Thoughts on this show?
Thoughts on this show?
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beginning of the apatow cult
i'd fuck the shit out of kim. no joke
The funniest and most realistic high school show ever made.
genuinely funny, heartfelt and affecting, which great, very human characters that are as flawed as they are endearing. one of the all time great shows. A long lost time before Paul Feig and Judd Appatow were self indulgent hacks.
never saw it but I'm fucking amazed at how many of the people in that picture went on to be famous
So who is geeks and freaks? I sure hope it's not those good looking kids on pic.
i found it very well acted and written (except for the finale for obvious reasons). i read around the internet that a lot of people love it beacuse it's a perfect depiction of their high school years. i'm italian and high school here is completely different so i can't have that "i can relate to this" approach towards this show, but i still think it's very entertaining.
left side big kids: freaks
right side little kids: geeks
it's not that hard dumbass
Bill was the only good character.
It also featured Shia LaBoeuf, Jason Schwartzman, Lizzy Caplan, Rashida Jones and Matt Czuchry (all on minor roles)
the actor who played Bill was amazing, it's a shame he didn't become famous like other people on the show
>not Mr. Rosso
Seth Rogen's character a shit.
Marshall Ericson GOAT
holy fuck
they axed the show midseason, that's why some characters are underdeveloped and some plotlines remained disclosed (Lindsay's grandma)
tv is fucked up
i saw this when i was like 13 and thought they were all heaps old looking
most of them were teenagers except lindsay was 23
It was literally Jew: the series. But other than that it was OK.
also Ben Foster.
Judd Apatow the co creator promised all of them he'd push their careers along because he felt terrible the show got cancelled before series 1 ended
And he did basically, except busy phillips got shafted. the rest of them got free rides.
The writers all had to write down answers to questionaires like
>Worst thing that happened to you in HS
>Best thing that happened...
>Your first love...
>Your first friend
>Your most awkward moment
They just took the writers answers and turned them into shows. It was a pretty clever move to make it seem real as fuck by making it real as fuck.
>It's true.... the car garage cheating dad... the mom fucking the gym coach... all of it
i'll never get over my crush on cindy
Reddit: The TV Series
mother of god i'd forgotten
she was so boring though.
>"Hi, Sam!"
>"Oh, hi, Cindy!"
>Forgetting the most famous cast member
>i'll never get over my crush on Maureen
and she farted in front of muh husbando
It was the chair, you dumbass.
Bill Haverchecked the chair and it didn't make a squeak, cuck.
Rashida Jones played a bully
best episode
True story based on creator Paul Feigs life
The same Paul Feig bringing you Ghostbuster Fem
casting for this show was absolutely perfect.
they wrote the characters around the casting, thats why they worked
a lot of it was improv