The Ten Worst Songs of 2016


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as bland and poorly reasoned as you'd expect from a buckley video

Who c a r e s

Some talentless faggot hating muh dum pop music wow how novel

I thought it was a pretty good video but i think the point is to look at pop songs but i never heard of some of these, maybe that is because im from europe and those are the north american charts but in my opinion he should have taken a closer look at the lyrics not just take 8 bars.

Why are his videos like shitty power point presentations lmao foh desu senpai

This triggers the poptimist

he made a video about that you have to keep your videos as simple as possible

>No Corey Feldman
>every song is mainstream pop music, nothing normies wouldn't know
Why should I trust this person?

>also the fact that he gives more than two shits about the lyrics
This dude is seriously a faggot

>comments and ratings disabled

>no Panda
>no Black Beatles


I didn't evevn watch it yet but I bet he puts Megan Trainor, Jacob Sartorius and BOB in there

The problem with "No" is that you can't tell if Trainor was evoking early 2000s pop on purpose, or if she just doesn't know what a modern pop song sounds like.

It's too easy to make a list of the worst songs if you count shit that nobody has heard.

>I'm retarded for not listening to "Panda Panda Panda Panda grrrrrrah Panda Panda akcjakwkrjsiq look like a Panda lqjfivhanqkfkcn look like a Panda"

what kind of sad creature sits through 27 minutes of this

>shitting on the distorted "yous" in This Is What You Came For like they're not the one thing that makes the song memorable

If he can't get over the trope of the human voice as a texture, a trope that has been dominating indie and mainstream music for the past decade, maybe he shouldn't be reviewing pop songs.

>It's too easy to make a list of the worst songs if you count shit that nobody has heard.
but then the list isn't actually the worst songs of 2016 and becomes a whiny "These are some pop songs I don't like"

This faggot is seriously still complaining about lyrics in a dance song?

His justification is "well it doesn't need lyrics so xD"

Worst part is he can't even take criticism himself, call him out for being a whiny tryhard pseud on these things and he'll scream "its not serious xD"

Fucking hate this guy

then why is he even making videos in the first place? what's the point of presenting it as a video if he's not actually doing anything that requires video. Just write your shit, fuck youtubers.

The Amazing Atheist of music

Just seems like he caters to lewronggeneration

This guy makes Fantano look good

Christ, he's more hated on here than i thought he'd be.

I disagree with one choice in the video. In fact I quite like one of the songs (points if someone guesses which song I like in one try). I still enjoyed the video.

I always like the worst song videos even when I disagree with some of the choices on them.

If you watched all the videos in this series you can see how the standards for pop music have gotten lower with every year

why would someone do that to themselves?


that's not what i said. go back to school and learn some reading comprehension ffs

they are in (dis)honorable mentions

This guy makes Christgau look amazing

I count at least 5 good pop songs there

The only good part was when he tore into Megan Trainor. The rest was bland, whiney, and borderline infuriating. And I actually like most of his (non music related) stuff.

>shitting on kiiara gold
i can't believe i used to watch this unfunny hack

Your standards must be really low

Why am I watching this? Every year someone shills this shit and every year I know how fucking annoying his videos are, yet I still click them. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Buckley always just picks the ten most popular pop or hip-hop songs of the year and makes up shit to hate on them like "it's hypocritical because they're talking about being downtrodden when they're rich" or "I don't like this one particular line so the whole song is shit."

He's a fucking moron who uses the tired "angry reviewer" shtick as a way to make up for his grating, monotonous voice and whiny personality.

Would say Fantano uses the Angry Reviewer shtick?

Megan was his number 1 worst. Good guess.

I do agree that the charts have been saturated with slow, repetitive pop and dance songs the past couple years, but that's about the only thing I agree with.

No, he uses the pandering to youtube kids schtick.

cant believe he reminded me of the song work

that song was so fucking annoying being played this year

That Selena Gomez song actually sounds good, and his criticism against it is so fucking baseless.
He's not complaining about a single thing about the actual song just about the person that made it, which is just so childish.
"Please make music that is above 120 BPM because that's the only allowed music"
What the fuck is wrong with slow music, seriously?

gold by kiiara

he does work at radio, so I'm not surprised he's bored of listening to slow, artsy pop songs since they're so popular right now

I think he has the last one wrong. Most feminists I know realllly dislike Meghan Trainor. No feels like backpedaling. Trying to build up that credibility after being vapid and sexist. It feels pretty disingenuous.

He's a comedian, not a music critic

I'm glad he included that Shawn Mendes song, it makes me angry

Nope. It was Work.

gotta try and stay relevant by bitching about feminism somehow

> MeowTheRainbowX 7 hours ago
>As a teenager who still hasn't dated anyone yet, I think these videos are actually quite informative. These pop songs basically play like tutorials on how not to start or behave in a relationship.

Just watch the first 20 seconds of this one.

Top kek

What kind of retard would listen to music he doesn't like?

I only listen to music if I think there's a good chance I like it; otherwise it just gets ignored

He works in radio

He works in radio. He has to hear songs he hates all the time and that's how he usually compiles the lists.

Or if you mean in an in-general sense: 'Bile Fascination'. Sometimes when an album is panned enough you get curious and want to listen.

I can't listen
It's too fucking difficult to sit through

The one thing I'll always hold against IHE, even though I love that guy - no apologies, is that he lends his credibility (which has been made by making entertaining videos not just straight ranting about banal shit) to this guy.

He did a collab video with him on April fools day

Yup, I'm aware

IHE must see a clear difference in the quality of their content but whatever, if he likes him he likes him I guess

>tfw Sup Forums got me into Buckley with The Worst Songs of 2014 thread two years ago
It's not perfect, but at least there's no youtuber drama

God what a fucking annoying shit.
DAE le real music is dead????

I said pop songs mate. They're good at being pop songs. I'd listen to them in a room full of people and not get irritated by the quality of music.

>They're good at being pop songs
Not really

plebs. this was bait to find out who the fags on this board are. congrats and go back to plebbit. ffs

Feldman didn't chart, nor did the commie dykes. A2TC was great btw

Even when I'm polite I get shit like this.

>I was jjust le epic ruseman
Fuck off idiot

so just leave!

fuck off plebbitor