previous Dead but never forgotten
/got/ general
Do you guys really believe Arya is leaving Braavos next episode already? Feels way too early honestly, she has to at least do a few things there before she is sent to fucking Westeros.
a few more eye of the tiger montages first
Eye of the tiger is a song from one of the rocky movies. Rocky is a boxing movie, which is a sport just in case anyone here was wondering.
If Arya is leaving Braavos in the show I might actually pick this season up
I've wanted out of Braavos for five fucking years and GRRM never delivered.
I have been bested.
Other thread was made first, but made by a tripfag with no backlink.
The King of Night declares this the rightful and true thread
Claim your waifu/husbando
>9 replies
>8 posters
real thread lads
# (previous thread)
....I watched the Tudors.
Also, FUCK King Henry VIII. Piece of shit.
Also, does anyone else think it's kind of funny that Natalie played Anne Boleyn, and now she's playing the Westeros version of Anne Boleyn again?
Loyal to the end, and even after. Fuck you show Stannis.
What was show Stannis thinking?
>let's burn my only heir alive to get rid of the cold weather, never mind that if I die in battle there's no one left for my armies to rally behind
I thought the entire point of his war was so that he could overthrow the Lannister regime and re-establish the Baratheon dynasty. Bit difficult to do that when all the Baratheons are dead
>Time to crash this thread.
Her storyline is the only thing I'm still really interested in
>Faggotry and dank memery are powerful agents to the newfags...... but we are shitposters, aren't we anons? Members of the League of Baneposters.
>And you betrayed us!!!!!!!!!!!
He was thinking
alright, Sup Forums, given the last episode and Little Finger manipulating Robin Arryn into helping Sansa out, I can't figure out his end game.
besides fucking Sansa
>This thread didn't do too well.
I'm not even sure if that's what he wants, I guess he just wants power.
who is ozge user?
Promise me, Ned
?No user, I want to know why the mask wears the big guy.
best waifu reporting in
Best Banefu reporting in.
>Perhaps he's wondering why an user would cuck a man before fucking his rotten fleshlight?
I want her to hug me hard and kiss me violently then we'd make love all night until I can't even stand anymore, I'd fall asleep like that, all cuddled with her and she would make me wish that I'd never wake up anymore because life with her would be a permanent dream
What an awful post.
For you.
she's been in there for like 4 seasons already
>You'll never see King Stannis dying peacefully, surrounded by his loved ones
>You'll never see Stannis telling Shireen to be fair and just queen
>You'll never see Queen Shireen on the Iron Throne, beloved by nobles and smallfolks alike
Promise me, Ned
Are you fucking kidding me? Arya needs to get out of Braavos as soon as she gets her next kill
>"siiigh...who wrote this shit? The fuck am i doing with my life? "
What are the best memes from Episode Four?
What's the absolute worst episode of GoT, Sup Forums?
S6E1 or S6E4 or the S5 snek episode.
Sand sneks episode from S5
"What have I become... my sweetest friend."
Thormund in Love
Jorah pocket sands
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Forget the show. How do we save ASOIAF? The ending is shaping up to be totally rushed, totally predictable, and totally normie as fuck.
The White Walkers were supposed to kill everyone.
hype is gone
ded threads
I gotta say S06E01 was really terrible. The way they fumbled the Dorne plot was just baffling.
its not like there was much they could fumble. The plot was going that way last season.
DND are pretty gud consistent writers tbqh
>Khaleesi has been shown to not be affected by heat and flames since season 1
>this is pretty consistent when shown in season 6 where she did not burn at all
>this explains why Dany is fat since she cant burn calories
Hidzhar... Hidzhar had a tough life
"Oh boy am I glad we got all that lame ass Martell shit instead of Victarion taking the shields and bailing Dany out. What a great show. Bravo."
He literally did nothing wrong.
>did absolutely everything to support Dany even though she murdered his father for no reason, threatened to burn him alive for no reason, nearly forced him to marry her for no real reason
>dies trying to protect her
>literally nobody gives a shit in the show
He was a hero taken from us too soon. Good night sweet prince. ;_;
>political marriage with an insane, degenerate ruler
>family got murdered by said ruler
fuck he had a tougher arc than sansa
How he died? I forgot.
