Decided to rewatch this. pretty comfy desu

decided to rewatch this. pretty comfy desu

I wanted to stick it in Aunt Z's V

did you fap
same here niggu same here

1990's Caroline Rhea was high test.

>did you fap

You berter believe it.

salem is pretty great. also much of the shows humour still holds up.

hey it's that shitty show I watched because i didn't have cable or good friends

>talking sarcastic cat


what was her fucking problem?

The best part was how MJH had a skirt on for every episode.

>Sabrinas teacher is the one directing the new Ghostbusters

Isn't it funny where life takes us.

I remember an episode where she gets turned into a barbie and her boobs get bigger. I think it was in the crappy last season or something I am not sure.

>tfw she doesn't have hairy arms anymore

>It's a Sabrina cucks Harvey with Turk episode




Sometimes I think fondly of the times in the late 90s when I almost married this chick who looked just like MJH, then I look up the old photo albums and it turns out she was actually ugly as sin and I don't know what I was thinking. Then I remember how much I loved her and realize I would have still been so much better off with her than alone.

Did the non-chink male young Mythbuster play a character in this? When she was in college or after I seem to remember him in it.

I hope to god some qt gets cast as Sabrina in Riverdale.

>late 90s
>schoolgirl uniforms everywhere
>short skirts
>knee high stockings

glorious times

wish you kids could have been there

>>late 90s
>>schoolgirl uniforms everywhere
>>short skirts
>>knee high stockings
>you couldn't have any of it anyway

yeah the times, they have changed.