>what do you think of casting Idris Elba as Roland in the Dark Tower adaption Mr King
What do you think of casting Idris Elba as Roland in the Dark Tower adaption Mr King
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Reminder that Roland is literally written to be white, and it's an important aspect of his character and interaction with other characters.
Reminder that Idris Elba is a racist sack of human shit who supports the ethnic and cultural destruction of Europe.
Expecting anything less from Kikewood
pretty sure they whole thing is a money grab by Sony, 'let's cast this black guy for an obviously white character so we create controversy'
they know they social justice market and they're exploiting it
>Reminder that Roland is literally written to be white, and it's an important aspect of his character and interaction with other characters.
Even if this weren't true, the race-switching crap still wouldn't be justified.
Arbitrarily race-swapping central white characters is bullshit and has no motivation outside of SJW's trying to hijack more media created by whites.
Only the black girl from our world mentions it, it has no importance to the story of the book.
>Reminder that Idris Elba is a racist sack of human shit who supports the ethnic and cultural destruction of Europe.
Sauce on this?
>it has no importance to the story of the book
you b8ing me bro?
who cares fuck off
>supports the ethnic and cultural destruction of Europe
I'm guessing he's another cuck who's for letting tin the massive number of (mostly) economic migrants?
Why isn't China, Japan, or non-European countries helping? China isn't doing too bad, Japan is doing well and has a very low birthrate, why is it only white people/Europeans who have to let them in?
Didn't read any of the books?
Also, even if t DIDN'T have any importance to the book, why are they changing his race? There is literally no reason to do it other than SJW dogma.
The fact that it fucks with the story just makes it WORSE.
You fit your own narrative, it happens all the time, look at Tiger Lily in Peter Pan. Are you saying they are anti-SJW or reverse-SJW?
How does that fit in your narrative?
King has been trying to get a Dark Tower adaption for years, and even had Ron Howard working on it with a HBO mini series to fill in what the movies left out.
I'm pretty sure he's taking what he can get right now, and yeah, he's afraid to say anything because he doesn't want to be labeled a racist.
Honestly, this killed my hope for the series. I don't mind Idris Elba, and I don't mind when they change race, but Roland is literally supposed to be Clint Eastwood mixed with Stephen King. Its the point. He's descended from some time traveling King Arthur, and he's the last gunslinger with a druggy, a bi polar black woman from the 60s, a kid, and a raccoon/dog abomination. You could have switched Eddie with a black guy, and Susannah white, or made Jake black. You could even had made everyone black, except Roland, because it doesn't matter. Roland's description and race actually mattered to the story.
>Idris Elba is a racist sack of human shit who supports the ethnic and cultural destruction of Europe.
What did he do?
>look at Tiger Lily in Peter Pan
Tiger Lily's a fucking background character.
>Fans want a Clint Eastwood looking actor like is described in the book
>If that's what you want then you're a racist asshole, go fuck yourself
It's like getting Parmesan Chicken when you ordered Steak and the wait staff yelling at you when you point out that it's not what you ordered.
Lebanon has taken in more than 1,5 million Syrians. There are higher numbers of immigrants in every North-African country from sub-Saharan Africa than most of Europe.
How does this fit in your narrative of "only European"?
>they are skipping the first few books
I didn't even care about blackwashing but fuck this shit.
How many have the gulf states taken?
>There are higher numbers of immigrants in every North-African country from sub-Saharan Africa
So we're not even pretending they're refugees anymore? Cool.
Most of the migrants going into Europe aren't even Syrian, they aren't refugees, only about 20% of the ones entering Europe are even from Syria you retarded cuck.
he's black for one.
just checking if i got banned
This, the fact that I get called a racist for wanted an adaptation to stick to it's source material is mind boggling.
i don't give a shit about race. If Roland was black or mexican in the books then I would want him to be black or mexican in the movie. What's wrong with sticking to the source material? Well, they could actually change book 5-7 for all I care as I stopped giving a shit and apparently Stephen King did as well.
