He kept us waiting and we got another Reb Brown review, I guess the Pantreon money is starting to fade away

he kept us waiting and we got another Reb Brown review, I guess the Pantreon money is starting to fade away

Just give up already Spoony

Stop posting this faggot. At least post Latza.

Is that mustache real?

It's ironic, right? A joke?

Latza thread.


it's spoony, I don't doubt it's real

How long until Spoony reacts to the James Rolfe Ghostbusters drama? How will he react? I feel like the odds are 50/50. On one hand, Spoony really fucking hates remakes and probably agrees with everything James said but on the other hand, Spoony is a hypocritical piece of shit who loves to mindlessly hop onto bandwagons.

Is that the same Spoony that did the SWAT and old FMV games? What's he up to these days?

I liked most of the video. I hope he does more, spoony is still one of the better reviewers.

im not expecting the guy to be in his sunday best but could he at least wash and comb his hair before stepping infront of a camera

>Is that the same Spoony that did the SWAT and old FMV games?
No, that Spoony is dead

>What's he up to these days?
I don't know, but I hear this is his year

While Based James was un cucking himself, Doug was max shilling to the SJW's. Meme Magic at it's best.

Also Eggkara is up and live get in here!

Well, Reb Brown is over. Who's excited to wait another 6 months for whatever Frank Stallone movie he picks?

Im back again with my spoony perfume. The last time I posted it the thread got pruned. April would make you a batch too probably.


wtf is this shit?

e g g k a r a

I hope he goes fucking berserk and Miles has to cap him in the back of the head, George and Lenny style.

He doesn't live with his brother anymore. Dude, keep up with the narrative.

It's a custom ordered Spoony perfume. It was made by none other than April Von Lon. I special requested it from her shop. It smells pretty strongly. If I'm lucky she might even have but a little bit of the spoonster himself into it!

We are here senpai, get in here
>This man has the stones to insult based James

I bet she scraped his ball cheese after a long depression and squeezed it into that jar then added water to the full line. Drink it. A real man would drink it and taste his testicular essence.

Can you give a link to the stream? I cant find it.

instasync com/r/eggkara
Edited for Mod approval, but you can piece it together

Miles is such a good shot he could hit Spoony from Arizona.


Thank you friend

>about to go to bed
>scan the Sup Forums catalog one last time
>see Spoony thread

Why does every YouTuber you guys obsess over look so unhealthy?



Fuckin shit I hadnt even seen this guy yet . Why does he look like he's in his twenties and his forties? Dude has Benjamin Button's.

Do you guys like these people because you have the same skin? Or is it those weird fitting jeans with the seam that looks like it should go in the inside that you guys wear?

Spoony's fall makes me want to cry sometimes. The man had such promise.

you think he'll bitch about james rolfe?


Dude he is addicted to twitter. 55,000 tweets, and he didn't say anything about this.

Meaning he never will, and is no friend to james or anyone that reviews movies.


People paying to hear other people talk about movies.

What a time we live in.

Base Brad really showed Rolfe when he made his video response. Knocked his arguments about as hard as the concussion that got Brad sent to the hospital.

>being a faggot