Whatsup Sup Forums, So im going to prague in a mounth or so as part of a 7 day school trip what shuld i expect?...

Whatsup Sup Forums, So im going to prague in a mounth or so as part of a 7 day school trip what shuld i expect?, also i would like to know the prices for drugs(weed,lsd,shroom..ect)
and the price for prostitutes too
im gonna bring 25000 kurunas spending money is that enough?
Also general drug thread

response to user's question in last thread

Well i never tried it becouse i dont want to gamble my money i heard a lot of people bouth drugs from silk road and similar sites that have a rep system, so if your willing to try this i would advise you to choose carefully from what seller are you buying and buy on a site that has a reputation system.
one last thing on the deep web nothing is safe 80% of "business" sites are scams


do you have any pointers on where to get more information? links and whatnot

25K should be more than enough for a week, or even two.

You just have to search for markets until you find one that looks most legit i guess, i havent been of the deep web for a long time now but i would start with Notevil search you can find the onion link on google then go from there

thanks man


Yo Praguefag here, 25k is like decent monthly salary here, I'm sure that if you are not retarded it will be more than enough for ya.

Weed is like 200,- per G, dont buy anything off the niggers on venceslas square, try to find some locals. Also take care for gypsies, people luring you to some random pubs / nightclubs with whores, never go with someone from street - better find some escort site and get someone from there. Dont use taxis as they will overcharge you, and dont use exchanges here as they will aswell rob you. Other than that gl / hf.

my friend knows the owner of a medicinal cannabis shop over there. dont know if you need a card though dunno how it works ins prague

Thanks a lot man

Never heared about such thing and I'm living here, can u get me some info pls?

i can find out where it is. my friend is the manager of a grow shop here and is over there on like a business/leisure trip

half of that money should be enough.

dont let the money changers ripp u off btw.

Would be nice, maybe its Grow shop that I'm buying equip from, but I havent heared about anyone selling medical weed here

Which country are you from? A high school in my city organizes 7 day trips and the date/location match perfectly.

im from croatia,pula

i have just googled it and it doesn't appear to be very legal to have a cannabis cafe in Prague although it says the laws are very lenient over there. maybe it is just a bar his mate owns that let you smoke there. he didn't go into much detail when he called me the other day. sorry if i got you excited at the thought of a Amsterdam style cafe

You should go to Chapeau Rouge, one of the best nightclub in Prague.

Znao sam, hahahah.
Ja sam iz Zadra i klasična gimnazija tu organizira ta putovanja za učenike (bio sam prošle godine, grčka). Ideš li agencijski ili solo?

Haha aight! No worries Sup Forumsro. We are growing our own stuff so its all good, 40 days till harvest x).

if you see a very pale skinny guy stoned walking around just follow him and you will find it. he used the word medicinal which seems odd. and yeah he has been visiting the grow shops over there so will probably be the same ones. what strain you got going the now?

idem s agencijom ja i skoro cjela moja generacija
sta ti ides u isto vrijeme kao i ja?

there is no way, my friend from Croatia is going to visit us next saturday :D.

Aa ove godine ne idem, nažalost.. Koja si škola?

Sin Tra Bajo Auto

Steta sto ne ides,
ovi koi idu s amnom su svi lame

imas neke savjete da ne murem tamo, kek

Just picked this bad boi up. Rate my crystal?

Uf, tako je i meni bilo prošle godine. Uz tebe sam duhom ;)

Prag je barem lijep, grčka je sva prljava, izbjeglice spavaju po ulicama u ateni i ta sranja. Ako ne stigneš naći nešt za urokat se, probaj barem na pivu.

Looks like sugar spiked with wallpaint

A standardna sranja za turiste, uglavnom. Što te zanima?

powdered sugar/10

Prauge ruined my concert when they wrongfully improsioned Randy


ja mislim da travu cu lako nabavit, al lsd,shrooms ili tak nesto to neznam di bi mogo nabavit imas nekih idea?