Is it possible that all the butthurt SJWs buying tickets on principle alone will save this train wreck?
What will it mean for the future of movies if that occurs?
Is it possible that all the butthurt SJWs buying tickets on principle alone will save this train wreck?
What will it mean for the future of movies if that occurs?
Name recognition and fuckerss going to see the movie so they can whine about how bad it is will "save" this trainwreck. It will make back its budget but won't be a commercial sucess.
They think the movie is racist for giving the black woman a "urban" personality and role in the movie.
She's pretty fucking offensive tbqh. Did they have to pick a black woman who looks like an ape and make her script a negro caricature?
There are black girls out there who actually look like girls and speak/function like normal human beings.
No because SJWs represent like 2% of the pop.
Just wait til it comes out. TFA had the normie buy because it was completely inoffensive and mediocre and had the SW name. This movie looks like shit from a brand that's 20 years from the last movie.
GB will flop like fant4stic and no matter how hard people try they won't be able to spin it
This is all true. Sony's been known to be a pretty racist company.
if this movie had another name but same actors chasing ghosts and all that , no one would care and it would fade away immediately.
i wonder if the sjw who do see this will admit it sucks when they leave the theater. Alot of people spitefully watched batman vs superman that i personally know, because i told them how terrible it would be. they still wont admit it was a train wreck, they just cheer ben affleck
No if the beat they can scrape together for their patron saint Anita Sarkeesian is a couple hundred grand here & there then there's no way they'll drop the millions needed tip the balance of this movie's financial success or failure.
>No because SJWs represent like 2% of the pop.
But Sup Forums tells me the SJW/kike/liberal media controls everything, and Donald Trump is the last ray of hope in a world dying from degeneracy.
nobody is ironic enough to pay $8 for a ticket to see Ghostbusters but all the jokes were in the trailer
It's already time to start the GB hate circle jerk thread again? I see the marvel vs. dc is about halfway done and the avgn shit, is just now joining the rotation.
I'm sure glad we have retards working around the clock, to make sure we have the same threads 24/7.
SJWs never, ever put any money towards the things they defend.
They just cry and blame everyone else when they fail.
This piece of shit will bomb.
sjw are upset that we dont like the movie, complain and rant about mah sexism..but even mellisa mccarthy didnt understand the first trailer and thought it was lame
But are they dumb enough to do it unironically? What if they've actually managed to convince themselves it'll be good because girl power
no, that can't be, please god no, what are we doing to ourselves
>believing what a bunch of blue pilled narrow minded alt-right right wingers tell you.
There is a difference between a Sup Forumsack and a Sup Forumsfag much like there is a difference between a """"liberal"""" and a classical liberal.
Case and point being an example of the latter two
We have some of the most dedicated autists and shitposters that Sup Forums had to offer
The fire rises
t. triggered tumblrina
Is it possible this thread will get culled by angry Mods?
I'm a real Army Ranger. Nobody is going to this movie.
It's like "let's ruin this fucking thing" between all of us. It is the worst idea ever.
I predict this bombing overseas.
>i wonder if the sjw who do see this will admit it sucks when they leave the theater.
As they're leaving the theater? Yes.
On the internet? Half of them won't.
They would actually consider publicly admitting that a movie they didn't ending up liking was bad would be somehow giving up ground that feminism has fought for back to the patriarchy.
I wish I were joking.
To add- You made a huge insult by making an all-female movie. Did you think we wouldn't notice?
Males in comedy- we are fun and cool. You are not.
We're wearing funny glasses and walking around!
No. That's stupid.
You can't make fun of us and then be comedic.
It doesn't work both ways you assholes.
this movie has more problems than you think going on for it. Femenists shouldn't even like it because it's disrespectful to them in that it thinks they're stupid enough to think that everything that has women crammed in it unnecessarily is something they should support, but more importantly, give money to automatically.
>those dumb bitches will go crazy for this movie with chicks in it and give us tons of cash
I bet somebody will make a movie about this disaster
>it's disrespectful to them in that it thinks they're stupid enough to think that everything that has women crammed in it unnecessarily is something they should support, but more importantly, give money to automatically.
annoying men > patronizing women
it is targeted at the new generation of sarcastic and fickle third wave feminists who hate men just as much if not more than calmly and intellectually pursuing feminism as an ideological practice.