Never read the books. Couldn't care less. He's a great actor. Gonna be cool
I don't comment on that, your claim is that immigration happens only to European countries, while the demographics of North-African and gulf-states have far higher numbers of immigrants.
Thanks for the new info, you retarded cuck.
so if you havent read the books, how do you know its going to be cool?
they are doing it intentionally to create controversy and media attention for the movie, it's effective marketing because of the whole social justice movement
>your claim is that immigration happens only to European countries
user never claimed that retard.
>that nose lip gap
lmao cmon nigga atleast say youre getting a medium steak when you ordered medium-rare or something like that cmon man lol
>why is it only white people/Europeans who have to let them in
>so if you havent read the books, how do you know its going to be cool?
He doesn't. He's a faggot troll.
>trying to reason with ideological zealots
Idris Ebola as Roland?
Well you would expect them too, they are much closer and their cultures are much more similar. And what about Saudi Arabia and UAE who are incredibly rich but have taken exactly 0?
The vast majority aren't even legitimate refugees, even the UN statistics say that.
Well Europe paid a fuckload of money to Turkey to hold them there. So even the ones who don't make it to Europe are being supported by Europeans.
do you prep the bull first?
Its blackwashing, pure and simple. I understand that actors need the money, but this won't stop until actors care about the source material. One day some black actor will stand up and say "Thanks, but no thanks. The character is not intended to be black and this is disrespectful to the book and an all around retarded idea."
It might happen, but don't hold your breath.
How about the other rich sand filled shitholes
fucking hell, didn't Germany along take in 1 million last year?
That makes no sense as a response to that post. Are you capable of communicating without memes, like an adult? Retarded unoriginal faggot.
That's a separate discussion, the claim was that "only European" countries take in immigrants, which is the only thing I am refuting.
If you want to talk about the racial hierarchy among the Arab gulf states and why they don't take in immigrants, that's an entirely different debate.
>the claim was that "only European" countries take in immigrants
He didn't talk about immigrants in general just Syrians.
But that pic does show that other countries have taken in very few migrants compared to European countries, isn't that what he said?
Turkey has taken a lot because the EU gave them billions to host them.
He always looks like he's sucking in his top lip. Like he's trying to hold in a big fat shit eating grin
Can we take a moment to consider how much McConaughey is going to kill it as Flagg?
All anger at Roland Deshawn aside, if the movie does well they might carry McConaughey over and do a proper adaptation of The Stand, which would be the fucking tits.
How badass would it be to do a bunch of King adaptations where the common thread was McConaughey as Flagg.
Fucking stupid. I'm not Watching the movie.
lel stephen king and his magical negroes and bullshit. when has he ever written a normal black character.
He's just a goofy, goofy looking motherfucker.
You should torrent it and then come back here to release the frustration. Shitpost has helped me coping with what they did to TFA. The nignog tower will be the same
that's what I'm planning on doing, no way am I giving them money
The arguments applies either way you frame it as immigrants in general or Syrians, again, I'm refuting the claim that only European countries take in immigrants in large numbers.
>The picture shows that of the roughly 6-7 million displaced Syrians, more than 5 million are in the countries on the map. I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion that it's "a few".
At least Idris Elba is a good actor, and will probably do a good job representing the character, if not looking as you would expect him to.
Would you have rather they cast someone like Chris Pratt and made Roland a quipster?
Not sure how that happened, the text in green was a response to
>Would you have rather they cast someone like Chris Pratt and made Roland a quipster?
I just movie hopped into TFA. I went in with no prejudice against the movie and I still hated it. For once, Sup Forums was right. What the fuck went wrong?
That's a false dilemma
You can have a good white actor who does a good job representing the character too.
Or would you rather they cast Chris Tucker and made Roland a quipster? ;)
>At least Idris Elba is a good actor,
I can't help but roll my eyes when I hear this. Elba has to be one of the move overrated actors in Hollywood. Is he bad? not by a long shot, but he's not that good either. I haven't seen him do a performance that was anywhere near 'good'.
>Would you have rather they cast someone like Chris Pratt and made Roland a quipster?
