Bravo, Baltics!

Bravo, Baltics!

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Estonia - Yes
Latvia and Lithuania - NO

fuck. nordic countries as a brand just got ruined.

God bless Scotland, out only ally.

Fuck you Denmark, you don't even have snow unlike Latvia and Lithuania, and yes, they are Slavs.

BTW, why do you niggers even give a shit. I don't have a problem with Latvians and Lithuanians calling themselves Northern European. Because they will fucking kill Russians instead of sucking Somali cocks.

>BTW, why do you niggers even give a shit
It's natural for well-off people to be disgusted by the poor and want to distance themselves to them.
Being grouped together with a bunch of thieves and EU leeches is fucking insulting.

There is literally no reason for them to be classified as Northern European. They are Eastern European in every aspect.

wtf i hate northern europe now

I'd consider Estonia Northern European, certainly. And by proxy Latvia. Lithuania seems like a stretch, but sure. But the UK I just can't see fitting the classification. An independent Scotland is one thing, but an English dominated union would definitely have more in common with western Europe, no?

This, Finland is just an exception because of Swedish influence.

Sounds great. Finns would have been a Soviet republic if they hadn't fired led onto Russians. You Danes are joke if you can't defend Europe from Russians. The supposed "Slavs" in Latvia were richer than Danes in the 1930s. Leeches my ass.

One thing I do know, Latvians can outsmart Russians and Danes are the little prey that deserve to get wrecked until they figure out Estonia is defending their asses.

are you baiting finns?

wow u guys are badass maybe you should start your own club so we dont make you look bad


No, real deal. If it wasn't for Sweden, Finland would just be Russia. It isn't even in the western timezone.


> instead of sucking Somali cocks.
They will however suck northern cocks for acceptance.

its also very progressive. good on you, denmark

Nice try assholes. We remember how he killed at least 2 million Russins before gained control. Will gladly kill a billion of Russian soldiers which our little MG-3 machine guns. We pissed on the MG-42 to make it slow down. Russians are like Mexico with nukes.

you're underestimating mexico, m8

Can we have Denmark then? Keep the Baltics, they're boring anyway.

Beesti has always been Nordic

At this point, I don't even care anymore.

The Soviets never tried to make Finland a Soviet

>No cross on flag
>not gay
They aren't Northern European


North Europe became shit

fuck off we are eastern european russian slavs

Don't know about you guys but Lithuanians have the best laser technology in Europe, and maybe the whole world.
t. Physicist

I can pretend like I understand why these Baltic cryptoslavs are now nordic, but the UK? IRELAND?

WTF? anyone with more than 4 brain cells can see the UK and Ireland have nothing to do with northern Europe culturally. They are about as western European as it gets!

>No nordic cross

Nah you ain't getting in. Excluding Eesti, everyone likes eesti.


Who let in the slav gypsies and why?

Estonians are really just russified Finns.

Pretty much, but they get a pass. Mostly due to showing more signs of improvement than the other baltics.

>Bulgaria Eastern Europe
>Serbia Southern Europe

UK is geographically considered northern europe. And historically it has had a lot of interaction with scandies.

But more interaction with western europe

Can anyone tell me why people hype this up?
Is it really an important thing to be classed "nordic"?

15-25% of our vocabulary is germanic, how the fuck are we russified

Big russin bull fucked your mom with his little mg3

Perhaps because you guys were part of the Soviet Union for half a century?

Perhaps because 24% of your population consists of ethnic Russians?

this thread isnt about who is nordic and not
this thread is about northen europe
nordic - north germanic speaking people
northen europe - geographically northen europe

and how does that russify estonians?
we were also under germany, denmark, sweden for 600 years, after that we were under Russian Empire but still under German autonomy, then we were under Soviet Union for 50 years and we are suddenly russified? :DDDD


I don't see how you can deny any Russification

Petersburg is a Northern Europe confirmed

We were part of the russian empire for 100 years and we have ~1% russians living here.

Well actually they stayed pretty authentic. Even in USSR Estonia and Latvia were kinda semi-foreign countries because of a big influence of the West.
The Russian minority that live there is a children of Russian specialists moved in Estonia to work and stayed there after 1991. They are bydlo as fuck and still live in a 90's reality

>russian defending estonia and latvia
wtf i love russian russians now

its just to upset Russia

The UK is officially both northern Europe and western Europe at the same time, that's just how awesome we are.

West Riding of Yorkshire has best Nordic flag... after Norway.

