What are some essential numale movies?
What are some essential numale movies?
Other urls found in this thread:
master and commander
blue is the warmest color
scot pilgram
>top right
Can i be numale if i have the beard but not the glasses?
i also have long hair
i'm a neckbeard in that case?
b-but i'm fit and have big muscles
literally Cloud Atlas
reddit pseudo-deepness + SJW themes
Those movies have nothing in common
>inb4 someone takes this
Still probably more preferable than the average Sup Forums user though.
Marvel movies
well, they have in common that nu males like them
What word would you use to describe something that is a likely precursor to problems?
Cloud Atlas is too sincere and not quippy enough to be numalecore, and the race changing makeup is very problematic for them.
spotted the numale
dude it was literally 90% meme quips
The Sup Forums boogey man has arrived.
Pretty much anything by Disney, really.
Zootopia was a big hit in the numale community, I am told.
Reddit tumblrite numale detected
No, you're much worse. I'd much rather deal with a sincerely despicable human being than a disingenuous pissbaby.
>has literal blackface
>religious undertones everywhere
Mad Max: Fury Road
Star Wars
Marvel movies
New Ghostbusters
Ghostbusters: Vagina Edition.
so is this numale shit some meme from Sup Forums or /pol?
I honestly don't know what would be more cancerous
Every time
>spotted the nuMale
Me and my wife's son agree. We think it's very immature to judge someone based on their appearance.
ITT: Newfags spewing out newfag memes
speaking of shitty memes
neckbeards can't even get their memes to make sense. if "your wife's son" is part of your family, that is most likely to mean you pulled her out of a previous marriage or relation, making you the opposite of a cuckhold
BLACKED is essential numalecore
those boards aren't worse than Sup Forums
>dosent even know what a cuck is
cuck comes from a type of bird male bird that is tricked into raising another birds child
>shit isn't worse than diarrhea
Capeshit movies. /thread/
Marvel movies.
John Green movies.
Every new Disney/Pixar thing
The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
The new ghostbustah flick so it seems