"Hey so the entire world got together and said you need oversight because you caused a bunch of collateral damage...

>"Hey so the entire world got together and said you need oversight because you caused a bunch of collateral damage. You're still heroes though, we just can't leave you with potentially world-destroying decisions, those are up to the people of the world, not just you"
>"Look if there's really something we ask you to do that you aren't comfortable with, you can always walk away or just do whatever you were going to do anyways. For instance, there's this really dangerous sleeper cell agent that kills people in cold blood whenever someone says his magic words. He just needs to die. Period. You don't have to do that, someone else wil-
>proceeds to jeopardize even more lives by protecting one of the most dangerous men on earth
>destroys an airport and gets a bunch of his friends thrown in prison
Why is Capt so fucking stupid holy shit

Stark did nothing wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


Captain America: Civil Wars
-Villain is an ordinary guy with no super powers
-Villain manipulates people using deception to cause heroes to fight each other
-Movie is all about the human consequences of a previous film
-Movie is used to set up a new franchise.

Batman vs Superman
-Villain is an ordinary guy with no super powers
-Villain manipulates people using deception to cause heroes to fight each other
-Movie is all about the human consequences of a previous film
-Movie is used to set up a new franchise.

Partisan faggots utterly and completely BTFO.

t. democrat

You forgot:
-Billionaire with no superpowers is the only one who's right

How? If anything, Capt just goes full libertarian retard and stark is an honest to god capitalist conservative. He's the most American person in the whole movie

the sad thing is that you care. The civil war movie plot was shit compared to the comic Civil War. It was straight retarded.

Because Cap knows that the UN is corrupt from top to bottom, slow beyond usefulness, and would inevitably refuse to allow them to act when necessary and to their full abilities. This happens in real life, you know. Liberals still think the UN is the world government or something when it has no business even existing.

you're the sad part you fucking loser. OP is a pretty kewl guy

What would regulation even change? "Hey guys save the world, just do it safely"
As if that wasn't their priority before, adding bureaucracy and government influence inhibits their ability to take decisive action without political influence.

It was all retarded. I was excited because I thought I'd get to see a battle between collectivism and individualism, instead I got a one-sided fight to the ???
between a strawman and three black guys who don't call each other by their superhero names

Dialectics to reinforce consumerism... notice how it's all about conformity, whichever side they choose the outcome is the same and the message is the same: as long as you're just going along with what others tell you then you're blameless. Now go make money.

More like "hey Avengers, you can't save everyone. This winter soldier guy really needs to die, it's not your decision to make"

Imagine if Gotham City ever made the decision to give Joker the death penalty. Literally everyone would be happy.

>Cap saw Hydra take over all of SHIELD and almost take over the world with their bullshit missile systems
>Hey Tony maybe we shouldn't cave to the UN with their oversight bullshit since we know what we're doing, and YOU Tony are the only one that actually caused any real damage by making Ultron
>No Tony, I'm not going to roll over and let the government kill my best friend who was framed
>Fine Tony I let the government take my friend prisoner, oh wait that only let some other villain that infiltrated the government, how was it a good idea for us to give total control to the government again?

Except Zemo didn't really use deception to get them to fight. He told Tony the truth


Isn't it sort of confirmed that the UN has ties to this shadow organization? Hell, Hyrda has it's fingers in everything in the MCU.

It makes total sense for Cap to be wary of going under global oversight when every single political infrastructure is corrupt and infiltrated.

Yes, the thing superheroes need more than anything is bureaucracy to severely reduce the speed with which they can respond to to emergencies, introduce even more human error into what they're doing, and give them the risk of being manipulated by corrupt politicians. All under a framework that does nothing at the face of things to actually reduce the collateral damage in a meaningful way.

>How? If anything, Capt just goes full libertarian retard and stark is an honest to god capitalist conservative

dumb redcoat americans

It literally doesn't even matter that he was framed, he's a menace to society.
>total control to the goverment
They aren't robots. They can say no anytime they're told to do something evil. Just like you'd expect the people you already trust with power to protect you to do, like the police or the military.

Funny you mention shield, because Nick Fury would have been totally fine with the accords. You know why? Because Nick Fury said fuck the council whenever there was a finger on the button.

>Cap says no
>they immediately try to kill him

Except that you're executing a man who was controlled by a secret government agency, who had things taken out of his own agency and control. You see how control over superhuman beings ends up badly, you shitter?

Just like how the bureaucracy stops the police and firefighters from doing their jobs all the time right?

It definitely impedes on the police you fucking idiot. They are at the whim of the state government and their funding is dependent on them focusing on certain crimes to generate revenue.

You don't know the history of the UN. There have been very few times when they weren't totally useless or they didn't just fuck the situation up more. And that happens after weeks of deliberation and drawing up an action plan and a mandate for each specific situation. It doesn't work at all, just like your analogy.

