Was this building literally made out of lighter fluid?

Was this building literally made out of lighter fluid?

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No but there was plenty of it in those torches. I think you're underestimating how quickly a building goes from nothing to inferno.

No it was literally made out of dry grass in the middle of a desert.

How did they not have the dragons fly over at the end? It seems like the obvious exclamation point.

Or is that how the next episode will start?

>The dirt fucking caught on fire.
This series has actual transcended beyond stupidity.

im more disappointed by the lack of smoke, cuckpai


Giant dry plains like that will just spontaneously burst into flames at random in real life. If is that hard to believe you could intentionally set that shit on fire?

>No but there was plenty of lighter fluid in those torches

>The mother of mary sue.
It's like pottery at this point. People give Rey a hard time but at least Rey had to fight in SW

Jorah and Darrio had doused it beforehand, dumbass. Remember the whole "And you're going to help me" thing Dany said?

nobody noticed the floor was soaked in pitch?

All young white liberal women see in her everything they wish they could be…

Saving all the brown people from themselves and their ignorant ways. (Slavery)

Sleeping with all the handsome men, and all of them desire her. (Jorah & Naharas)

She can't bare any children (White women don't like children or have them) but she has pet dogs to protect her. (Dragons)

She's has special snowflake powers no one understands, that she always reminds everyone about. (Fireproof)

She's what every leftist first world woman wishes they could be.

Nope :^) Stupid men haha

Maybe they didn't have enough frequent flyer miles

>what is an oil lamp

fucking dumbass

It was built out of paper towel rolls and tissue paper, and held together with highly flammable rubber cement.

this pepe doesn't match your joke

>Its a khals stand around waiting to burn alive instead of jumping daenerys and fucking her shit up episode

I guess I didn't meme too good this time

I kept thinking, surelyrics Drogon will fly over, but no. And if even if it might have been cheesy, you could just say that it would have been attractedited to the fire and smell of burning bodies. Completely logical.

But whatever

I think you memed just fine friend fuck that other guy

You would be amazed how quickly a modern house can go up in flames. A couple of minutes for a hut made up of dry wood is not unbelievable especially when the fire was spread out in multiple directions

>Beating up the girl will surely stop the flames!

No, it's you who is the dumbass

Weren't there vents near the roof?

Their help was killing the guards and barricading the door from the outside. The oil from the lamps and the building's wicker construction took care of the rest.

Anybody remember that video of the shitty band using fireworks indoors and the whole club went up in flames in a minute and killed a shitload of people


Seriously at this point "Mary Sue" should be renamed to "TV Danaerys"

why is dany immune to fire

in the books simply riding Drogon burnt the shit out of her, let alone standing in an inferno

like the first time is ok because blood magic but why now

Because the books don't matter anymore senpai

>Dothraki jet fuel
>melts gold
>burns massive wood beams


fuck you both, he didn't meme good at all. this is a proper memein

>It's a The central building that's supposed to go up in flames is conveniently spaced away from the rest of the city so that enough people can gather to worship her and not catch fire episode

I've seen two episodes of GoT in my life and watching this scene I concluded she must have some sort of magic powers.

is this supposed to be some halfassed feels trigger or something? whose dick, and who's she. explain this shit submeme textpic

>Daenerys knocks down one brazier
>Khal runs and tackles her to the ground before she can push down more braziers while the others put out the fire/find a way out


>thinking some desert shitskins have the foresight to do that instead of panicking


If it's made of dry grass, why don't the Khals just punch through it?

>battle-hardened warriors that surely have set their fair share of buildings ablaze

>those 4x4's

Because these ex-wives are master weavers who used some sturdy-as-shit grass to build the tent

TMYK old timey huts had holes in the middle of the roof because people don't like breathing smoke

Modern homes go up in flames much faster then in the old days, as nowadays our furniture, carpets and such is made out of synthetic materials made from petroleum, which also releases huge clouds of smoke and toxic gasses.

Here’s a video youtube.com/watch?v=aDNPhq5ggoE comparing the burning rates of a modern living room to an oldy timey one; the modern couch bursts into flames and there is all kinda smoke, while the old couch made out of natural fibers like wool, just smolders.

That said, Daenerys obviously got the other Dosh Khaleen women (or aat least that one gal) to spread flammable oil everywhere inside the temple, which is why it went up so fast.

Of course in true Dumb & Dumber fashion, they made the Dosh Khaleen hate the Khals and their men when in fact, they’re all former khaleesis and are high status priestesses among the Dothraki who live a life of luxury.

And then theres the issue of the Khal and his men somehow not noticing that there’s oil literally poured all over the place…

And finally, Daenerys is apparently now a superhero who is immune to fire.


>Daenerys is apparently now a superhero who is immune to fire.

For all that lore-spewing you just did, you seemed to have missed the big one

I'm still don't know which one is dabid

Less than 5 minutes.

>For all that lore-spewing you just did, you seemed to have missed the big one

And what is that?

