Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1787

Never stop Repping edition

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Special Sup Forums FAQ:
>What's the point of this thread?
For learners of Japanese to come and ask questions and shitpost with other learners. Japanese people learning English can come too I guess.
>Why is it here?
The mods moved us here and won't let us go anywhere else.
>Why not use the pre-existing Japanese thread?
The cultures are completely different.
>Go back to Sup Forums
We'd like to. Bitch to the mods.

Previous thread: →

Other urls found in this thread:


Can you just go, fake-japan-kun?

>Should I start with manga or VN's?
VNs, easily. Text hookers make your job so much easier.

If you're looking for what VN to start with, just go to the /jp/ version of this thread and search through the images. Those Touhou obsessed fucks have some useful attributes. Pic related.

You had one job.

previous thread: desuarchive.org/int/thread/69614605/#69614605


pray for Anki deck

I am real-japan-kun.
the picture is nice.

Why does this exists when there is 2chan and JP?

DJT Sup Forums is for beginners
Japanese thread Sup Forums is for intermediate
2chan is for high-end
2ch is endgame

is my understanding. correct me if i'm wrong

Please don't respond to tripfags.

It seems that I've come to like Anime picture more and more carelessly.
what should I do

>Have you read 平成生まれ2?
I started it recently, the picture I edited is from its first chapter. Thanks for volume 3, though, didn't have that one.

Woah, OP, nice job erasing my thread from existence.

I've been gone for a couple years, can someone give me a tl;dr on why the mods decided to move DJT to Sup Forums?

I wonder if I become ani-ota.

Are you retarded?

the thread was full of crossboarders from normalfag boards and perpetually off-topic

it's also on /jp/ now

Is there reading material for beginners that isn't in Chinese cartoon format?

your favorite textbook

What do you have against chinese cartoons?



back in my prime

autism knows no bounds

this is D-cup Japanese Thread

Thanks, but I meant something more like normal literature

I don't like it because it's associated with /jp/-tier freaks and 90% of the cartoons seem to be about little girls baking cakes and singing pop songs
I like the ones that I grew up with such as i.e Silver Fang, but I wouldn't watch/read something like Bleach or Naruto or whatever otaku faggots watch

If there is something like this in text format that's easy to read, then sure, but I'd rather stay away from the moe moe kawaii~~ gay shit

>2.4 cards per second

silver fang talks with other dogs in Japanese.

Posts like this remind me of how many normals are here

user, you can't just spam the 'good' button without actually reading the card

are you calling me autistic or him autistic?

I've been taking japanese classes since March 2015 with an old lady from japan (She is currenty 80 years old)
I really am not satisfied with my japanese, and I decided to not depend on her on acquiring knowledge like I always did.
This is my current situation:
I know first and second grande kanjis.
Started third grade kanji this year.Will finish it probably in less than 2 months.
So I know 240 now and i'll know 440 in 2 months.
Most of it is from kanji and writing books my sensei gives me.
The book I'm currently writing is Hiroko san no tanoshii nihongo. It's pretty "easy" if you take my time learning japanese in consideration but I'll admit now that I've really just slacked off this 2 years.
Most of it from writing these books.
My sensei told me I'll start Kyokasho after finishing Hiroko 2.
What is a pretty solid strategy to use from now on?
I was thinking on finishing third grade kanji then writing those kyokasho books. (I think the reason she makes me write these books is to make me acquire vocab and grammar while reading and writing these books)
I am going to start from second grade(kyokasho) because my vocabulary is not that great.
Should I instead go for Core2k/6k?
Never did it.
I tried it for a few weeks but I didnt continue and when I came back, although I stopped the new cards my reviews were all fucked up.
Ignore any english mistakes, I'm a Brazilian.
Thanks for any help in advance.
I really am looking forwards to improving my japanese.
See image, please.

>from the moe moe kawaii~~ gay shit

you know, i know -exactly- what you mean, my swedish friend.

