
I thought the age of vydiakino was upon us?

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Isn't there an embargo until 25? Or are these just nobodies on twitter?

>invite normies to early screenings
>thinking they care about an embargo

>Blizzard goes out of their way to make an adaptation of the largely irrelevant first game so that normies aren't lost in the story
>Normies still don't get it
Never pander to normies. Same mistake as they made with wow.

this game isnt warcraft 1. its a lie

>2 normies dislike it
>dozens have been singing it's praises

Nice cherry picking faggot

Pifftahahh why even cling to hope?

This movie killed Duncan Jones' dad. He got cancer from the rough cut.

Why cling to hope that it will suck?

In fact why hope that it'll suck period?

What happened in your childhood that made you hate fun?

Dad used to beat my mother and break my toys.
Then he started beating me when I was about 13.

When I grew up, I started beating him up in revenge, but it didn't make me feel any better.

jesus christ.

Actually I'm looking forward to the movie, been a big fan since War2 but critics are goign to shit on this and it will do poor in the box office.

I honestly do hope that as a fan I do get a lot more enjoyment out of it but I'm not going to fool myself that it will be a success.

did your dad touch your pp too?

played wc 1-3 haven't touched wow, i think critics will shit on it but it will do well at the box office so many people gona see it outta nostalgia

>women can't even understand something as simple as Warcraft
Universal suffrage was a mistake.

I wouldn't listen to a coalburner's opinion.

Obviously fucked up in the head.

how do these retards not understand the story when they chose the simplest one?

>Warcraft is a steaming pile of fan-pandering bullshit

Well colour me surprised

Link to tweets please

I don't get this desu.
Warcraft's story is pretty damn simple and straight forward.
Orcs are slaves of bad demons and invade humans. Some orcs not bad. Heroes team up to kill wizard who let orcs in. The end.

It's about as complex as Harry Potter.

This. Warcraft is made with a child's level of intellect in mind, and they choose the simplest option from all of that.

WC3 human campaign might've been a better idea desu.
They'd have a beautiful hunk of a hero and a story about fighting evil to save his people with an edgy twist ending where he turns bad and kill his dad at the end.
Normies would love it. You wouldn't even have to go into much detail on what happened prior since the Orcs themselves aren't too prominent in his story.

So why do producers try again and again to make video games into movies?
Haven't they realised by now that most video games have shitty stories and the whole medium relies on interaction with the virtual world?

they wanted to build up to warcraft 3 in sequels but probably won't happen if critics can't even understand the first one

>shitty stories
Not like that stops capeshit from dominating the market.

>people actually play this

THAT MAKES 0 SENSE WHATSOEVER I hope she dies of uterus cancer.

Capeshit has iconic characters. Not to mention that the stories may be bad, but the ones in video games are worse.



They are literally the same shit.

The final boss in Marvel is a giant purple hulk who's gonna get the golden glove of ultimate universe power

First guy has been hating on the Warcraft movie since it was announced, therefor his opinion is highly biased

Second is a stupid twitter bitch coalburner, of course she won't like it

The 3rd guy is a capecuck that LOVED BvS, his opinion is shit

4th guy fair enough

kinos creed will be the true dawn of video game kino

Why did anyone think a video game that was just a bunch of generic fantasy tropes mashed together would make for a good movie?

Make a Morrowind movie. At least that would be slightly better.

The best review we actually have right now (in terms of reliability) is this one from boxofficetheory
Boxofficetheory guys actually know what the fuck they're talking about, and this guy isnt biased

>Make a Morrowind movie.
Senpai, if people can't understand something even as simple as Warcraft there's no way they'll understand any of the Elder Scrolls stories.
They'd probably think you'd need to have played Skyrim to understand a Morrowind movie.


these were the same people that thought bvs was the greatest movie of all time from the early fan screenings

Post it.

Big mistake, really. Could have adapted the old wars in form of a LOTR-like prologue (the one with the War of Last Alliance and Gollum), and started the first film with Arthas, a sexy blond edgelord hero that would make women squeal, with a more or less simple story about him fighting zombies and demons BUT THEN TURNING EVIL, OH NO, WAIT FOR THE SEQUEL!