You lined so many sentences that I started sleeping.
This movie just did I alwe w,....... who is this?
In it un aw ni,,,,,,
I started my favorite movie rather than listening to you because you fucking suck.
Nah they delete open AVGN/James thread not badly covered ones like this one, but you never known with RLM mod.
I can't wait until the embargo is lifted, that's going to be a fun week, similar to BvS.
I want to see the sheer depression in the face of Feig, McCarthy and Wiig as they go through the interviews. The Dyke and Smackslips will just be happy they're there.
>tfw I was gonna do shit today but this shitstorm kept me pinned to my computer all day
This is the best shitstorm I've seen in a while.
I'm literally a biological engineer and you are fucking, boring.
Quote your own boring garbage. Holy shit, you suck,
Someone needs to make a movie about Amy Pascal in general.
>Drug addict
>mentally unstable
>talks shit behind everyone's back
>Begs same people to do projects
>shit ideas
>Delusional expectations of said shit ideas
I'm out as fuck. Don't talk to me.
same senpai.
what the actual fuck are you going on about
This is the future Devo was warning us about. Devolution is real Spuds, remember that.
>The Dyke and Smackslips will just be happy they're there.
lol fuck yeah
>i actually got a movie, i'm so happy!
i actually feel sorry for them
You forgot
No, they don't actually spend any appreciable amount of money on things they complain about or claim to care about
there arent enough sjws
they are a loud minority
>sent from my iPhone
It was such a culture shock to see grown ass professionals write like 7 year olds.
Here in the dank underbelly of Sup Forums, the average poster has a better sense of grammatical etiquette.
Uh, did you miss the part where SJWs are attacking James Rolfe for making a sensible video about not wanting to watch the new Ghostbusters? It's barely been a day and he's got almost over 600,000 views on that video alone.
>SJWs are attacking James Rolfe for making a sensible video about not wanting to watch the new Ghostbusters?
Has it gotten a lot of butthurt comments/articles written about it?
Do people seriously believe it was real?
What? I watched that video forever ago when it came out and it was like the most tame, inoffensive ever. That video has people that upset? Did they even watch it? Do SJWs just read the title of videos and write articles about how they're sexist?
What the fuck is this shit. What is this world
It's impossible. Serious Joke Wizards have nothing to do with this.
>I watched that video forever ago
He released it yesterday.
What The sony hacks? Of course... The mails are publicly available dude. Pascal is a functional retard that writes like 5 year old.
>Has it gotten a lot of butthurt comments/articles written about it?
Too many to count. From celebrities too.
Grown adults calling him a rapist, a piece of shit, a pedophile, a terrorist, saying he's a disgusting looking freak who should stay locked up in his basement, that his wife must be retarded. People visiting his website to do the same. Comedians like Patton Oswalt mocking his disgusting mannerisms and appearance.
Pretty funny desu.
I don't time so good
felt like it was a week ago or something
With the amount of attention you guys are giving it, it might just happen.
Anita Sarkeesian disagrees.
Compared to Winston, or to any black character that wasn't a caricature, Patty is pretty much a racist portrayal, yes. I don't say people like this don't exist, but it's not exactly what the black community wants to be seen as, do they?
He doesn't even say anything about women
I've only seen the 1st Ghostbusters movie, but I remember the black member just being a normal, somewhat religious guy. His female counterpart just looks and behaves in such an unappealing way...
Yeah but he isn't supporting the latest feminist crusade so he is worse than Hitler.
The general population will see the movie, because they don't think critically about movies or popular culture in general. To them, a movie is just 2 hours away from the drudgery of life, not some big social issue. It's disposable entertainment. The movie is called "ghostbusters;" based on a popular and well known franchise; and features big effects and bright colours. That's all that's needed to get average people into cinemas.
Maybe the movie won't make as much money as the studio would like, but I have difficulty imagining that it could flop outright. Look at the marvel and transformer movies; they're awful, but they still make a billion dollars each. Being shitty doesn't always stop a movie from being a financial success.
But he doesn't want to watch a Sony Pictures remake of an 80's classic (you know, like Robocop or Total Recall).
What reason could he have for not wanting to watch it other than he rabidly hates women and wants to kill all non white humans?
Most normies who don't jack off over the 80's SNL cast intend on seeing this. FACT!!!
