Eternal /got/ general
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is he a ham?
Link old thread dickhead
Reminder that the last books will never come out and neither will the Targaryen history book
Xth for dumb cuck who wants essentially niggers on the wall
there's no reason to
world of ice and fire is alreayd a targaryen history book
reminder that she was going to rape him(didn't ask for consent), he just defended himself
Why would I post in a thread that won't honor tradition?
i'm going to break the wheel la
She looks so cute when she grabs her neck.
tfw you want littlefinger to win just because everyone else sucks so fucking much
>D&D are so embarrassed by their version of Euron that they introduce him in shadow for a 3 minute scene and then introduce Aeron in the very next one, knowing that the average viewer will either forget or confuse the two, and then don't show him again for two more episodes
No, he has something planned detailing their entire history called Fire and Blood that's separate from AWoIaF.
Oh, and filtered you fucking tripfag
>it's a lord of a great house is killed in plain view of his guards who don't do anything and his vassal houses don't react at all episode
SJW will defend this as Ramsay being evil. She even tried to kill him first.
What did he mean by this?
thats to show how badass ramsey is you stupid cunt
even his maester wont stop him like FUCK do you feel that FUCK
I expect he'll be on the show about as long and meaningfully as Doran Martell was.
euron is extremely cringey in the books too
Reminder that this show started dying when Tywin died and it was finally finished off when Stannis died. Those two were the ones carrying the show, now that they're gone there's no point to watch.
>muh CIA
>muh Euron
side characters, not even having any claim to the throne other an edgy chaosshh shit.
Kill yourself.
The poster is correct, but is under the impression that this is a bad thing.
>extremely cringy
>Literally the Westeros Alpha
I feel like you were bullied in high school
>I am the storm, my lord, the first storm and the last
like lol that's about as bad as "men call me darkstar and i am of the night"
ASOIAF started getting bad when Tywin died. You can't blame this on D&D entirely. I won't let you. Yes, they fucking suck, but the books started getting terrible as well at this point.
reminder i am the storm is a book quote and it is the most laughable thing in the show so far this season
>claim to the throne
Fuck off. The Seven annoint the king.
Stannis gave up his claim when he worshiped false deitys.
what are you doing here then, you virgin
Someone post the one with Littlefinger holding a knife to the Night King.
he literally set up the situation because he knew she would try to stab him.
we should be more offended that the actions of neither character make any sense than by her dying.
Bran the BASED will save the disgusting vermin of the Seven Cuckdoms and /got/ will pitch a fit.
Reminder than any line is laughable when delivered by a short, doughy man with a ginger beard
I'm going to get roasted here but I just want to suggest that GRRM is a hack author who got lucky plagiarizing his plot from the war of the roses and then fell apart when he tried to bring it into his own original material.
reminder that line is laughabloe no matter who delivers it
its literally fedora and katana tier
Feast and Dance, particularly Feast, has plenty of great content. Their problem was not that the writing or plotting declined but that the fat man split them into two books (and even then, Dance wasn't finished and will be concluded early into Winds) and needed an editor to sift out the crap (the first half of the Brienne chapters, for example).
Yes, that's true.
No one cares about history though, so even the most elitist of "intellectual" bookfags won't give a shit.
>The Seven anointed the incestuous Targeryan
>gods are against incest
Right? The first three books were fucking great.
the only people who will roast you for that are the autistic bookfags who read genre fiction trash
george IS a hack author
His name is Bran the Beautiful
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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
>it's a /lit/ mistakes prose style for writing quality image
So is:
>and now it begins
>no, now we tenz
Why does it take terrible acting and line delivery for you guys to realize Martin is a hack?
Youre saying he expected her to rape him?
Jesus Tumblr
I agree, when Tywin died the books also got worse. He carried them as well. Still better situation there than in the show though, because at least it has Stannis.
t. High Sparrow see Laughing at how badly D&D mangle GoT's corpse.
>it's a genre fiction pleb thinks fantasy is real literature post
Stop responding to the /lit/ reject lad
Does he still have the Valyrian steel dagger that was used to attack Bran? If so then the show should legit end like that.
>Le Graet Gabsy XDDDD
Fuck off pretentious cunt
Tell me one character that doesnt have a cringy line.
Why was his hair brown in S4 anyway? It's meant to be black.
GRRM makes dick jokes but they are higher level so its ok.
the only /lit/ rejects are the ASOIAF book worshipers
reminder that ASOIAF discussion is literally the O N L Y book series that was kicked off of /lit/
I thought that the great gatsby was boring shit when I read it. Yeah, the american dream is bullshit, who exactly didn't realize that the moment they were an adult?
but stannis will die in the first half of TWOW and probably wont even feature as he will be dead by the time Davos returns from Skagos
Forget the show. How do we save ASOIAF? The ending is shaping up to be totally rushed, totally predictable, and totally normie as fuck.