Adapting WC1, the characters of which will not be relevant, like, ever since the second film (Lothar dies, every Stormwind character except the prince dies, Orgrim dies offscreen inbetween 2 and 3, Blackhand dies, Gul'dan dies in 2, Durotan dies). The only character of the cast with some relevancy for future works is Khadgar (and maybe Medivh if they reach 3).

>adaptation of the first game
>Dalaran flying around in the sky
FFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffuck them.

>Lothar flying a griffin

No they weren't

Eat swit you n'wah.

Only autist give a shit about just a minor thing

Yup, opinion discarded.

What part of "normies can't understand simple as shit Warcraft" do you not understand?

Yeah, make a Morrowind movie, sure.
>"So, user, are the grey-colored people bad guys or not, I don't get it?

>white males

That's pretty much what the film appears to be from the ads alone... orcs are the best parts, humans are all boring and generic while wearing cartoon armour.

>Eat Swit
S'wit, and it's a personal attack, like N'wah.

The WC3 human campaign is the only story you can easily adapt into a movie and which might work.
WC1-2 are essentially just a prologue and even then most the events in those games have barely any direct effect on Arthas' story.

Really, the only reason they adapted WC1 is because they wanted to show off Orc cgi technology. Something which would hardly work with an Arthas story since you can essentially skip the part where he fight the Blackrock clan.

Yeah, it makes sense, especially the way he describes the "sympathies" rollercoaster. When introduced to the lore, a new guy is likely to sympathize with orcs, as they get the most "active" and colorful characters, but the longer you stay with the franchise, the more you realize that the orcs are just continuing to find excuses to act as assholes all the time, because they have it so bad, that you end up sympathizing with the blander individually, but more coherent socially human and humanlike nations.

Jokes on you I self identify as Blackrock orc.
Human females are nothing more than slaves and toys.

>so damn confused, people actually play this?


Yeah, it's bad, but Metzen&co has specifically stated that the movie universe will be Warcraft's "Ultimate Universe", so it won't be a completely faithful adaptation.

idk if I trust these guys. on one hand, when BVS came out, Twitter said it was the greatest thing ever. and it was not. same with Civil War.

on the other hand, their critic about the movie being confusing unless you're a fan seems believable.

this'll likely flop though.

Jokes on you I've had sex before.



Well memed my friend.

Get your imperial rules out of here n'wah.

Does she think people play the movie? Does she think the movie is completely taken from the game and edited for a feature?

I honestly don't get what she means by this

It's clear that they are all SJWs and nu-males trying to shit on a movie with an actual meaningful message that don't panders to them. It will be a neverending cuckfest till the day people will see it and realize that it's a smart portrait of the problems in our modern society: mass immigration, miscegenation, degeneracy. Sheeple will wake up, mark my words.

>it's a smart portrait of the problems in our modern society: mass immigration, miscegenation, degeneracy. Sheeple will wake up, mark my words.

i know this is tongue-in-cheek but i chuckled regardless

I think her point is that all the over exaggerated designs and magic up the ass is just not appealing to her.

Though you would think she would be all for that BOC

Who's the company doing the special effects for the movie anyway?

>this'll likely flop though.
Even if it does poorly in the US and is critically panned it'll make enough money for a trilogy in Asia.


ILM, the best in the business


Yeah, it's a dilemma, really.

On the one hand, the orcs are a symbol of Warcraft, instantly recognizable and all that. The main orc story is Thrall's, but doing Thrall without previously explaining Durotan and Orgrim might end up a sucky story. So, making the first movie about Thrall was risky, and they decided to introduce the characters of Thrall's background before that.

On the other hand, Arthas's story would be easily adaptable, would not require beforehand knowledge of the world, and would present a plotline easy for the mainstream audience to enjoy and follow.

Still, from a movie-maker's viewpoint I think making Arthas film the first one would be more sensible.

what a dirty whore

arthas is boring as fuck

Based ILM, that's who.

So are Thor and Cap. Simple, but handsome characters attract mainstream audience.

Pretty much this. Arthas' story is legendary nowadays in gaming circles. Lock King is as iconic as Master Chief, Mario, Link and other normie-friendly video game mascots

girls will crush on Durotan calling it

Hot damn

Not even close.