However, luckily for you, most anime aimed at children is NOT moe kawaii. And if you're just getting into japanese, you're going to want to watch anime made for children, so i don't' think you'll run into the moe kawaii ugguuuu problem.

I am not normal, I am from kc
There is difference between being otaku and being weird in general

what's a good example anime then?

do you have a blog? i need to follow you asap

I'll make dinner.
Be right back.

I meant to quote

He's being disrespectful. Unfortunately I'm not qualified to answer your question, but I hope you find someone here who is.

>I know first and second grande kanjis.
>Started third grade kanji this year.Will finish it probably in less than 2 months.
>So I know 240 now and i'll know 440 in 2 months.

what the fug
I've been learning Kanji with Core 6k for about a month and I'm at pic related, despite missing quite a few days in the beginning due to lack of routine

Get Anki and do maybe 10 new cards per day the first 3 days so that you get to know how the software works, then up the new cards to what you think you can handle (I do 20 new cards per day but consider increasing it by 5 or 10)

Read up a little about the Anki preferences aswell, i.e Steps for new cards and such

protip that might be of interest: Get the "KanjiStrokeOrders" font and replace the default Core 6k font with it, or whatever font you like

You've never heard of doraemon or crayon shinchan?

shugo chara is what got me into japanese learning but i already know it would turn that swedish guy off


Has anyone gotten any emails about JET interviews? I tried asking on /jp/ but the mod and posters there are autistic and threw a tantrum about mentioning JET in a Japanese thread (God forbid!)

I will look into this once I get to the point where I dare to try reading, thanks

what does -this- mean
is it like that *slaps you* youtube comments meme shit from 2008?

boku doraemon desu

Thanks.I hope so too.
You learned 1608 unique kanjis in a month?
If I stick to 10 new cards per day, will it take too long?
Yes, I know...
2 years only to know 240 kanjis and some basic vocabulary and shitty grammar is something to be ashamed of.
I see that now.
But you have to see from my POV, my sensei never really asked much of me or pushed me or anything.I can't blame her, she's 80 years old.
But I am more than willing to have a constant schedule study session with japanese.
What about this:
I'll finish the Hiroko book.There is just 60 pages left. I can finish in less than 2 weeks.
Then I'll finish my third grade kanji.
And I'll start Core 2k/6k Anki everyday.
But the thing is, this core 2k/6k I'll only do it at my home. What can I do at my sensei's school? The kyokashou books?
That might be a good idea, right?
Anki core 2k/6k at home and writing books at school.

In core 2k/6k, I'm trying to set my Hint field to "" for all cards in the deck that have Vocabulary-Kanji as a duplicate to some other card in the deck.

Is it possible to do this programmatically?

what does what mean, shugo chara?

or have you really not seen an emote before?

do swedish people not roleplay or something?

Can i ask you something user?

You have a BACHELOR'S Degree

Why are you doing JET when you could be doing post graduate study in japan?

You have far more freedom in post graduate study.

The pay is ok (you actually get paid more than the actual teachers) but I'm doing it because I like teaching, I like Japan, and I like children.

Your rent is also subsidized so you're only paying the equivalent of like $100 per month for your apartment.

It's a pretty chill life, 1-5 years of getting paid and not having to pay very much all while learning Japanese through immersion. Not to mention that if you're American (which I obviously am) then you don't have to pay American taxes while you're working in Japan, and your Japanese taxes are largely returned to you upon leaving the country.

But again, the money isn't really what matters to me. It is something to consider though, the fact that it's basically free money with absurdly low living expenses.

you really underestimate how shit being a JET actually is

i hope to god your experience doesn't ruin your perception of japan. reply to this post in 5 years and we'll catch up

No he only learned the red ones, ~240, and learned in this context means "be able to read a word that contains this kanji". Not saying that's bad or anything, though they could have learned more in 1 month.

If you want to learn Japanese then you need to learn words and to read.

Have you been in JET? Everyone I've asked about it who actually did it said it was an awarding experience, albeit it required effort since you are, in many cases, actually creating lesson plans for children. (I have training in that so the fact doesn't bother me).

