Be me

>Be me
>have a 19 year old sister
>she is dating some boy
>that kid came a few minutes ago to pick up my sister to go fugging somewhere
>He's Asian
>tfw I'm 6'5 and he is 5'7"
>literally look down on him
>he asks if he can come in
>I say no
>he goes back to his car
>a minutes later my sister comes down screaming at me
>she goes outside to his car and I follow her for the LOLs
>as she gets in his car I look at him like I want to kill him and I say "you better come back home before 8"
>tfw I actually don't give a shit what they do but I'm just doing some brotherly banter
>he says "y-yea sure user"
>that madman actually brought my sister back home at 6:45
>tfw cockblocked an Asian kid
>asian """""masculinity """"

What a fucking joke, a real man would have told me to fuck off


He still has a gf while you live a lonely life shitposting in a shitty board.

hmmm very interesting

Where is the unsubscribe button though?

best post

Great job, now she'll just hop on Tyrone's dick

And yet he's still fucking and diluting her genes.

International discussions.

Stop bullying asian betas.

t. Peter Chung

leave us alone, thanks

I choose to be single
>a fucking leaf
I have 4 sisters and I bully their boyfriends all the time. This one wasn't different and it wasn't based on race but damn is it funny

Why is she dating a small asian guy though?
Don't you have any friends you could introduce to her or whatever

>I choose to be single

I dont care, they do what they want. Tbh he doesn't seem like a bad guy but it's just some banter
By choose I mean I could find a girlfriend but I don't have the time.

>I choose to be single
that's why you're jelly of your sis, don't you?

>By choose I mean I could find a girlfriend but I don't have the time

How old are you?

>By choose I mean I could find a girlfriend but I don't have the time.

What do you use your time on?

How busy is your schedule? 8am-11pm every day Sup Forums, 11pm - 3am steam games?

I'm not
I don't get what your trying to get at?
You probably are asian, aren't you leaf?
I have work. I do have decent free time. I'm not an ugly Newt if that what you guys are thinking. You don't know own how hard it is to find a decent gf around here and how much work it is

>30 year old man lives at home with mom and dad
>bullys wholesome oriental boys
Autism! Many such cases.

>I have work

How much do you work per week?

>I choose to be single

At least 56 when I can
I own this house and 2 of my youngest sisters live with me and my dad too, I pay the mortgage and bills. Don't assume shit bro.

Jokes on you. I'm 30, asian and live with mommy and daddy.

Sup Forums - International

also sage

Giggled tbqh

How tall is your sister?

And maybe he was being respectful? You don't disrespect the brother of the girl you want to date m8.

Your sister is getting riced

>I own this house and 2 of my youngest sisters live with me and my dad too, I pay the mortgage and bills

So you're just a cuck?

Why don't you live on your own you pathetic faggot?

>haha an asian FUCKS my sister
>haha owned

>... I'm... I'm... just foc-focusing on my st-studies, mom

well he's is fucking your sister...

Trust me, I would. I'm just waiting for my sisters to finish college and my dad is kinda old and he is a foreman at his work so he's busy most of the time
I honestly don't care, as long as my sisters don't date ghetto niggers ot gangbangers I did my fucking job
No mom

>he's fucking your sister

l-lol I-I w-w-won guise r-r-r-right?


Kill yourself my man. That's not the point

>I'm just waiting for my sisters to finish college


So let's get this straight. You're a man who owns a house your two sisters live in and think you're "cucking" your sister's asian boyfriend and post frogs and totally offtopic shit on the wrong subforum of a cantonese image board?

>That's not the point
What is the point, that you felt the need to share one of your autistic episodes with the Internet?


I thought short chicks loved tall dudes? Did Sup Forums lie to me?

When they finish, they can move out.
I thought it was funny, and it is Sup Forums relates because of all the /r/asianmasculinity posts that is always on here.

>leafs and Australians are losing their shit right now

I know own you guys are definitely asian by your flags and posts. Wanna fight faggots?

Your sister's still getting enriched by BYC while you sit at home shitposting on a Malaysian claymation archive

I think the only joke here is you, OP

>sister is 5'1
>he is 6'5
something does not add well

>You don't know own how hard it is to find a decent gf around here and how much work it is

Based Chang didn't seem to find it so hard.

>he doesn't fuck his cute little sisters

She is short for our family. I'm 6'5" and all my other sisters are around 6 feet and so is my dad and I think my mom too
Shut the fuck up asian betas, fight me

ayyo whats wrong with an asian kid fugging ur sister
>I actually don't give a shit what they do
no you do a shitton, you just cant have inferior riceman to fuck your sister
have fun feeling like a superior white man while asian kid fuck your sister

Fair enough

How old are you?

>I thought short chicks loved tall dudes?
Absolutely the opposite lol. Believe it or not but many short girls have high insecurities and having a massive bf doesn't help with that

Genuinely funny, I laughed out loud. Ignore the triggered virgins.