>children that honestly think King cares about being called racist or that it would affect his career
King's been labeled a racist, a sexist, a satanist, a communist, an asshole, and more over the decades. Literally a big part of his success is the controversy around some of his earlier works. And at this point in his career, he has millions of fans that would line up to the bookstores even if he wrote a novel describing his bowel movements.
Great in The Wire, Luther, Beasts of No Nation.
Even had a pretty solid comedic stint on The Office.
He hasn't been very selective with his roles recently, but he has legitimate acting chops.
But he's dark and has a british accent. He just seems so sophisticated.
most of which are in Turkey, which was given a ridiculous amount of money by the EU to hold them
>nobody cares about Rhodey's stories
Life imitating art.
Clearly your definition of most is different from the common usage of the word.
I have no idea. I was stunned for a while after getting out of the movie theatre. Never again money to disney
Although Sup Forums, as far as i've seen was heavily pro-TFA when it came out. Anyone trying to counter was getting shitposted to death
>King's been labeled a racist, a sexist, a satanist, a communist, an asshole, and more over the decades
You obviously have no idea how fads work, especially the current extreme PC social justice fad. If he was called racist in [the current year] he would be crucified.
Early King really is prime King. There is creative profanity, very perverted imagery and lots of racism.
I enjoy any book before Needful Things. It was gratuitous and graceful at the same time.
I bet this thread is filled with Trump supporters.
Hurr we're not racist we just really care about immigration reform. Cuck cuck cuck beaners cuck cuck mudslimes. Why don't you believe us, don't we seem reasonable?
Turkey does hold the majority in those countries listed
>Although Sup Forums, as far as i've seen was heavily pro-TFA when it came out. Anyone trying to counter was getting shitposted to death
Lol, did you just ignore certain threads back then? There were a shit ton of people calling the movie terrible when it came out.
Wouldn't you be a bit more comfortable on reddit?
>very perverted imagery
I recently read "It" and I was not expecting for there to be a child gangbang.
Take a break from the internet for a while, kiddo. Things aren't nearly as bad as you seem to think they are.
well what did you expect to happen when people call everything you don't agree with racist/homophobic/bigoted/xenophobic for 5 years straight
people get sick of it
You wouldn't know this since you were born in the late nineties, but there was a time when the latest fad was when anyone any remotely associated with "satanism" would be crucified.
Go the fuck to bed, you have school tomorrow morning.
1.8 out of 5 is not the majority.
Do you have a single original thought in your head?
Its all going wrong.
ayy lmao
The fact that some people overuse allegations of racism or bigotry as a way to control discourse does not mean that you are not, in fact, a racist bigot.
That's pretty rich coming from someone who randomly brings up "Trump supporters"
You realise people have lost their jobs because they've been called racist right?
Fuck one of these guys got fired for making a 'dongle' joke which is apparently 'sexist'.
You have no clue.
>"I don't like thing"
People like you are going to turn me into an actual racist really soon. Have you ever heard of social control theories? That's essentially what's going on here. If you just keep calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist, don't be surprised when they start acting like one.
>sticking up for muslims
Why? Islamism is cancer.
I didn't though.
And back in the fucking day people went to jail because of the satanist phase. You really think that's fucking comparable?
King's career doesn't die because of controversy, it thrives.
at this point I'm just waiting for the black Hitler adaption
build that wall mister trump
>a publisher is going to "fire" one of the bestselling authors of all time because idiots on the internet call him racist
yeah no
Yawn. I'm just waiting for the straggling retards who are still terrified of being called a racist to wake up and laugh in your collective faces
>People like you are going to turn me into an actual racist really soon.
Be honest, you're already actually a racist. You're just salty that people are calling you out on it.
You're the kind of dude who thinks he isn't racist because he likes his raised-in-the-suburbs black co-worker Daryl who is really into comic book movies and fighting games, but thinks "black culture" just breeds criminals and that there is no systemic racism at work.
I got over the child gangbang rather quickly.
If you're that easily manipulated than you must have the mind of a child.