I love Idris Elba but why was this necessary?
Why do they have to blackwash Roland Deschain? He is so specifically depicted in the books as a white man that his color becomes a major plot point in The Drawing of Three.
I see a white boi and I want to paint him black
Why was what necessary?
Idris Elba is playing Roland Deschain in the upcoming Dark Tower movie adaptation.
They/they'll probably rewrite that aspect to where the woman is a white racist, if they include it at all. So it'll work itself out. It think that's kind of shitty, but they change stuff in adaptations all the time, its not that weird.
I think he'll do a fine job.
why do people love idris elba though, he's not even a GREAT actor desu he plays the same smug, monotone character in every role.
Or the voice of a smug monotone character
Another shitty Stephen King adaptation, now with niggers.
It's just not going to convince me. I like Idris Elba as an actor but I'm not going to be able to watch this and see Roland. I'm going to see cowboy Idris
its called the DARK tower
not the the whitey fuccboi tower xd
No she just has to call him an Uncle Tom and a house nigga
Darker than ever now.
The man in Black is white, tho
>I love Idris Elba but
>Idris Elba
The dark Tower starts playing
>>They/they'll probably rewrite that aspect to where the woman is a white racist, if they include it at all.
>removing or changing a black disabled female identifying person of color
Honestly they could remove every ounce of the racist/Detta stuff and the story would lose nothing at all.
King loves to write about racism but is really fucking bad at it.
honestly they could remove the entire story
just like get the black idrizi to put the dark tower in his ass the tower is the man in black's dick that's why he's called the man in black because his man meat is in black idrizi and the man meat is extension of his manliness so the man itself is in the blackness of black idrizi's black hole that is his anal cavity
this is black man opressing the white man because black idrizi is a power bottom he powers his bottom from the top of the dark tower which is the man in black's dick
*tumblr snaps fingers in glee*
I uh, don't really know what to make of this.
Are you alright?
i am the very model of the animal and mineral
We could've had based Viggo
Viggo has been out of the game for a long time.
There's a few others who might have been able to do it.
>mfw the fourth season of Luther
King is a cuck so I don't see why any of this is surprising.
Motherfucker Viggo is the game.. escort yourself to the back of the line.
He wasn't really smug in Luther. Just intense and weary and angry occasionally.
>tfw your favorite author is a leftist pissbaby
Ilba is a better actor so on your bike.
>Viggo has been out of the game
wow racist much?
accept all of your characters being changed into minorities or else you're a bigot and literally hitler
nice me.me
What was the last movie he was even in? He just doesn't act anymore.
While the Dark Tower series is probably his best work, it still needs to be trimmed down and a lot of it needs to be re-purposed by a better writer so that it isn't so slow.
All we wanted was a modern day sci fi Clint Eastwood and we get thias fucking bullshit!
Well Wizard and Glass can be removed wholesale with no loss so there's that saved right there. And books one and two can easily be covered in one movie.
>Mi hija esta invisible!
>unironically reading grocery store literature
you can see the despair in his eyes, they don't know what the fuck they're doing, and now after this flops we'll have to wait another 10 years until another director dares to reboot it. they had one fucking job and they blew it.
He's got a new one coming out that's got hype on it, stop watching Capeshit and expand your horizons dipshit
it makes me so mad that they didn't pick viggo.
...like Roland
>first Heimdall, the whitest of the nordic gods
>now Roland Deschain, a copy of Clint Eastwood
Not so shocking.
Wheel of Time was just picked up by a major studio, for a television series.
Rand al'Thor is going to be black, Perrin is being turned into a woman and Gwendolyn Christie is being considered for the role, and Mat could end up being Mexican, but this is not sure.
That aspect is an easy re write and you fucking know it. Jackass.
It's the negro mindset. We just wanna show yall up in every aspect
Trust me, if I ever made it big as an actor, I'm playing Katrina era dubya first chance I get. And I'm Getting Oscar for it
it's just not fucking fair, for years we've been waiting to see roland on the big screen and they come up whit this shit.
>beast of no nation
S.King is meant to be read, not watched, now they're race baiting with it as a means to market it - why do you hate yourself America?
Learn to master the English language, and you'll impress me enough, negro.
In a few years, when I have amassed enough wealth, I plan on paying outlandish wages for coloreds to pick cotton, sing slave songs, and essentially be my slaves while on the clock.
Like 99.9 percent of Stephen King tv or movies don't turn out to be utter shit far from the books.
He is almost incapable of not raping his intellectual property after the fact.
What a lame comeback. Learn to bantz dude.
most of the time he rapes his intellectual properties by adapting them faithfully.
>Then you'll impress me
Mangler was pure fucking genius you merry band of faggoteers.
>why was this necessary?
we want the tarantino audience
>supposed to look like Clint Eastwood
>this is mentioned several times to the point where Eddie even thinks about it when he looks at Roland
>Roland literally gets called a "white motherfucker" multiple times by Detta
>Roland's blue eyes are constantly mentioned
Better cast one of the blackest black men ever
McConaughey as Flagg will be cool, tho
Repraising his role as Rustin Cole from True Detective, pretty much.