Is it going to be good?
They're gonna JUST Tommy too?
It can't be good. Brendan was the soul of this franchise.
This is going to bomb and cause as much outrage as Ghostbusters, if not more, and in order to repair the damage, a new reboot starring frasier will immediatly be launched into production.
>they're not even letting Brendan have a cameo in this movie
What did Brendan do to piss off the Hollywood Jews?
Tom Cruise has the fucking charisma of a brick wall. There is nothing genuine about him at all.
Brendan was like a cuter, more lovable Harrison Ford. You could tell Brendan actually cared about the filming of all the Mummy movies, even the third one you can tell he was into it.
I think instead of getting Chris Pratt to redo Indiana Jones, Chris Pratt would have been fucking PERFECT for a Mummy remake or sequel.
tom cruise is too old
and he's a manlet
>The Mummy
>Tom Cruise
>Is it gonna be good
Holy fuck man, you betcha! Cruise always delivers with this kind of shit.
>Tom Cruise has the fucking charisma of a brick wall.
Are you retarded?
I thought he was rumored to be the villain.
A Scientologist goes to Egypt to find Xenu's ancient clues.
what did they mean by this?
>face covered with toilet paper the entire film
>no speaking lines just grunting and moans of pain
makes sense
I got yer Mummy right here Tom. Wrap her up.
This surfaced a little while back
I love Bulldogs
seems a little low-budget
If they don't keep.the original main cast then what's even the point?
No Brendan. No watch. Dead on arrival.
Boris Karloff has been dead for decades user.
somehow I believe there will be a LOT of running scenes.
Why does everyone seem to be acting like this is related to the Brendan series? Is there some info I missed? I imagine this has more to do with reviving the old Hammer films monsters and expanding that universe.
Brendan's series died with the 3rd pile of shit.
>le terror cell army guy investigator
every movie, tom plays this guy
He's allegedly cast as the mummy
Can't bruise the Cruise
They're making a monster cinematic universe, Dracula untold is basically what iron man was to the mcu, I enjoyed Dracula untold so I'm pretty fucking hyped
his role was downgraded to a rotting corpse in a background shot
Whens the last time Cruise let us down?
What happened to Brendan Fraser?
You're a fucking retard if you truly believe Tom doesn't have charisma, when he's one of the most charismatic actors around.
But user, the MCU already exists.
He still can't afford it, huh?
you can't JUST Tom, Tom will JUST the JUST
I've never seen a good Tom cruise movie. It'll be shit
Mission Impossible 1 and 4, Minority Report, Edge of Tomorrow and Eyes Wide Shut
I cant watch anything with cruise in for some reason, he kinda creeps me out
Top Gun, last samurai were good too
>I've never seen a good Tom cruise movie
how can that even be possible?
collateral is his best 4sure
>is a tom cruise action movie going to be good?
Are you dense? Of course it's going to be good.
This. He's literally giving his life for the action genre.
The fuck? Why'd my Tom Cruise General get deleted?
We can only hope.
Your comment sounds so hopeful but pls, it will never happen, you know it.
I enjoy the fuck out of jack reacher, edge of tomorrow, oblivion, mi1,3,4,5,
Tom isn't a bunch of nobodies like those people casted for the new ghostbusters.
Does meme magic save Brendan or kill him?
Right now it looks like it's killing him.
We should stop photoshopping him with bad hair.
We need to start photoshopping him with good hair. We need to photoshop him smiling in the lead role of movie posters. This is the only way we can unJUST him
say no more
This right here is my mummy
all the mony
Might be CGI'd over
>Why does everyone seem to be acting like this is related to the Brendan series?
No one here even knows about the classic series.
I refuse to believe that, even with fuck my shit up posting Im under the impression that everyone has seen at least the first movie as its awlays on TV.
>Im under the impression that everyone has seen at least the first movie
Have you?
posting superior Mummy
The movie is being directed by a faggot who only produces movies and tv shows. Only directed 1 movie in his whole life.
Is written by a literal who/newfag who helped to write Prometheus.
I think the movie won't be bad, but neither will be something good, just okay and fun like the first Mummy.