Are you more of a Brad, or more of a Doug?
>tfw Doug
Are you more of a Brad, or more of a Doug?
>tfw Doug
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm definitely more of a Brad, just ugly and autistic
This is now a celebrity siblings thread.
I'm their dim witted cousin, Stu.
If she has big tits do you think her brother has a big dick?
Is Brad Pitt turning into Val Kilmer?
>her sister is flat as a board
Stu Pitt?
Yeah, cuz that's how that works.
t. Geneticist
Brad is much funnier, Doug just relies on shouting at the camera and shallow observations about the films.
Wait... his name is DOUG Pitt?
Poor guy never had a chance
>dug pit
That is a very clean house.
>be zac braff
>see some kids spray painting your brand new hundred grand car
>proceed to chase one down and beat the shit out of him
classic braff
His brother looks like the mutant offspring of Brad Pitt and Zach Braff.
Whoa. Hopefully that guy is smart as hell. Otherwise every fucking good gene went to Ashton and he was left with the dregs.
How? He looks so non-threatening.
Master of disguisy
Even the most non threatening guy can fuck up a kid.
its sad his brother died
definitely more of a brad
thats why i'm shitposting on Sup Forums unemployed on a wednesday afternoon
You guessed it
>Didn't get the talent
>Didn't get the looks
>Didn't get the height
>Oldest of the bunch
He got fucked over from the gene pool
Holy shit, the short one is actually 6 foot. I guess the other two are just giants.
I look like Brad, but my mind is more like the Joker from Batman The Dark Knight, smart nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour
He's 5'11.
And he's probably boosting that a little like all actors do.
Last I heard he was 5'9".
Is this you?
Doug looks like what John Travolta should've at 50
Last i checked, he was 3'6".
you just know
Did you go deaf, did he shrink or did you forget what a search engine is.
>6 foot
damn her brother is a chad
he probably fucked all her friends growing up
being the ugly sibling must suck so bad
i'm ugly as it is but so are my siblings
it would be much worse being confronted every day wiht what you're missing out on
>those sounds of your brother pounding girls while u Seagal post
>tfw you're loss of a Jake
What did I mean by this?
Ah, less.
Not irl but relative to the belligerent autists on this board I'm brad as fuck.
My favorite, turns out Peggy Lipton was the key
>celebrity siglings thread
>forgetting the phoenii
Sup Forums is dead.
RIP river
too swarthy to be a Chad
joaquin is a qtp2t
Why do male siblings of famous actresses have to grab their sisters' wastes all the time in front of paparazzi or on the red carpet? Same goes for sons and their actress mothers.
I don't think I've ever held my sister or mother in that way.
Just like me and my brother. Me on the left.
You don't seriously think he's 5' 11" do you.
The dude's without a doubt 5' 9". Actors bullshit about their height religiously and have been doing it for years. Especially if they have taller siblings.
all chads are swarthy
Joss McPoyle
There's barely a resemblance. Did Joss's father get cucked?
I'm glad every movie with hemsworth flops, I hope he dies of starvation
>when you are Brad Pitts brother but people think you are Zach Braffs brother
they both look fine
I'm just a humble mother fucker with a big dick
>look almost identical
>one is handsome, the other is ugly
How does this work?
doug needs a tan
jaw and eyes
nothing more
that's Matt Bomer not her bro
>He has an older sister named Tausha and a fraternal twin brother named Michael, who had a heart transplant when the brothers were young children
>Michael also has cerebral palsy and is a spokesperson for the advocacy organization Reaching for the Stars
>Kutcher stated that when he was 13, he contemplated committing suicide to save his brother's life with a heart transplant; when he told his father he was considering jumping from a Cedar Rapids hospital balcony, his father dissuaded him from doing so shortly before doctors announced that a transplant had become available from an accident victim in another state
brother... sister...
Looks better desu
No one would pick Ethan over Joel
I'm more of a Benicio teebeeH
To be fair, they're clearly trying to make a joke about how much a stereotypical upper-middle class white dude he is compared to his brother.
>chris is australia
>liam is america
>dude brother is UK
Brads name is actually William.
>Bill Pitt
They look uber American in the best way possible. Nick Offerman makes me wish I were American. He's just such a cool guy