>Just like how the bureaucracy stops the police and firefighters from doing their jobs all the time right?
If firefighters had to wait for the OK from a highly politicized organization like the U.N. before putting out fires this might be a good comparison

i bet you also think rambo was the bad guy in first blood

>letting the people of the world make decisions for themselves is the same thing as total, autocratic control of every superhero on earth
>Cap purposefully stops them from killing the most dangerous man on earth for seemingly no reason
>they take him into custody and disarm him
Wow so evil.

Hmm lets see here...

>be on a leash to the world government, which is totally corrupt and has an unconstitutional agenda
>use your powers to fight for true nobility and altruism

captain america was right the entire time, retards, iron man even verbally says "i was wrong"

iron mans flip out at the end just proves how emotionally and intellectually unstable he is

its a corny capeshit film but if you werent siding with captain america you are a disgusting communist retard who needs to gargle on their own smegma

>Except Zemo didn't really use deception
Yeah, except for that whole fake Bucky blowing up the UN bit that started the whole fight.

You honestly think politicians could be trusted to make those decisions?

You sweet summer child.

Hey woah, while I think we all can agree that the UN is a useless piece of shit, it's an ADMIRABLE useless piece of shit that should be around only if for the hope that it actually accomplishes something useful.

Cap just needs to stick it in bucks pooper already

yeah much better these decisions be handled by completely unaccountable criminal vigilantes

Cap't was in the army and then shield. He doesn't have a problem following orders. Being under the command of the fucking UN general assembly is stupid. The first day Saudi Arabia would just bribe countries to have them vote to send the avengers to Yemen. It'd be a clusterfuck

>They can say no anytime they're told to do something evil
which is exactly what cap did when he refused to sign the accords, or let his innocent best friend die


>Have a group of admirable, moral, super powered heroes
>Save the world
>Save the world again
>Each save smaller parts of the world in their spare time
>~200 or so people die in the process of stopping these global disasters that would result in the death of literally everyone
>WE NEED TO STOP THESE MONSTERS! Think of the children!

In a world where the US can accidentally bomb a MSF hospital without repercussions I find it really difficult to see the accord as anything but a power grab.

And trying to keep super powers out of the hands of government was EXACTLY what Iron Man 2 was about, I know Tony was rattled and he's matured a bit, but you'd think he'd be smart enough to see that.

How different is it really? One is implicit and one is explicit.

I'm genuinely convinced that #TeamCap asshats suffer from a form of mental retardation.

That's why you have all those YouTuber mouthbreathers supporting Cap's position no matter how moronic and irresponsible it is.

Tony was the only one trying to be an adult about the whole situation and the movie made him out to be the bad guy.

Nothing was more satisfying than seeing him kick Cap and Bucky's asses up until the story decided he couldn't anymore.

>Tony could go nuclear and fucking fry both cap and his fuckface bucky
>somehow cap is a hero for not killing Tony 2vs1

>only one trying to be an adult
>bootlicker who throws a tantrum over mommy and daddy
yeah, cap fans are the ones who are mentally ill with no self-awareness :^)

>it was so cool to see iron man beat up the good guys, until they started to kick his ass

vigilantes that regularly betray one another and beat the shit out of each other the first time a real decision is in front of them no less

>literally save the entire fucking planet from certain destruction

So I guess you just ignored the part when Cap brought up the fact that governments always have agendas and the avengers are far too strong to be subject to that?

How do you want your moral dilemma, senpai?

>Weak and contrived!

B-but muh bucky, muh victim blaming

One is a Democratic collective consensus among people with rights deciding how they get saved and who saves them, the other is a straight dictatorship that tries to enslave the earth.
>imply it was only 200
>those people who died just have to accept that Mr. America guy and the fat Green thing caused them to die, and nothing anyone else says matters.

>Democratic collective consensus
>'hey lets take a vote every time before we deploy the avengers! nothing bad will happen in the meantime'
>things pass immediately in congress all the time, democracy is great! 5th grade education makes me believe this is a good idea!

>cause a bunch of collateral damage and make decisions that nearly destroyed the entire world, just barely unfucking things in time and getting a city destroyed in the process
>Yeah just keep doing what you're doing, perfect
I guess you missed the other 20 parts where people with a hidden agenda manipulated their dumbasses despite having no supervision

consensus about the accords. The avengers were to be supervised by small council to stop them from doing dumb shit like releasing hulk near a major city.

>he wasn't educated about how the president is given the power to do exactly that and it almost always prevents us from entering conflicts
Looks like you missed U.S. Gov. class a bit too many times captard

>individuals never gave agendas, only governments


are you sure you wouldnt enjoy discussing Batman v Superman more than this? You seem like a DC Damage Control pleb faggot

>he wouldn't kill the asshole who murdered his family

What's it like being a criminal apologist?

> friendly reminder from /co, dont feed the trolls. I see this one migrated from/co after we continually proved him wrong. He continues to make the same lame arguments and refuses to move on with his life.