No, I learnt the ones that are red/yellow/orange marked, i.e +200.
In total I've learnt 328 cards this month (though not all are sticking yet).
If you do like 50 - 60 new cards per day then you can get close to 1500 kanji per month, it's probably doable but I wouldn't attempt it because I'm scared of poor retention.

Regretting the time you spent at the class won't do any good, instead of viewing it as a waste of time you can see it as a very very very long preparation for more serious learning.

Right now I'm not very organized so I'm just doing Anki at home every day, multiple times during the day (my steps are 1 10 30 180), and trying to get through Tae Kim's grammar (because I couldn't be arsed to check other grammars aside from Genki and Genki seemed like it wouldn't work well outside of a uni class or whatever) right now, I wouldn't say that I have even elementary knowledge of Japanese so I can't really help you out too much.

I've studied Serbo-Croatian at home before (I'm actually still studying it, though Japanese is my priority) aswell as studying Russian in educational environments, so I think I have an okay idea of how you should go about learning languages though.
Personally I'll probably be upping my cards to about 30 per day, since I am NEET and have unlimited free time, and focus a lot more on learning grammar using Tae Kim's grammar guide (it seems good enough, you can also check Imabi), then try reading (and do more grammar and grinding)

Also this I should have learnt way more, but as I mentioned I missed quite a few days, it's only in the last two weeks or so that I've managed to make a proper routine out of it and now I do it every day with no exceptions (because missing a day of Anki means extraordinary suffering).
Another point that can be made is that it's indeed just reading practice, I don't write the Kanji out even though I have the Kanji stroke orders font, if you care about that then you'll need to invest more time.

jumbo jet

To clarify I don't care too much about handwriting right now since I don't personally have any need whatsoever to be able to write properly before I can actually read Japanese content (or even after that), hence I don't care about learning stroke orders and handwriting styles.

I found that generally I'm able to guess the correct stroke order after just having read this page, though there are obviously exceptions
In general if you want to learn stroke order properly then you probably have to grind radicals aswell, not for me right now.

>I like children
How old are the kids you work with? Do you mix with all the classes, or stick with one class?

My personally? I've worked with all age groups.

JET generally places you in multiple schools with varying age groups as well, is what I'm told by people who've done it. You go to a different school each day of the week, it's that kind of thing.

>I don't like it because it's associated with /jp/-tier freaks and 90% of the cartoons seem to be about little girls baking cakes and singing pop songs
Always related.

>almost 2 years
>240 kanji
Do you know the tale of the 1001 nights?
This old lady will probably die if she ever stops teaching you Japanese, so she is making it in the slowest way possible so she can outlive you.

>that pic
What am I when I watch around 30 shows a season and don't have a waifu?

anime otaku

I actually loled.
I'll start anki and study everyday 20 new cards per day.
Thanks a lot for your replies.
What happens if I not manage to use anki in a certain day? Can I "freeze" it If I know I won't be able to study in that day

What's the sex like?

holy shit lol

>you actually get paid more than the actual teachers
I don't know where you heard this, but it's entirely false.

t. someone working in the Japanese school system

You don't choose a waifu, she finds you.
It won't happen with everyone.

otaku joshi

My information is dated by 10 or 20 years so there's that (that's when they did JET).

What do you do and how did you get there?

>tfw no キクヒメ

What anime type am I if I don't watch anime but enjoy the nostalgia associated with childhood animes?

You don't have to do exactly 20 per day, it might be too slow or too fast for you personally depending on how your retention rate ends up looking.
On the first two or three days I struggled to make sense of the Anki concept and was just constantly butthurt whenever I tried learning with it, during my first session I couldn't remember anything and learning 20 cards ended up taking about an hour full of hatred towards whoever developed it.

After a few days you learn how to work Anki properly, and then it becomes easier to deal with.