There couldn't have been more than 4 liters of oil in those braziers. 4 liters doesn't splash up stairs across a wide room and instantly ignite solid wood support beams. The entire scene was insultingly bad.

fuck off.

They obviously put something flammable on the ground before the meeting, are you retarded?

Not him, but she was already shown to be immune to fire when the dragons hatched, not really sure why you are saying "now".

How did they get inside without being noticed?
Why didn't anyone notice the entire sand/dirt floor was wet with oil?
Why didn't anyone smell this oil?
Why did a dry dirt footstep sound effect play when Khals walked if the ground was wet with oil?
Why didn't one of the thousands of people outside run up and take the bar locking the door in place off?
Why did thousands of people who follow a culture that despises sorcery bow to a bitch who just displayed some sort of magic/sorcery fireproof bullshit?

It's tradition to wipe kerosene on the floor before all meeting. Fucking normie.

It happened off-screen, fill your questions with literally whatever you want.

Stop thinking harder than D&D did. They only got 1.5 seasons to wrap this shit up.

I assumed those two other chicks trailed oil when they came in to help Dany.

Turns out they killed them. How the hell did dirt catch fire so quickly?

They are not going to say that jorah and daario snuck in and put oil everywhere because thats even dumber than what they filmed, which was pretty fucking dumb itself.

People would have noticed oil everywhere as soon as they walked in the room and just immediately grabbed kelly c and powerslammed her into the oily floor snapping her back and neck.

They are just going to pretend that tipping over a brazier full of coals makes a stone floor catch fire like you dumped a truck full of napalm, and that the khals were just paralyzed by fear at the sight of flames for some reason and instead of immediately charging kelly c and fucking her shit up hand to hand after she tipped the first one they just stood there shaking and pissing themselves will Smuggy C strolled over to another brazier while saying WHATS THE MATTER BOYS AFRAID OF A LITTLE FIRE?

Its not going to be explained more than what we saw. Its just not going to be referenced again. Its dumb and its stupid but its not the last incredibly dumb and stupid thing this show will do and we will all still watch it every week anyway.

Why didn't they just have the dragon burn that shit down? Like where the fuck did it go?

anyone else find it unintentionally hilarious how Deny looked when she pushes over those braziers?
her short, fat, stumpy arms, dramatically pushing them over made me burst into treats, freaking t-rex arms

Probably dry ass wood, they're in the desert

Having a CGI drogon fly in and burn the building down costs approximately seven million dollars. Having Kelly C tip over a brazier is free since shes already getting paid to be on the shoot.

The 20 good men

Oil lamps are braziers full of coal?

Sad part is is that you're probably right.

Ahh, the ol Station Nightclub Fire


This video is still one of the only things that kind of disturbs me

I thought I saw some kind of accelerant liquid leaking out from the knocked over torches, directing the flames in that direction. I'll have to watch this again.

It kind of just makes it look like she's a fucking witch

>ask friend these same questions
>"That's not the point, don't think so hard about it."

why doesn't dany win every battle by lighting herself on fire and running around lobbing wildfire grenades at people?

magic, comet, neither were here.

I said in the thread a couple of days ago, best strategy is just heat her up inside a furnace or kiln until she is white hot with retained heat and then just have her charge the enemy like incinerating people with 3000 degree punches and kicks, melting armor and horses and skulls with her white hot hands, men turning away from her blinding and screaming from her incandescence as if the sun had just walked into the room.

She sat in the funeral pyre overnight so she doesn't need to breathe, thats already established. If her blood could boil it would have then as well. As long as she can retain the heat from being in a furnace she would be an avatar of Ra until the heat wore off which would probably take at least half an hour.

Just grease her up and stuff her in a kiln and then stoke it for like six hours, she'll be all charged up and ready for battle.

Arrow to the head, then what?

You are done here m8

You ever tried to shoot an arrow at the sun?

>implying her being immune to fire mean she can store it's energy

on weed?

>Somehow doesn't get hit by falling shit or die from lack of oxygen
Dany confirmed for Drowned God

I can handle her being immune to fire.

But I won't believe she can ignore the laws of thermodynamics. If shes in a furnace it might not hurt her, but she's going to rise to the ambient temperature. And once shes hot enough, shes gonna be radiating heat like a fucking flame golem.

She sat in a funeral pyre, which is about 2600 degrees, overnight. She sat in there breathing nothing but flames and burning embers for eight fucking hours.

She doesn't need to breathe.

A badass fucking witch. She is basically the Sauron of GoT as I understand it. Kicking things up a notch with her fire resistance to pyrokinesis makes Dany seem a lot more menacing. You know she's going to be a villain eventually, certainly by the time she makes her Westeros entrance.

If you look at the absolute misery and countless ruined lives she has left in her wake she's already clearly the villain.

Doesnt fire have oxygen in it

It needs oxygen to burn, but it consumes it as part of the combustion process. Short answer; no.

Like most of us, Dany is the hero of her own story. She answers injustice with JUSTICE. Such a well-intentioned villain though, isn't she? Sadly, the Breaker of Chains will just end up forging them anew.