I kind of figured he's not really in it for Sansa at all, despite being in love with her mother, but maybe as a way to get back at her mother indirectly for denying him and humiliating him? Who knows, but yeah, I guess it's just a power play, since he'll be helping her defeat Ramsay and I'm guessing the Lannisters in the near future, before trying to kill them, too.
Stabbed by the sons of the harpy I think
spooky scary harpy sons stab him in the chest
Everybody loves maisie.
>Big reveal of Rickon Stark in the previous episode cliffhanger
>No sign or mention of him in the next episode
>Instead show his companion being pointlessly killed off
Yes, we get it, Ramsay is a bad meany man. Did we really need a scene dedicated to him being evil again?
He was mentioned
>go on the wiki and search Nights King
>see this
Ramsay's hot
I don't feel bad for the guy. He was the son of one of the rulers of the city. Dude was rolling in money from the day he was born. Probably spent his whole life partying and fucking hot slave sluts. Had the very cushiest life available to anyone in the world of GoT. Only the last few months of having to deal with Dany were any kind of bad.
You wouldn't feel bad for Tyrion too then?
she got her eyes back pretty fast, I don't see why she wouldn't be able to head to Westeros by the next few episodes. In fact, and I'm calling it now, I bet Dany also makes it to Westeros by the end of the season, too, possibly even sooner.
I can't wait until he finally dies at the end of this season and we can be done with le edgy flaying man. Gonna be the best episode ever.
We know that Arya joins the mummer's troop around ep8
I'm still sure she's the one who kills Walder Frey.
not the same user but Tyrion sent his whole life ridiculed and treated like a monster from the day he was born, despite living as royalty he wasn't treated as such, the only person wanting anything to do with him being Jaime.
>yfw Jon marries his "sisters" Sansa and Arya like Aegon I.
Why are we still watching? There is not a single plotline in the show that isn't decimated by D&D's writing.
>Stannis dies a bitch death even though he's a capable commander, burns his heir even when the red woman's magic proved ineffective (see Balon Greyjoy)
>Sansa does not acknowledge Jon's ressurection or even react to it. ''Where will you go?''. I assume she knows he is free to go somewhere and not a member of the watch now, then. Why don't they talk about Bran and Arya? Jon knows Bran is lurking behind the wall and doesn't seem to care. They fucked up by having Sam tell Jon about Bran against his wishes. It just makes Jon look bad. Also literally no discussion about what Jon saw at Hardhome.
>Brienne turned into hulking brute bully who threatens Davos and Mel and approaches them with Oathkeeper drawn and admits killing the rightful king. Davos (really D&D) has no reaction because he doesn't care about his king dying, he cares more about Jon Snow who he has talked to twice. Davos accuses Mel of serving Jon when Davos was sucking off Jon to be ressurected an episode earlier.
>Jaime remains completely oblivious to Cersei's actions. What does he think she went on trial for? Why is her hair short? The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard doesn't know his waifu was paraded through the streets for adultery when even the peasants are talking about it? What is the Lannister military doing right now? No mention of them besieging the Riverlands or attempting to take Dragonstone/Storm's End.
>The captain of the Guards (THE WATCHER, all he does is watch for threats) and the fucking prince of Dorne (who had advance knowledge of Arianne's plot in the books) have no idea about a coup that even the common water gardens soldiers are in on. Really? The Dornish bannermen just give fealty to kinslaying bastards? Kinslaying isn't a taboo anymore?
>Umber giving away his liege lord he has been harbouring for 2 years to a psychotic kinslayer.
I actually didn't think of that, is it confirmed leak or in a trailer I missed?
I don't feel bad for Tyrion. He himself has said how very lucky he is. If he had been born in to any family except a noble house then he probably would have been killed as a baby. That or he would have had to make a life as a fool or a jester. There have been shitty parts of his life, sure, but other than his father and sister fucking with him his life has been fairly sweet.
