What constitutes a "comfy" movie?
I hear this a lot but I really don't get it.
Is 10 Cloverfield Lane a good example?
What constitutes a "comfy" movie?
I hear this a lot but I really don't get it.
Is 10 Cloverfield Lane a good example?
10 cloverfield lane is pretty tense throughout the whole thing so no
Something you can just 'switch off' and enjoy :)
To me, it's a movie that is very re-watchable and has an nice visual aesthetic that is enjoyable in its own right. Or might also be a relatable subject matter for the viewer. But in general, something that is fun to watch over and over and gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling.
Die Hard 3
Its a film that you enjoy re watching even though you know all the spoilers.
I would disagree. Tone of the movie has nothing to do with it for me.
10 Cloverfield Lane has good set design and quality lighting, etc. Good acting, and good creepy comedy from Goodman. It also has that certain "I don't know what". Kinda has a Spielberg feel, or you can tell it was inspired by '80s Spielberg movies.
it was a good 'ride', but the storyline was contrived. like, oh, btw he's a pedo and we can't trust him now how convenient
for me it's movies with good environments... dark moody colors, but also with an engaging story that sucks you into the world of the movie. A lot of horror movies are comfy to me for that reason
Who's the chick?
its a film with a very optimistic or enchanting atmosphere
Jurassic park makes me feel comfy. mostly cause of nostalgia
>10 Clovershit Lane
pic related, max comfiness
>What constitutes a "comfy" movie?
Princess Bride
>I hear this a lot but I really don't get it.
How does the movie make you feel?
>Is 10 Cloverfield Lane a good example?
This is a good example. Minimalist plot, interesting characters and dialogue, beautifully shot, and just all around perfect.
i just saw planet of the apes for the first time, was pretty comfy desu.
Go to bed, Jay
I dont know who Jay is. I'm just a lonely faggot that likes good romantic movies.
Yeah that's a good comfy movie.
OP, if something is called a "psychological thriller film" then generally it's not a comfy movie.
I would say that goes for thrillers in general, unless someone has seen it so many times.
Among thrillers, I guess there might be people who would consider some of the following "comfy" movies:
The Fugitive
Mulholland Dr
Eyes Wide Shut
Die Hard
True Lies
Jurassic Park
Blade Runner
OP, don't listen to these faggots. Being comfy has absolutely nothing to do with genre or subgenre. Literally any movie can be comfy. For instance, I consider The Exorcist and The Shining to be super comfy.
>For instance, I consider The Exorcist and The Shining to be super comfy.
Why? How old were you when you first saw them? How many times have you seen them?
Comfy can certainly include nostalgia.
there's too much tension in it
watch more noir films
cornetto trilogy
Lucy Pinder. The loads I spilled to her at age 14 alone could fill a swimming pool tbqh sempai
Anything can become comfy just by virtue of a viewer being familiar enough with it. I'm sure some people wouldn't consider Aliens to be a comfy film given its intensity, but I've seen it enough that I'm now inoculated to the action scenes and all that's left is to enjoy is the atmosphere and character interactions.
>True Lies
That scene where she drops the uzi and it kills all the bad guys tumbling down the stairs.
That scene where his wife is stripping for her husband, but she dosnt know and Arnold looks disgusted for some reason that im sure isnt scripted.
>and Arnold looks disgusted for some reason that im sure isnt scripted.
He doesn't look disgusted at all, you meme loving faggot, watch the movie again.
How rich is that guy?
Friday and Next Friday are the most comfiest movies to me
Do you have difficulty correctly interpreting the emotional state of others?
>you have to be rich or a model to have a hot girlfriend.
and saggy big boobs
hairy arms too
The discrepancy is far too jarring for that kind of bullshit and you know it, user. Fuck off.
I don't think so. He's probably just confident and funny.
Reverse image search leads to some nice tits
He's painfully average. Hot women don't typically date down regardless of confidence and humor. Don't get me wrong, those traits certainly help, but in the grand scheme of things, someone as average as that is usually gonna have to bring more to the table for someone as hot as her.
I wish this 'confident and funny' meme will end, it's just a defense mechanism to help shallow women feel less shallow and to give betas false hope.
Looks and power (status or $$$$) matter so much more than personality. That goes for males and females.
Gods of Egypt is actually very comfy. 5.9
Saw them both when I was a kid. They are perfect movies. Not perfect as in everyone likes them, perfect as in tight, every shot is perfect, every scene is perfect, etc. This is what a comfy movie is to me, not the mood of the movie.
Primarily atmosphere.
Cinematography, setting, world-building and tone have a lot to do with it.
