why the fuck is this shit so popular, I just had to rent this on amazon finally because it has 5 stars, and couldn't take it anymore after the first 15 minutes of this film, yet, it still has a 5 star rating. It is literally worse than any film you could name here, holy shit I want to kill my self because people find that film amusing. what the fuck. that movie is fucking terrible, I like Ryan Reynolds and what not but what the fuck, holy shit this movie was beyond fucking bad. I have never owned a gun in my life but I am now considering purchasing one if this is the direction humanity is taking.
>>>/2nd grade/
I'm 27 you fuck lord. The movie was fucking shit and you know it.
I haven't watched it mostly because all the jokes feel very forced in the trailers. I can't find it funny like everyone else.
this movie is fucking MEME INCARNATE
>likes Ryan Reynolds
>doesn't like Ryan Reynolds playing Ryan Reynolds
>as in pay money
I really enjoyed it, but I didn't even pay when I saw it in theaters. Sucker.
Agree to disagree.
Why would you trust those ratings?
Its not great by any means, but I think people overrated it because its somewhat different. At least for capeshit.
I'd give it a solid 6/10 or so. It was certainly worth watching. I found it funny: even though a lot of jokes fell flat, there were so many quick enough i was entertained.
I see tweedle dee and dumb have arrived
they are generally pretty accurate, whoever got this movie on amazon obviously paid people off to up vote it way more than it should have been to increase sales.
Was just talkin to my buddy about this earlier today. I watched a few scenes here and there, couldn't even continue. It was awful
>enjoy a movie, was entertained
Are you a fucking retard or what?
Same reason why Kanye west's MBDTF is popular
Dude, the Deadpool movie literally defined my childhood
Anybody seen Oculus? Just finished it and I thought this was the main girl who is watching him go, it doesn't look like the child version of her that is seen a few moments prior
Finally someone said the truth
It's no unwatchable, it's just boring. Predictable and boring, full of played out comedy and wanna-be shock value. No redeeming content either.
Contrarianism is my wheelhouse!
I will watch "Hancock" over deadpool anyday. Hancock should have taken off, but didn't for some reason. Probably because ''muh alcohol"
What did you not like about it
I've heard that some people hate fun. You should look in to that
Constructive criticism is always welcome, m8. A little more of it next time, pls.
>implying you have any influence on the direction of the films
Not OP, but trust me, the jokes in the movie are every bit as forced. There were only one or two instances when I laughed, and that's pretty disappointing for something considered a comedy.
This review sums up my viewing experience.
Not bad enough to rage bout, still pretty bad though.
Is it really worse than Hudson Hawk?
where the fuck were you guys a few weeks ago
been saying the same shit about the humor and would get shit on by people saying it was sooo amazing
the best part about the movie was how it felt like like barely above b movie production value