Work at a bar and came home with 80 untaxed dollars a slow night. Why can't you fags find a job?

Work at a bar and came home with 80 untaxed dollars a slow night. Why can't you fags find a job?
>Job finding thread.

Not socially accepted appearance isn't to good either all the behind the scenes are all taken up

I found a job that payed shit wages (made about $500/month) after two years i quit and am now getting usefull skills in 3D design and animation so i can get a job that allows me to leave my parent's house.

Jobs aren't hard to find, GOOD jobs are hard to find. Specially when there are a bunch of inmigrants willing to work for shit wages and fucking it up for the rest of us.

my gf had a job as a stripper. paid good money

You can get learn a trade at a community college in 2 years and start off at $15 an hour. It's not that hard. Shits not Even that expensive. You can take out a loan and pay it off in the same amount of time it took to get your degree.

Why'd she keep the singles? Banks will change them for $100 dollar bills without any problems.

$80 for one night? That's it?

$80? Damn... how long did it take you to give those 160 blowjobs?


That's 79 dollars. You fuckwad. If you worked for me I'd fire your retard ass. You are a faggot.

I make 1724 a month not including tips selling fish and chips.

Bought a water, shit-head.

How many hours was that matey?
I make $900 a week (I don't work in hospitality)

Yeah, shit-head! He had to wash out the taste of cum SOMEHOW!

Probably shouldn't snap your money, junior.

That's not bad for a youngster user.

So fix that shit. Is is looking like a juggalo or whatever more important than sorting your life out?

And better than most degrees in terms of finding employment.

I walked into 25 businesses in one day, got a job paying $14 an hour to drive forklifts, I know $14 isn't a lot but I'm only 18 so... And after two days I quit cause there was one paying $13.50 that called me back and there was more time to sit around and bullshit. Just walk into a place and ask about "employment opportunities." It works

Lmfao. Actually thinking 80 bucks a night is worth gloating about. I make 6 - 7 hundred a day on average.

>came home with 80 dollars
>bought a water shit head
>came home with 80 dollars
>still has $79

>("I don't work in hospitality)"
Well, not in the traditional sense, at least.

Currently a full time medical student with no car or near-by work.

I had to leave my last job because the bus network is too unreliable to get me across the city every day plus my uni workload went up this semester a heap.

$80 ain't shit.
Before I went back to school I would make that before my lunch break.

Why should I learn how to do something for $15/hr when that's going to be minimum wage?

>80 untaxed dollars a slow night.

A really fucking slow night. The least amount I have walked with is 120. What kind of shithole do you work at?

I went into work around 10, left at 3. Did jack shit all day. Getting paid 65k a year.

How much of that did you actually report for taxes?

>Why can't you fags find a job?
looked for a job for 4 months
went to so many interviews and had so many callbacks but never landed anything.
i didnt get a job until my friend quit his and left it for me.

where i live (south texas by mexico) there are no jobs unless you know people.

Chill out shlomo you can clean up after the IRS gets theirs

I ask because when my ex worked as a stripper, we'd claim like 130/night when she was pulling in 500/night.

was good times and lots of vacations paid in cash.

80's dollars?
That's it?
You pee pee stain, that's nothing

Earnings from my last broadcast as a camgirl

Fuck forgot to post pic

>Wake up at 11am
>Spend another hour actually waking up
>Work for 30 minutes on tech shit
>Work another 30 minutes
>Bill clients for 4 hours at $95/hr
>Call it a day around 3pm

Man standing for 8 hours serving drunks with no benefits sounds like the life

which site? what's the token/dollar ratio?

Also a bartender, what type of bar do you work in?

Shit. That's almost 1000 dollars if it's chaturbate. Do you get guys to buy you shit also?

Tits or GTFO

You know the rules

i have a job as a history teacher you fuck nugget.