Please. Tywin and Cersei were mean to him, so what? He didn't have to work for a single day of his life, could travel anytime he wanted and spent his days fucking whores.
He has found memories of his uncles and Genna, and I doubt Tywin would allow anyone besides himself to ridicule and mock his son.
cast him
>We know that Arya joins the mummer's troop around ep8
Fucking why
This is exactly the kind of pointless bullshit D&D should be cutting
>>Sansa does not acknowledge Jon's ressurection or even react to it.
how would she even know he died
also what would her reaction even add? "wow u died but know ur not died?? whooa" Just a waste of screen time.
>Davos (really D&D) has no reaction because he doesn't care about his king dying, he cares more about Jon Snow
nigga in that scene he is specifically asking what happened to Stannis and his daughter, he is clearly worried about it. Then he's speechless when he realizes what went down.
>Decimate: kill one in every ten of (a group of people, originally a mutinous Roman legion) as a punishment for the whole group.
GoT is only 10% bad? That's pretty goog desu
>Frey's having a party in trailers
>Mummer's troop for entertainment
>Arya kills Walder Frey
bookmark it
>I bet Dany finds Drogon and learns to given him direct commands and resolves the situation around Meereen and marches across a continent with her entire army
>by the end of the season
yeah no
I don't know if you've noticed but D&D have been actively killing off as many secondary characters as possible this season. the Osha stabbing is so they don't have showfags wondering where she went.
The running theory is GRRM told them the White Walkers win and wipe out humanity. D&D don't want normies to reject the ending of literally the only thing they will ever be remembered for so they have chosen to make every single character stupid and hate-worthy in order to get the audience and critics not to reject the ending.
More like
Gone; butt not forgotten
he'll marry Dany to keep the blood line pure, not even joking. She thought for the longest time she was going to have to marry her brother Viserys, anyways.
>Baelish giving away Sansa to the Boltons for 'revenge' even though neither of them have a plan to enact that within Winterfell. Baelish has no hold on any other Stark heir but he impractically gives away Sansa to the Red Wedding perpetrators, losing any support he might have in allying with other Northern houses.
>Kelly C epic burning of ancient cultural site for an entire culture and not automatically being seen as a maegi by the Dothraki when she appears from the flames (they literally hate magic, magic is the reason fucking Drogo and Rhaego died as Moro points out). The hut floor is covered in a flammable substance because no one cares or notices and the khals act like little bitches and don't just snap her neck. Also Dany being fireproof for ebin female empowerment even though GRRM has said multiple times it was a once off thing
>Ramsay killing Roose and nobody cares and Roose had no one loyal to him, feeds a Frey bride to the dogs in sight of his own men which will see no repercussion whatsoever
>Tyrion making epic cock jokes every episode instead of being chronically depressed over Tywin and Shae. Barristan literally died to give this insufferable fuck more screentime.
>the writing of the show required Jaime and Tyrion to part on good terms so Jaime could continue to carry out Cersei's interests (going to Dorne, taking out the sparrows), thus no reveal of Cersei's infidelity towards him and he literally regresses to season one pilot Jaime and is somehow oblivious to the reason why the Faith arrested her. Putting Dorne last season instead of Riverrun was a huge mistake.
Whoever is the greatest fighter in GoT thats alive
screenshot this you stupid redditors
It begins with the High Sparrow going down the Sept’s stairs while the people applaud him. He explains that Queen Margaery has joined them in accepting the power of the Faith. Just then, Jaime Lannister bursts into the scene, on horseback and leading an army of a hundred and forty Tyrell soldiers, and demands that the High Sparrow free Queen Margaery. Suddenly, the gates of the Great Sept open —it is Tommen Baratheon, followed by Queen Margaery and the Kingsguards, who are bearing the Faith Militant’s sigil instead of the Royal sigil. The king and queen have accepted the High Sparrow’s reformed faith, and they are acclaimed by the people. It is emphasized that this is only the first part of the scene; the rest will be filmed today, and it is expected to be a trascendental scene in which the two factions come to blows.