I just don't wanna have anything common with those ((((russians)))) that live in Baltic states.
I saw them, holy fuck what a shame. I think they're comparable with ultra-bydlo that lives in siberian villages in the middle of nowhere.

Kind of funny how they neglect to mention the cross flags in other European countries. Like the dutch Nordic flags.

well tbf it was mostly lower class russian farmers and peasents who moved here because of the apartments and jobs

And despite Estonians here generally lumping all Russians together, almost every Russian I've met from abroad (St. Petersburg or Moscow) are 100% decent people who don't always expect Russian fluency from locals and their drinking culture is totally sane compared, they are cultured people in general.

Bravo estonia!! Outstanding

Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule, but now Estonian people live better than Greece, Portugal and Italy, we're not even talking about ex-USSR.

By the way did you know that public transport is FREE in Estonia?
And they even can VOTE ONLINE?
And NOKIA has facilities over there because Finnish infrastructure is obsolete compared to Estonia, which is LITERALLY permeated with optic fibre?


Fucking Muscovite faggot, I'd shoot you for this!
There are no bydlo in Siberia, we all are beautiful polite elves.

Yeah, Russians from European part of Russia and a few big cities to the right from Ural mountains are ok 1st worlders mostly.
Also Tallin is comfy as fuck as I heard from my mates who been there, the only problem is English which is seems to be not so popular among estonians (maybe they just met the wrong people tho). But waitresses and other bar's stuff spoke fluent Russian.

Look man nothing personal but people that I met from Siberia (Yakutia) and especially Altai are fucking snowniggers with a cult of criminal life.

You mean natives?

Is it worth it?
You know estonians won't accept you anyway?

You know you'll be tibla for them? If you stop being russian you will not become european.

You will basically LOSE YOUR LAST FRIENDS.

No, they were Russkies. I think it comes from the isolation from the civiliation, they still live in some kind of early 00's

Ahah, it is strange that he didn't meet many English speaking people. What I've noticed among my peers (I'm 22 y.o) is that English is the most fluent 2nd language, coming 3rd is either Russian or German which range from basic to advanced level. Me personally, I know crappy basic phrases in Russian, and I even work at a hotel where it helps a lot to know Russian, but the Russians also manage with English so it's fine. So yeah your typical Estonian doesn't really speak Russian fluently, unless he is mixed Russian(Ukrainian)-Estonian.

typical younger Estonian*

Why so much hate bro, I'm Russian. But you better travel there an see what ((((russians)))) that live there really look like. I bet it'd give you the answers to all of your questions. Also don't forget to visit their prisons and get surprised of how often Russian language is spoken there.

Well, if they are comparable with Russians in Baltics then we can make a conclusion that Russians living in non-Russian republics degrade a lot.

tibla is rather a socio-ethnical construct, to be frank, but literally it's just a term for those bydlo who yammer on loudly in Russian and curse in public.

because you genocided them

yeah blame segregation because we are culturally incompatible with the lot of these platnoi asocials in Tallinn unfortunately

The reasons are the same: isolation from the society due to language barrier and as a result living in "little russia" being surrounded by "weird foreigners with tarabara-tier language".

estonians need ~40-60k of MENA refugees to realise they are not much different

last i heard estonia is trying to adopt a nordic cross, but with their colors its butt ugly. I actually like their color scheme as a tri-band better.

>Latvians can outsmart Russians
they never did

ya think they did it on purpose so russia will have less of an influence on them.

>northern economy
>western culture
>central geography
>eastern block
Is there anything we can't do apart from not killing ourselves?

You guys will become the new power

Ah yes.


You forgot
>african flag

Finland was russia

welcome to the great northen kalifat, alaikum salam.

Dude, we were swedes for the most of our recorded history.


24% of your population is made of sandniggers, do you live in an arab country ?

>children of Russian specialists
I... what :DDD

What's wrong? I know that a lot of Russian engineers an others worked in Baltics.

My flag looks like bad ikea logo

Why would anyone care

>thread about baltics
>russians swarm it
Every time

But not in an agressive way

They don't want to be alone with the balkans. Many russians I know seem to love baltics, like seeing them as a paradise, a must for russians to be in or visit.

>as a paradise
lolwhat. I mean yeah they're doing well but paradise is quite a strong word for that.
It's just the most successfull countries of the ex-USSR block, that's all.

I agree, fellow North European!



what are you even doing here you dumbass.. go read some history


So.... we are Eastern Europe eh?..eheheheheh...ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm laughing at this way too much

Your rainbow flag really triggers me, Colombia

so, will this become universally recognized if the UN said it?
will the flags will be re-worked with nordic crosses? might be cool