Due to my totally 18 year old age that's not 17 at all, and being in high school still, very few jobs seem to want to hire me. I continue to look though. I've actually gotten into some interviews and follow ups that are way above my qualifications (Not really sure how, I didn't lie in any paperwork). So that encourages me to keep going.


I've never had a job because I neither want nor need one. I find the notion of working for a living very difficult to understand and in many respects no better than being in prison, so I try to help out people where I can.

Haha loser. I waited on 4 tables and made $82. I basically did jack shit all night.

become a camgirl/guy. They won't check your age.

I love buying weeaboo shit with the giftcards I gets


yes they do.
i got a bro who cams and they require identification and proof of age. they def dont wanna get fucked over for cp.

Yes they will
You need to take a photo ID to do it

Is he hung?

Guys are so fucking retarded. I've never understood why they buy you guys shit. One of my ex gf's regulars owned a car dealership. He gave her a new honda accord. fully fucking loaded.

hes number one on the site every times hes on.
he hasnt told me which site tho. and i dont plan and finding out if hes hung or not lol's really easy to get around it. Anyone with any level of intelligence could find a way around it.

its the way some guys are raised.
they think money can buy people.

because sometimes it can.

i suppose you are right.

Doing what? Genuinely curious.

I don't even know what he looks like
and my orifaces are already aching for his nob

Pllsss you gotta at least post a picture of him

Closer to the truth to say occasionally it can't.

Just a matter of how much...

Just finished a contract in Houston... Was making 1200 a week on that job

IRS bait thread.

I'll show you how.

The first part is the most difficult. It involves getting a fake id...which isn't hard at all on the deepweb.

second is to get a prepaid credit card, and have chaturabte or whatever camsite add all of the money on that.

You are set at that point.

When i was a freshly 18 year old camgirl and was still a virgin

Some guy tried to offer me 2000$ to take it
Fuck off, yeah right like I'd loose my virginity to some old skeever for 2000 dollars

I don't need a job.

Food is an easy start. Everyone in my high school started either waiting tables or at a fast food joint. Gotta start somewhere... I was able to use some skills and do some construction on the side

Do you need an ornamental armpiece?
I've got big tits, emit pleasant odors, and am a former competitive gymnast

>implying immigrants will get hired on jobs that requires experience only because they are willing to work for less

Shit logic. If you don't take the opportunities that are out there, you have no right to bitch.

When a position opens up, I will let you know.

There's a story about a divorced, middle aged American man whose kids had grown. He decides to go to Russia to find a hot young bride. He goes over a few times, finds one he likes, and takes her home an marries her. The man's kids don't really like her, because she is actually younger than his adult children, who are married. Eventually, about a year in to the marriage, one of the spouses of the mans children gets up the courage to talk to her about things. He eventually asks if she wants children, and she says yes, with my second husband.

Money can only buy people for so long.

help me im poor

What kind of cars do you own?

I've never seen rich people with classic American cars, and its a damn shame.

How many miles of dick do you think you've taken at this point?

do porn its worth


All those banknotes would not look like lots of money anymore.


lulz. At least he'll be able to afford the divorce.

It's because american cars are a money sink, they consume lots of fuel plus the maintenance, rich peoples stay rich if they don't enjoy the money with useless shit.

They're not nearly as expensive as italian cars (ferrari, lamborghini, alfa-romeo).

Maybe in murica it works like that, in the south europe they are seen as a cheap workforce, by the way i'm not the user you're replying to.

hes dumb
people hire immigrants here with or without experience.

Oh right, this little number.

Well, eventually all the prices will raise and the skilled labor will get paid more and we'll end up right back where we started. So, you'll eventually come out ahead.

If you do it now then by the time you have to pay it back inflation will have taken a large chunk out of the loan by itself.

It's funny how the state is massively discouraging the very skilled labor it desperately needs to stay afloat.

I guess it's nice to have more options for employment... I dunno.

Nonskilled labor job are about to shrink the fuck down since nobody will want to hire to cover the massive costs of labor.