ITT: Movies with WM/BF

Why are movies with white male and black female couples so good?

Post your favorite WM/BF movies. Sup Forumsacks and fa/tv/irgins welcome. Reddit is not allowed cause y'all are faggots.

Not to mention, if you disapprove of a stronk independent black woman getting bleached, you are a racist and probably a kike as well.

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The correct term is COLONIZED

This film is older, but certainly started the trend of getting BLEACHED, (I believe it was the first Hollywood production to introduce bleaching well before Michael Jackson) Made in 1971, I think it was the first movie featuring an interracial kiss between a white male and black female.

Man Sam Jackson was based in that movie, nigga could spot degeneracy a mile away

This was a good movie. Sam Jackson is good at playing a crazy motherfucker.

Another science fiction film, this one came from the 90's, directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by based god of action movies James Cameron.

Completely agree, degeneracy knows no racial bounds.

One of my faves.

Ooops wrong poster, but I agree with you as well

meant for

I need more anons, this is an important part of cinema. What movies can you think of?

I also like it, especially the setting, and the use of technology, it made for some interesting scenes when you saw some crazy shit through someone else"s eyes.

Race mixing is a sin in the eyes of the Lord

Fuck off you giant piece of shit, we are celebrating cinema you scum bag, it just so happens there are some good movies with STRAIGHT WHITE MALES and black females.


WmB"w" movies are shit and are highly unrealistic. Black women are ugly as fuck and everybody knows it. Why would a white guy even consider fucking a AIDS riddled thug factory when he can fuck a pretty pristine white goddess.
White women are better then ugly ass black women in every conceivable way black women are worthless pieces of shit. The only guys considering fucking a nasty ass black bitch are desperate ugly virgins that are unable to fuck a woman of worth.

Take your Jewish race mixing propaganda to where it belongs

Omega man btw

Black women are much more pretty then white women and they have big asses and titties.


already posted, but good contribution

The Eiger Sanction for more 70's flix

I unironically really enjoy this movie.

>this is what pops up when I search for movies fitting this criteria

Actually wmbf is the fasting growing marriage rate

I'm tapped out of main characters, but Frogs from 1972 has WM/BF as well

Oh dang, I completely forgot about Frogs, kek

I also give them credit for a great tag line.

I found the cheat sheet

Wmbf kino coming thru

How the fuck could I forget Monster's Ball

Kek, I was going to post this eventually

Let's not forget based Cruise

Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown
Quentin loves him some negresses.

Also its not shown onscreen but In Bruges.

>Jackie Brown

Pam Grier is top tier

High Fidelity briefly, most movies with Thandie Newton.

We can stay with Bonet and add Angel Heart.

So I just watched this movie. Is it really like this being in an interracial relationship? Do you take shit from people all the time about it?

Only in the minds of liberals

So if I wanted to date a black girl, you don't think the brothers would have a problem with that?


>impregnates kerrie washington
>has the cajones to be upset about it