The White Walkers were supposed to kill everyone.
what did she mean by this?
/lit/ couldn't handle the bantz, lel
>im too dumb to understand gatsby so i'll call it shit
t. fans who think asoiaf is good literature
So are dozens of other lines in the series
>"Winter is coming"
>"We do not sow"
>"There are no men like me"
>The name "Night's Watch"
>"Castle Black"
>"Storm's End"
>"Ours is the Fury"
>"Night's King"
>An entire house whose defining characteristic is flaying people
>"I killed the babies, smashed her head in, etc."
>"Fire & Blood"
>"A crown for a king!"
>"Only Cat"
If you want to be an autist, everything can be shitty or edgy or stupid.
You're the one who's read this shit, too.
Mate, it's only predictable because thousands of mega autistic book readers have already spoiled all that shit for you. Get some kind of self awareness going on, please.
No actually
Didn't Aegon the Conqueror only go along with the church cause it was more trouble than it was worth to go against it?
Daily reminder
He won't die in TWOW. Even GRRM confirmed this.
not sure how other bad lines mean euron isnt a cringy character hes a complete gary stu
He doesn't get everything handed to him tho.
He HAS to follow the custom of kingsmoot, he pirated for years being offshore to get dragon binder and gifts for iron lords.
He is clearly good at pirating, whereas Dany and Ramsay good at what exactly?
Euron is based, although he has that fanfic vibe even in the books, I won't argue, but the lack of blue lips and eyepatch make show Euron even more hyped as he is a bit more real.
I could think of dozens of ways to make the ending interesting. If GRRM can't do it it'll be pathetic.
i'll do you one better
>Does he still have the Valyrian steel dagger that was used to attack Bran?
He didn't attack Bran. That was Joffery, fampai. Littlefinger lies and pins it on Tyrion because chaosh
→ # # (previous thread)
....I watched the Tudors.
Also, FUCK King Henry VIII. Piece of shit.
Also, does anyone else think it's kind of funny that Natalie played Anne Boleyn, and now she's playing the Westeros version of Anne Boleyn again?
And he got a sweet dagger out of it
It's meant to be a reddish brown actually my showfag friend
What could they possibly mean by this?
What do you think that even means?
Jon and Dany are Mary Sues.
Tyrion and Arya to lesser degrees.
Euron is a side villain who hasn't even done anything yet but win an Iron Islands popularity contest and do some off-screen pirate shit.
He is certainly not more of a Mary Sue than Asha, this early-twenties "warrior" girl who can kill everyone and nearly become Queen.
>Stannis isn't dead as far as my book is concerned
>mfw I recognize who this is
I'd still peg him desu
they meant that you should go back to Sup Forums where it's cool to hate women
Sup Forums is the homeland of waifus and we don't care for your misogyny
Isaac's hair is dark brown. It looks black in low lighting. Season four was a wig, but it didn't match well in the daylight scenes.
L O N D O N ?
>Euron is a side villain
Have you read the books famalio?
>Gary Stu
Explain? Because he wins a Kingsmoot by saying he will conquer Westeros with Dragons?
Hes had no conflict yet.
>le badass le cut tongues out and call my ship silence le cuck my brother then send him across the world to do what i tell him after i cuck him for the throne le ultra cool le badass man
euron a shit and some version of what gurm thinks a chad is so he can pretend he isnt a fat fuck loser
You probably shouldn't discuss a bookseries when you know so little about it
Isaac was so cute in seasons 1 and 2, I just wanted to stuff his butt right up.
Feminist power fantasy the show.
Every episode we will remind you how evil men are.
>The khals wanting to rape a strong powerful women(Kelly C).
Every episode this season we will remind you white men have small cocks or none.
>Varys has no cock joke every episode this season.
>Jon snows small pecker joke last episode.
Every episode we will remind you how evil white men are.
>Ramsay being evil, killing white women and sending evil rape letter.
>The WHITE masters owning BLACK slaves.
Every episode we will remind you how weak white men are.
>Jaime,Jon,Kevan,Loras,Theon and Tommen all being weak little bitches until a strong powerfull woman tell them otherwise.
Every episode we will remind you that men are nothing but BETA whiteknights.
>GreyWorm, Jaime, Jorah and Sam.
Every episode we will remind you how powerful woman are.
>Brienee talking shit about executing evil white man Stannis.
>Kelly C killing evil men, being portrayed as a goddess while being The smuggest of cunts.
>Sansa demanding Jon to take back WinterFell or she will take back WinterFell by herself, while Jon was being a little bitch.
>Yara going to rule the Iron Islands while saying how worthless white men are.
>Her cunt became the world
God lol please let this be an actual line from the books
Remember when Jaime got his hand cut off? that happened 3 fucking years ago
>fans who think asoiaf is good literature
Literally no one said that ever
that's agood line desu, sorry you all can't appreciate good writing
i fixed the typo
this confirms nothing