>Despite the supergeeks’ arguing either against working for the restrictive capitalist government or for their own sense of doing right and correcting injustice, the fact is, nothing here has gravitas. Civil War is politics as adolescents misperceive social/global crisis.

>This has been going on for so long (ever since Hollywood realized the bounty to be had in cajoling comic-book culture’s ready audience; since, say, the 1978 Superman film, then 1989’s Batman) that, by now, the brainwashing is complete. The trivializing has grabbed such hold that when a genuine pop artist like Zack Snyder deepens comics lore into visionary, moral art (the profound Man of Steel and Batman v Superman), many fanboys, and critics, react with anger, resentment — and ignorance.

>he was so wrong he resorted to identity politics on a board about television and movies
>implying I've even seen Batman vs. Superman

This scene is still relevant.


lets see if the avengers werent at nyc, it would have been over run with aliens then nuked aka the people who died would still be dead along with million others

if cap wasnt at dc hydra would 3 carriers killing who they wanted whenever they wanted including stark and the president

slov-whatever makes sense cause ultron was made by stark but if they didnt eventually fix the mistake the entire earth would be destroyed

I am more pissed at the fact that they could've made this as the clash of ideals. Instead they just made everything out to be a simple misunderstanding.

When I first heard about this civil war between the avenger and learned that it was because of the governement trying to control them I thought it was a neat Idea to have captain oppose that because it would mean the end of their individual freedom and more likely to be used as weapons later down the line.

It also made sense that Tony was in favor since he's more inline for order and control.

I mean how great would it had been to have this clash of ideologies manifest itself in this huge conflict between heroes.

Capt. turning into a rebel "traitor" when he's named Captain America and even after he was willing to give his life for his country and his friends.

Tony, the rebellious cocky genius falling from grace and giving in to order. Trying to desperately control the damage his weapons have caused.

We could've had a deep clash of ideals, but even more importantly a war between friends.

But no. Instead we got a "war" that lasted an hour and started because of a misunderstanding.
It wasn't even a war, it was a 15 minute scuffle between friends complete with quips.

So basically that's uh, 2 things they did right? The first being collected and under the supervision of SHIELD and a council?

what other marot events have happened in any marvel movie?? i brought those up cause those are ones brought up in movie

>marot events

>allowing bureaucrats to control you after the whole SHIELD incident

Fuck Tony.

You should read the comic event then.

This is going to happen when Thanos rolls in. Im' calling it.

And he derailed the nuke that the government shot at New York.

>superheroes decide they're going to be tyrants and do whatever they want because literally no one can stop them except maybe Stark
>they'll be portrayed as the good guys
sounds about right

>he reads comics


>unironically defending Iron Man's retarded stance

You contrarian faggots are so fucking laughable sometimes.

Because then the movie would be 4+ hours long and nobody would watch it

The fight he wanted was between cap and iron man, all the stuff before it was to make it happen, his plan is good because even if he was thwarted half way through he still broke up the dream team

>menace to society arrested, shot dead for buying plums
>do you want to know more?


lol you're a fucking limp wristed faggot if you don't want to get revenge on the fucker who murdered your parents.

and tony wouldn't have killed Bucky, he would have fucked him up and at the last minute stopped because he would betray his own ideals and then would have helped recondition the fucker and all would have been fine.

except Steve goes all butt buddies and won't let him, but you can damn well bet he has no legs to stand on given when Red Skull did shit in the first film Captain Faggot did everything he could to kill him.

Steve was wrong, Stark, for once, was right.



Also Cap wass about to sign iirc but then Tony revealed that they kept Wanda captive and Cap was all like "almost got me faggot!"

>Civil War is a phenomenal film, and very well might be Marvel’s best ever, which is really saying something. There’s a reason movies like this are held up to a gold standard, and at this point, DC is going to be lucky if they can produce a film that’s even half this effective. That’s not fanboy talk, that’s just coming from someone who likes well-made movies, great characters and coherent stories. And right now, only Marvel has all of those things.


Completely agree, they did an okayish job giving the characters a reason to fight, but Jesus this story had the potential to be great. Maybe if they'd cut spiderman and ant man to give themselves more time for consequential things.

To be honest they failed to bring gravity to the confrontation between the two sides too. Nobody was desperate, the only moment where i thought something was on the line was when cap was bashing iron man's helmet and then his arc reactor.

If I was in charge, I would have changed the airport fight and the final fight. Once vision showed up I'd have made things much more serious, things should have been completely out of hand at that moment. They almost got it right, knocking iron nigger out of the sky, but honestly the quips between Clint and widow ruined any sense of tension in that moment.

And I would have stepped it up again for the final showdown, bits of Tony's armour being smashed, maybe limbs being broken, everyone desperately fighting for their lives.

And can someone please get Mr Downey junior some acting classes and proper direction? He sucked at the end, he's meant to be losing it, and yet he whispers tenderly in buckys ear "do you even remember them?"

This had the potential to be a 4+/5 for me, but they fell short.