Too bad he dies too soon.
There's still Thrall, though.

Who's story?

Arthas is definitely a hugely known character in gaming circles, but not as much as Mario

>The main orc story is Thrall's
Thrall doesn't actually do much until WoW imho.
Sure he takes the Orcs to Kalimdor, meets Cairne, befriends Jaina and found Durotar. But he's really just a side character in the overall WC3 story or even a plot device. Even in the Orc campaign it can be argued that Grom was actually the hero and he makes for a far more compelling character.
If you translate it to film it'd be much more interesting to watch Grom's inner struggle, fall to demonic corruption and final sacrifice to free his people than watching Thrall dicking around in the Barrens.

Please tell me he never becomes a King.
Even the most casual turbopleb normie would groan at "King Arthas"

Lads, we all know the ladies will be shipping Grom like there's no tomorrow once this green bad boy appears on screen.

>Warcraft II
>Durotan dead, Orgrim at Gul'dan's right hand begrudgingly
>the orcs attacking Stormwind
>allied nations will send aid to SW after their king's death (Turalyon from Lordaeron/Alleria from Silvermoon)
>Gul'dan will summon demons and create Death Knights and the orcs will succeed
>the human queen will die but most protags and a few civilians will escape to Lordaeron with Turalyon
>after the sacking of Stormwind, Orgrim will overthrow Gul'dan and put him in chains

>Warcraft III
>orcs set up in Blackrock Mountain
>with the aid of the trolls they attempt to invade Lordaeron
>without the help of Gul'dan and his warlocks that they have become reliant on they are weak
>defeated and pushed back to Blackrock and eventually the Dark Portal
>Orgrim agrees to flee Gul'dan if he agrees to help him, but Gul'dan disappears and goes to the Tomb of Sargeras
>When the tomb opens, all he finds is a portal leading to Kil'jaeden (he takes Ner'zhul's place as the Lich King)
>meanwhile Turalyon and Alleria go on a suicide mission to Outland and close the Dark Portal from the other side and are trapped
>Portal closes as the orcs try to flee through it
>Orgrim kills Lothar but his forces are cornered and taken prisoner






Lol b8

But if not his whole schtick is that he's a prince and military commander who gets turned into a necromantic warlord entity know as the Lich King

>not doing Warcraft 3 and then doing prequels/sequels

come on Blizzard, what are you doing, honestly?

I'm a user on BoxOfficeTheory. That guy isn't reliable at all when it comes to his taste in movies. For example while he never came around to giving Batman v Superman a final score, at the time of his review, he said to him it's at least over a B+

Woof :P

warcraft 3 has a million things going on at once and they would need to do several movies to properly tell the story

and during those movies, they'd have to juggle a bunch different POV characters who nobody will know anything about because there is no previous material to draw from (people will know who arthas is when he has a cameo in the warcraft 2 movie, people will know who varian and thrall are because of this first warcraft movie, etc.)

>Lack of autistc levels of knowledge of vidya lore is bait
No mate, I genuinely know shit about your MMO aside from it's an MMO.
So, you're saying he does become King Arthas. Wow.

>The WoW movie

I seriously hope these people get out of this planet.

not a legitimate or lawful king

he kills his dad (the actual king) and runs around claiming he's king but everyone is trying to kill him for being a traitorous emo faggot

This looks so shit. Like Cowboys vs Aliens shit. And it will flop for sure marketing has been almost nonexistent and literally the only people this will appeal to are fans of the game.

The age of Vidyakino ain't happening bros. It never will.

Are you a big guy?

How big was your father?

>dem orcs. Woof :P
furries and barafags will save the movie

>wow subs are in the toilet
>game is almost dead
>make a movie that makes no sense without lore knowledge


>Emo Faggot
>Turns Undead
So he's Fantasy Darth Vader.
With the world's most original name.

Sounds Riveting.

Damn Marvel back at it with paid reviews.

Thrall is Cap, Grom is the Winter Soldier. Thrall is the "audience viewpoint", Grom is the character around whom all the feels are centered.

blizzard is banking on the chinks. if it bombs in china then it over.