My Anki tips:
Make up mnemonics, even shitty ones can be very useful
Don't cheat, it's better to reset a card than to falsely tell Anki you're confident about it
The R key on your keyboard can be used to replay card audio
Something that I personally did was to remove sentence audio as it makes me lose my focus and stresses me

If you miss out on using Anki one day then you'll just get way more reviews the next day, meaning it will take much longer and be harder since you didn't review the first set of reviews at the right interval.
If you end up piling up hundreds of reviews and it makes you feel like setting fire to your computer then you can just change new cards to 0 for a while as you work to get rid of the reviews I suppose.

If you do forget a day or so but you want to finish reviewing everything in one session, I recommend changing your preferences to "Show new cards after reviews" so that you don't get even more stressed out that session by new cards randomly popping up.

Otaku. The "otaku" in that pic is a fucking casual.
>at least three airing shows!!
>uh oh my backlog will have to wait

It took me 10 years to find a waifu, a character that clicked with me starting from her first appearance.

Anyways I will go to bed so I can be fresh for my morning Anki slave session

Check out the Cornucopia of Resources / Guide link in the OP, it's pretty useful when you're new and gives an insight into what material is available and such

Thank you for your help.

oh my god.
I notice now

Hello again, I solved this problem by exporting the deck to Google Sheets and writing a script to do this for me. I'm about to try to import it again and see if everything is fucked. Assuming it works, I can put the deck up somewhere if anyone cares.

Why make the same general on Sup Forums and /jp/?


Well, importing fucked everything up, so I guess I'll just refer to the spreadsheet when I see new cards. Oh well.

>Can I "freeze" it If I know I won't be able to study in that day
Can you freeze your brain? If not, you can't freeze a program that works based on your memory. Reduce your new cards if you must, even set it to 0 on an emergency day, but try to do reviews when they are due. If you don't they will pile up and Anki will correct the intervals by itself, but as things pile up you get more demotivated.

The moment you assume you need to have a waifu or watch a given number of shows, you're already Sup Forumstard material.

Cause /jp/ needs somewhere to tell people they don't like to fuck off to.

>tfw when you start reading+comprehending as fast as the voice actors speak

Thanks, with 20 new cards per day I'll finish it in 100 days right?


>The moment you assume you need to have a waifu or watch a given number of shows, you're already Sup Forumstard material.
No one said that.

If you know you're gonna miss the next day you can just "review ahead" or whatever it is

it messes things up a little but it's way better than just skipping a day

Honestly friend, JET Is good for a short venture

but with JET there is NO Advancement. you have to be a job hopping faggot

the best thing you can do is use JET to get your foot in the door and use your spare time off work to find a better job then make like a leopard

you don't understand now, but you will.

P.S. English tutors in Japan make $50/hour, making your JET efforts all but useless.

Actually, I just got it all working. Let me know if you want the deck.

Different user jumping in here.

>P.S. English tutors in Japan make $50/hour
Are you for real? I mean, I'm a CS major so I won't be short on money, but if I ever hopped careers that would be it.

Is that just for good, reputable tutors, or around the median, or what?

you can do CS work as your primary job then do english tutoring as a side gig

yes, $50/hour is real. do it as your second job.

Damn, that's amazing. Thanks for the info.

How do I delete all my stuff on Anki?
I just checked and there are some stuff from my first encounter with Anki.

Format your PC

Yeah, right.
Seriously, it's attached to my account.How do I do it?

By studying proper decks instead

Should be able to click on the gear menu and delete, right?

Also, what's the other radical in 五 besides 二? Jisho just lists 五 as a part and I don't know what to do. I've had this kind of thing happen for other kanji too. Sorry if this is a dumb question.

I'm this guy here
What deck do you reccomend??

Settle for 丨.


yes, but the deck actually has 6k cards. its called "core 2k/6k" because the first 2k words are the most common

The remaining 4k are still vocabulary?

core 2k/6k from the cornucopia of resources


I don't think i can learn japanese. (unlisted video)

This is easy enough in Anki but in reading comprehension this is going to be a fucking nightmare.