Fury Road is pretty comfy.
I'm always on the look out for good comfy scifi
she looks average to me. face wise that is
You just perfectly described napoleon dynamite imo
Comfy movies are movies where you can just roll up in your nightsheet and be a miserable piece of shit while watching the movie.
>Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
what if the monster in cloverfield wasnt the aliens, but Jackman's character himself?
Everybody knows it's Goodfellas.
milo and otis
pirates of the Caribbean
o brother where are thou
Tbh the quintessential comfy is that 70s show.
Nothing ever happens and life is always good.
comfy af
My nigga
comfy is something that you like that doesn't have an overly complicated plot or tons of action
10/10 comfy movie would be Mummy
Comfy movies for me are the type you want to watch when you're sick or down - not too loud and obnoxious, not too terribly complex or hard to follow, not too intense or scary
Example: Ghibli movies
or jusrt movie with big boobs
Something without any real tension. Happy feel-good moments. A somewhat slow pacing.
What you want is something that encourages snuggling up in a blanket with some hot coco.
Dazed & Confused
Short Circuit
The Breakfast Club
>What constitutes a "comfy" movie?
it's a meme
I would've loved staying in the bunker & I'm already squirreling away canned foods :D
Comfy used to mean comfortable, but now it means anything you think is good for any reason. If you like Serbian Film, it's comfy.
As usual, people are fucking stupid and cannot into using words correctly.
For me it's Lost In Translation. I just put it on and watch Bill Murray and Scarjo have a nice time in japan.
This is not a comfy movie because it has a bad ending.
Spielberg movies are comfy.
Especially Jurassic park 1, ET, and to some extent Jaws.
Comfy movies need to remind us of the "good old times" where family won, kids were loved, there were good guys and they won.
Spielkberg's films are exactly that. At their heart they are usually about family coming back together, the good guys win and the plot is flowing, fun and with a classic script structure.
Die Hard
The rock
Lost in translation
Any movie by Edgar Wright
Twin peaks(t.v)
Spirited away
Fantastic Mr.Fox
Big hero 6
The social network
*t.v show
reservoir dogs
no niggers
Are you retarded? Status $$$ and personality go hand in hand you idiot.
The Last Boy Scout is also comfy, Thanksgiving day viewing.
Have you even seen the ending to Before Sunset? It's really uplifting.
Or if it evokes nostalgia. Nostalgia is the comfiest feeling known to man
LotR, Harry Potter, any actionner from the 80's
One where nothing is "jarring". Generally, it implies warm colours, soft music (if any), minimal shouting or violence. Easygoing tone, low tension.
Fellowship of the Ring
I'm struggling to enjoy it. I really am. Anything but comfy.
One with big boobs
and hairy arms. Actress with hairy arms automatically make a film comfy. You just wand to lick these furry batons.
Its totally subjective
Also this
If i could name one movie i find comfy id have to say paper moon.
You mentioning Spielberg makes me think of the jew that let his comrade get killed by the german soldier whilst he cried on the stairs.
Yeah, real comfy shit.
Lost in Translation is pretty comfy. Largely quiet atmosphere, filled with thoughtful scenes and none of the cast are prone to outlandish drama.
>The Fugitive
>Mulholland Dr
>Eyes Wide Shut
>Die Hard
>True Lies
>Jurassic Park
>Blade Runner
10/10 patrician-tier comfy list user. I put on Blade Runner sometimes when I'm cozy in the bed, and fall asleep before the opening scene is even over from overloading on comfy levels.
comfy can be different for different people user
a few of my comfy movies/shows are:
cast away
into the wild
180 south
ray mears
so yeah, mostly nature stuff does it for me. that and scenes of driving but i cant think of something off the top of my head right now.
>any suggestions for movies to add to my comfy list bruhs?
The original Star Wars trilogy is extremely comfy for me.
t. beta orbiter
This is a good description. For me, many adventure/fantasy movies are comfy.
The Princess Bride
Back to the future
Indiana Jones
are some examples
Despite how awful this is, Zilla is top tier comfy. Probably has to do with the rain and personally it was one of the earliest theater experiences I remember.
It's a homosexual and teen girl buzzword.
I'm sure I'll get shit on for it, but the Big Lebowski has always been my /comfy/ movie. Watch it every time I get sick.
what about Big Lebowski?
'Concerning Hobbits' is possibly the most comfy tune in existence.
I find a lot japanese movies to be really comfy
>small town
>slice of life
>a train station
>comfy old style house
Still Walking
The taste of tea
Swing Girls
my guilty pleasure.
A great comfy movie.