Why am i bored of this game already Sup Forums ?

Why am i bored of this game already Sup Forums ?

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sounds like a personal problem

because LoL is better.

Cause youre either too good or suck at it
Got to hit it right in the middle

for my dick jajaajaja \

No good flanking routes, cheats built in, medals ment to discourage elitism only enchance it, boring characters
But that's why I'm bored of it

Because moba suck.

probably this
also this

you play alone.

Because reaper is a bullshit offense that's impossible to fight in a 1v1

Yea i do play alone, plus i do it on a laptop. Also i fell like there's not alot of heroes and you always have to choose the same shit all the time

play pharah or roadhog

much more enjoyable when playing with a group of familiars.

You probably chose the 'same shit' because you've tried other heroes, failed with them and then written them off as possibilities...

because you're probably a shit tier bastion only noob

i can fight reaper 1v1 with alot of the heroes
idk what you're doing

I am ussually forced to go as Lucio or any tank because the rest of the team just want to dps, I can play a few of the heroes pretty well but not having friends to play along sucks

>Spot the noob.

You probably complained about mcree pre-nerf as well, didn't you?

lucio is shit though


Which one?

Hal or John?

why just lucio ? obviously it will get boring if you just play lucio out of all the healers...

sir i think you may have a drastic case of retard. lucio is top tier

little content, "variety"
only fun with a couple of friends but even then it's not amazing

>cant play lucio well
>lucio must be shit

People don't understand that a healer in the comp is a must at all thimes and if i dont pick a healer then nobody does haha, also turrets suck

no he's not his healing is terrible to the point you don't even need to worry about killing lucio before the rest of the team
most of the time lucio runs around trying to kill everyone instead of being a healer too
his ulti only lasts a few seconds
he's just a shitty dps that has minor aoe healing and wallrun

mercy can revive an entire team
mercy can save somebody with her healing
mercy can power you up
mercy doesn't get delusions of being dps
if there's a mercy on the other team you better kill her first
mercy is top tier

i meant more why not try other healers ?

yep you're right hes just played in high elo because he sucks

Cause i dont really like the healer roll but that is what i choose when ever my other random team mates go full dps or tanks. Mercy is kinda easy to kill and specially when nobody else cares about her

zenyatta best support besides mercy

Biggest problem with mercy is when people realise your points and focus you first every time. only so much hopping around you can do when so many people can 1-2 shot you.

8/8 made me reply


people play him cos they don't wanna play healer and he's basically a dps and because he can run on walls etc he's hard to hit but lucio has terrible healing and he never purposely runs to team to heal them
lucio sucks if you have lucio you need another healer aswell

yes. this is the difference between mercy and lucio. lucio is an amazing support because he can survive on his own and still supply healing and damage to his team


I don't understand how you can be so delusional

Because OP you have no friends to play with.

if you wanna play dps just go sniper role, stay back and enjoy picking people off and let the other teammates worry about not having a healer.

if you play the game for other people you're not going to enjoy it for yourself. nut up faggot, dont be a cuck in the game as well as your real life.

Solo main mei and get top 500. Game is too easy

wtf are you trying to say? you need 2 supports no matter what. lucio is probably one of the best supports in the entire game. compare a team who has lucio to a team that doesnt have lucio. the team without lucio will lose alot more

yea well mercy can jump to team mate to team mate and is hard to kill if you play her right but if you have a shit team they won't be close enough together and her range isn't even that bad


mate i have beat lucio many times while playing mercy

mate i have beat mercy many times while playing lucio/tjorborn/reinhart/d.va/ana/pharah/all the other heroes

what is your point here?

obvs i clicked the wrong one... meant to click

lucio is shit

try playing him right then

i don't play him cos he's not a real support
i see a team mate at critical health and i run over but as lucio there's nothing i can do but stand there and wait for his shit tier healing to get there most of the time they die
mercy on the other hand can save them

THATS WHY YOU HAVE 2 SUPPORTS RETARD one for burst healing and one to keep the people that are taking minor harass at full hp. fucking idiot

doesn't lucio's empowered healing song out heal mercy?

why am i an idiot... do i control the rest of my team?
do you think anyone listens when i say we need another support?
i think you're retarded
i even said earlier that you need a second healer with lucio

i mean it's aoe heal so probably but it doesn't last long and it has a long cooldown
and as his healing is so low you tend to use it when you can so it's usually on cooldown

then you're in a low elo and therefore bad at the game. git gud,

no, you use it when you can read the situation and know when your team is under heavy fire people who use it whenever its up seperates the good lucios from bad ones

i'm not bad at the game i do have over 200 wins and i'm only at rank 44 but the thing is mate rank doesn't reflect your skill it reflects the skill of the teams you've had
it's not difficult to understand if you put the best player in the world in a team with the worst players he'd still lose
i've fought from the 30's cos of shitty placement matches and it's just an endless cycle of retards

What, TF2?

>not bad at the game
>rank 44

i obviously don't use it if there's no reason to use it...
but yea i don't like lucio so i don't even have an hours playtime with him

I disagree. He can out heal mercy in single target for a limited time and heal multiple targets too. He lacks the ability to pocket heal a tank taking massive damage though because he can't deliver as much single healing consistently. When he charges up though he's doing twice mercy's healing to each target including himself. I really wanted to enjoy mercy but she's too easily countered and requires your team covering you. Lucio can just sit in the middle of the team and doesn't require saving.

did any other console fags notice that they changed the controls when they added ana?

can you read? i don't think you can...
as i said rank reflects the teams you've had not an individual
if there was say a deathmatch mode where you don't need to rely on the team as a whole then the rank would reflect an individual

Because its shallow as fuck.

I got bored playing the beta and chose not to buy it and saved $60

> implying Mcree wasn't broken
Theres a reason they nerfed him

cause you miss playing muhamed simulator

Matchmaking is broken beyond words.

Smash, or be smashed. No fair games.

Strange, I only paid $40.
How did you manage to save $60 for a $40 game?

he still is you retard, any move that gives you an auto kill is broken, also broken moves are what make the characters unique, if they didn't have abilities that happen to be broken; the game would just be another shooter.
>go back to cod/reddit

soldier is such a pointless character an utter bore
and then he brings out the aimbot and slaughters everyone

Lol Soldiers ult is the enemy of every COD player

Solider is the main of every COD baby

>and they dont fucking help the team

Truth. I'm pretty mediocre, and I'm having a hell of a time.

You are a disappointment to your parents. Abort yourself.

how do you feel getting one shotted by hanzo