>dealing in absolutes
Are SJWs the Sith?
>art of war
Why do plebs love this shit so much? Its literally babbys first book about war.
Most Normies think it looks shit.
I'd say the name alone would bring people in - But it doesn't look that appealing to kids, and adults didn't give two fucks about Robocop.
Then again, this is way more nostalgia b8.
But then it doesn't really play on that. Tough sell.
You'd have a pint of it wasn't being released right in between more enjoyable movies.
Secret Life of Pets and Ice Age Collision Course are going to slaughter it.
>remove those upsetting books
That's not true. Even people who have never seen the original Ghostbusters say this looks like trash.
The part where Sun Tzu has all the handmaidens executed for fucking around during maneuvers was kind of funny..
Alright let's see the possible markets:
Children: "Hey Timmy, you want to see Ghostbusters or..."
>The Big Friendly Giant
>The Secret Life of Pets
>Finding Dory
Nostalgic Adults: "You guys want to see Ghostbusters or..."
>Independence Day: Resurgence
>The Legend of Tarzan
Dudebros: "You guys want to see Ghostbusters or..."
>The Purge: Election Year
>Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates
I hope it bombs to fuck and Sony realize their bet failed and they get someone like the Director of Looper with brand new actors no one knows maybe 3 guys and a girl or vice versa as long as it's not 2 women, one trainwreck and an ape, I mean don't get me wrong I love black people and find black girls hot and actually usually being somewhat intelligent relative to other races but they cast her literally because she is an ape and she is typecast like an ape in the film which I don't understand. Am I wrong?
Given the cast and director, they're not going for the kid market. They're going for the Bridesmaid market (females who like raunchy comedy) and the nostalgia market to a lesser degree.
Their marketing also seems be leaning heavily on "I FUCKING HATE WHITE MALES!" memeology, which may or may not backfire.
Not even close to the same market though dude.
Funny you should ask that. I'm keeping tabs on an ex-friend of mine that became hardcore SJW. She blogs about everything in her life publicly on tumblr. She has recently played through KotOR 1 and 2 and kept complaining that the game affliates her with the dark side continuously when all she did was help ONLY women where it didn't hinder the main storyline and kept ignoring male questgivers.
>>The Legend of Tarzan
Now there's a flop in the making.
>No games with female leads
Oh look the best looking game coming out in 2016 has a female lead!
Anita always cherrypicking for reasons to complain. God she's so full of shit.
Single women are more likely to see Mike & Dave.
It's Efron and DeVine, two of the biggest meme husbandos is for women. Not to mention Finding Dory will hit big with them as well.
>Their marketing also seems be leaning heavily on "I FUCKING HATE WHITE MALES!" memeology, which may or may not backfire.
Is it even sony pushing the sjw angle? I thought it was just hijacked into this big retarded fight because it's an obvious target
They're pushing it hard.
First it was Girl Power, then it was the director shitting on men.
Brah, Thor is in Ghostbusters. Playing a dumb cunt. Women love that.
Nah, I've never even met a real life SJW. I only see them in media.
Sup Forums doesn't get out much.
The sad part is that movie studios think this is the reason for all the downvotes, instead of the SJW "gurls do it better" element of the movie, which is the actual reason for the downvotes.
Thread theme:
No, this will no be saved, it has a 150 million production budget, then add at least 20-50 million advertising budget, there's no way this poor reboot will make anything close to a profit.
Worse than that, it will most likely bomb big time, the trailers have not been recieved well, not surprising since who the hell was this movie targeting ?
Fugly nerdy women who wants to imagine a world where they are ghostbusters and have Chris Hemsworth as their secretary ? Also remove any black women from that already small group, who the hell would want to identify with the ugliest afro american woman hollywood could find ?
It's an idea that looks like crap on paper and worse when realised.
You people can't shut the fuck up about this movie
Only thing I like about the movie is the style and visual effects. Seems pretty well done.
>ctrl+f Sup Forums
>only 4 mentions
You guys are working on your boogeyman complex, impressive.
Says Sup Forums
Let's see, about 5,000 people times $20 a ticket equals... $100,000.
That just leaves another $149,900,000 to claw back.
Jews are also 2% of the population and they control the media
>150 million dollars budget
Zootopia had the same budget for one of the best animation.
What the hell are they spending them on?