this comes from a fedoratipping atheist.

It isn't hard to figure out, the people like the Sparrows. Kill the Sparrows, anger the people. Angry people do not make good subjects and often rebel.

If murdered, the High Sparrow would become a martyr and the smallfolk would likely revolt. They're already starving, disgruntled and have little allegiance to any of the major houses. When times are toughest, peasants usually find the most refuge in religion. This applies to both fantasy and modern times.

I dislike both. I think, for the most part, poor people only have themselves to blame for being poor. Even in Westeros a guy with nothing can rise up through the ranks (just look at Littlefinger). And, of course, social mobility a lot easier in America than Westeros.

Yeah. I get that. But come on. Who cares. And they're not THAt well liked. they're just a group of cult fucks. it's not like the whole city would just turn and kill everyone. anyway. it rages e and seems very unrealistic as the other shit that has gone on

yeah. i just dont see a bunch of starving people to do anything to an actual house army and power.

i like him . a man of conviction who destroyed the whores cersei and margaery and crushed the faggot loras. A most righteous man

Literally the only good character aside from Stannis and his crew.

a peasant revolution during a time when westeros is already weakened from the WotFK is literally the last thing anyone in power wants

they probably wouldn't win but it fuck over a good portion of the continent

>become a martyr

Is there any way to stop this or deal with it successfully? I hate martyrs.

seems more like a man with an angenda than an actual religious hope whatever ou wanna call that shit.

mfw when zombie mountain squashe shsi hea din

Remember when the smallfolk almost BTFO Joffrey a few seasons ago? Now the major houses are supposedly even weaker than ever and wouldn't be able to control King's Landing in the event of a riot.

the same people who were kept in subjugation by the Mad King who literally would burn people alive with that green fire stuff?

Lannisters have enough resources to stop the peasants, it's just the king is a pussy

yeah but that was like such a small fraction. but yeah I get your point. it is just all the house power and armor. I think the show hasn't showed his followers well enough

They straight up stole this guy from the Borgias, I wonder if they're going to mimic his death also.

In the books there's two groups in the faith militant, poor fellows and warrior's sons. The show more or less only depicts the poor fellows, who are basically poor people who use whatever weapons and "armor" they can find, but are large in number. The Warriors Son's are knights and nobles who give up their lands to join the faith like Lancel, but take their armor and weapons with them and are a lot more threatening.

>Butthurt about the whole sex with men
Poor choice of words.

Also no alcohol or brothels. He's just your average religious fascist

Not sure what you mean. i watched the borgias and do not recall tis

>Westeros a guy with nothing can rise up through the ranks (just look at Littlefinger).
Exactly. Everyone can be rich if they work hard enough. Tired of working in the fields? Open up a brothel. Every one who works the fields can just open up their own business. We can just sprout a free market brothel-based economy out of feudalism. And let the fields work themselves.

Littlefinger still had a house name and was a noble. He wasn't just a random peasant. You couldn't have been a peasant and done what he was able to achieve.

lol Bernie isn't poor in any sense of the word


there are also 2k - 5k warriors sons and double that amount of poor fellows the high sparrow can call on or some shit.

not a super large army but enough to take on a few houses sapped by the wotfk. ofc they are all spread out through westeros but it's still a serious threat.

I wanna see him torn apart.


The show completely fucked up on portraying them with stuff like the forehead carving. None of that is in the book, they're not really any more culty then the Protestants were back in Martin Luthers day

he'll get it pretty soon but he is unquestionably the best actor on the show

Reminder that this man would have never allowed this to happened.

>no prequel were based Tywin literally drowns the Reynes and beheads all the Tarbecks

Tywin letting the Mountain's men and the Brave Companions run roughshod over the riverlands is pretty much what created them in the first place.

You don't remember this guy? He started gathering a strong following of religious fanatics against the borgias. Of course he was crazier and had visions but it was basically the same setup.

The effect is overestimated. How similar are Christians today to Christ or the original followers? How many black people take after MLK today? Pretty much all movements become distorted beyond recognition after the original leaders die.

>implying the High Sparrow would have done anything if Tywin was still alive

High Sparrow would have shit his pants if Tywin was still the Hand of the King.

Fucking Tyrion had to go fuck everything up with killing Tywin. He would have molded Tommen into a perfect king. RIP the man who should have always been king

Tywin was about to lose the entire kingdom to Robb Stark and Stannis before the red wedding and blackwater. If it wasn't for le ebig midget they would all be speaking northener right now.

>Robb winning the war

No , he lost the moment he went down South and into the Riverlands but yes Stannis would have won if he took Kingslanding.

Yeah I figure that desu. Been thinking about this. sadly the show only have less than 10 hours a season :(

oh himmm. my bad. sorry drinking a bit. yeah. poor dude. he got rekt hard. but did well. damn. feel dumb for not thinking about him now. thanks

>No , he lost the moment he went down South and into the Riverlands
Except he was wrecking the Lannisters left and right until he got his dick in stupid.

That's why I said relatively poor. Compared to Hilary or Trump he is


tfw Cersei rused the Tyrells into making a move just to watch them crash and burn.

They're well armed and numerous, courtesy of Cersei.

Wait, High Sparrow is a villain?! What the fuck, I genuinely like this guy.

He's only a villain if you side with the Lannisters and Tyrells, who've done way worse shit

he's better described as an antagonist

>Tommen will never go full Tywin on his enemies and unite the realms

>implying his philosophy isn't 100% right if applied to the real world

jesus that's the fakest looking sex i've ever seen

Worst sub plot of the show. His monologue about shoes was so fucking meaningless and boring.

shame shes a coalburner


This. It's hard to see the High Sparrow as a bad guy when the people he's antagonizing are far worse in every way, and deserve everything that's happened to them. Especially when him coming into power was the direct result of one of their fucked up selfish revenge schemes.

>love Bernie Sanders
wew lad

He doesn't even care about gays in the books

He arrests Cersei for murdering Robert and Margarey for committing adultery, which is treason since she's queen.

How is this guy anything like Bernie Sanders? He's a religious zealot. Bernie is an atheist.

Guarantee the big reveal will be he doesn't actually believe in gods.

Dragged down an alleyway by starving peasants and eaten as the meat in a savory bowl of brown would be a fitting end.

>protects the disenfranchised masses from a tyrannic system that only exploits them
>audience hates him because he opposes sexual degeneracy that todays people are told to like by the media

The show is so telegraphed it is pathetic. For the fags who can't see it coming.
>The House Tyrell will crush the High Sparrow
>High Sparrow will have his dick cut off, disrobed and marched through the streets to be taken to High Garden and imprisoned
> Mountain will crush many Sparrows
> Westeros will have a revolt leading to exiling the Tyrells including Margeary after Tommen is convinced by Cersei that it is the only way to keep her safe
> Cersei and Jaime will rejoin the small council

I think the Lanisters are going use the Tyrells to defeat the Sparrows, and then use the resulting public backlash to destroy the Tyrells.

Killing him is a stupid plan imo. It will just make him a martyr and strengthen his cause. Don't they have assassins for this shit to look like an accident?

he is the only man who dared stand up to the corrupt government.

..Jamie...Jamie Lannister did.

This man is the most based character in the entire show.

fuck you, degenerate scum