>I choose to be single

>Based Chang didn't seem to find it so hard.
top kek

I train judo and bjj and trained wrestling in the US
i could beat the shit out of you brian

>asian """"""""""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

This is actually top tier bait. Well done OP.

Look, I am pretty conservative guy myself, but whatever guys my sisters date are their decisions. Unless they are ghettos niggers, gangbangers, or animals (I trust my sister's judgement not to do so). From what I heard about this kid, he doesn't seem bad and if she likes him enough to go on dates then he must be a decent guy.......but that doesn't mean I should give him an easy time
See, someone appreciates the humor

>he takes on the role of the father in his family

do you ever fuck your sister?

>Australian flag gives me shade
>Canadian flag gives me shade
>new Zealand flag is now giving me shade

Man, do Asians sure hate me

The moment at which you thought you were lesser than a 5 foot nigger you fucked up.

Should have fucked your sister instead. Just fuck off,

>a fucking leaf

That's just gross kid
What did he mean by this.
I'm not an inbreeding Estonian thank you

>intimidating people 10 years younger than you
so alpha

How old are you that you own your own house?

How old are you? Are you a virgin?

t. Manlet

>I choose to be single

>I choose to be single
>It's hard to get a girl around here

I have a hard time believing you.

Well it seems you really enjoying this. Is this the first and only fun you get in your pity life?

Already answered. It is in my dad's name but he isn't the same as he was a few years ago so now
I pay for everything now, so by all rights, it is MY house.
I already answered, and no, I'm not a Virginia. But I will say that I haven't had sex in like 7 months

op's asian himself and the story's just made up

he also doesn't own any house, he's still studying

>Is grown man who owns his own house and has 3 of his family members living with him

>Has multiple saved frog images and "brags" about intimidating much younger people on a korean image website

hmmm really encourages me to consider

lmao your doing gods work OP keep it up

Ive trained my sister well as well. She knows blacks are apes and muzzies are backward savages.

Dont really mind the others so long as their good kids

>This many posts without an AMWF spammer

So you're almost thirty years old, bragging about "intimidating" your sister's boyfriend on Sup Forums?


>By choose I mean I could find a girlfriend but I don't have the time

can he handle the banter though?
he's had a very different upbringing

seems like you can't handle some banter either
these replies make you look weak and insecure
>giving shade
absolutely autistic mate

No I'm not. Keep trying
I have an entire album on my phone full of pepes, 2 gigs to be exact
Shut the fuck up, I see these kinds of threads all the time

Why are you guys so mad? I'm just telling a funny story, I was hoping to get funny golden faces but instead I get a fucking interview

>I don't have enough time to get a girlfriend, it's very difficult

>BUT I DO HAVE TIME TO SAVE hundreds of frog images and autistically blog on Sup Forums at nearly 30 years old


>I have an entire album on my phone full of pepes, 2 gigs to be exact

What has this got to do with Sup Forums?

Just give me golden laughing faces/int/ dammit, you guys post it for every other post except mine

I could get a gf if I wanted to.
Many things

>golden faces
>Racially related
>mocking /r/asianmasculinity
>story time

All of these are the bread and butter of Sup Forums

and yet you keep replying to them. Are your sisters too busy getting fuck by chink so you crave for attention here?

>I could get a gf if I wanted to.

Yeah me too, I could make a billion dollars too

Why are white people so evil?

Kill yourself. You're almost 30 and post frogs.

What are you getting at? I'm on Sup Forums and Sup Forums on my phone while watching Jimmy Fallon on the golden globes doing a funny song. Feels great


I don't care

6'5 "Americans

She is going to bring a spic now.

Good thread.
Here's a thumbs up pepe

OP rekt

Not really

>she goes outside to his car and I follow her for the LOLs
pure autism. creepy as fuck or as criminal. and its not even important whether its real or fake anymore.

what do you want to be called? stalker?

white """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””""""""""""""masculinity """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””"""""""""""""""""""""""""""

So you're finally done Sup Forums. You freed your country from the hand of leftist fascism and now you have a strong far-right leaning party in complete power and all the shitskins within your cunt have left, been deported or killed.

Your country is now a bastion of Whiteness and a symbol of pride for Whites worldwide.

But oh no! What's this?!

Your pure Aryan daughter comes home with a MONGOLOID man and says

>"Hey Daddy meet my Korean boyfriend Jae-Hwa."

Your hands clench hard enough to see bone and your face turns a shocking red. Your teeth grind and grind as you try to think of an answer

I thought it was pretty funny.

>that madman actually brought my sister back home at 6:45
Do you think he got atleast a bj before then?

>What a fucking joke, a real man would have told me to fuck off
You're his date's/future gf's brother. Do you not know how to treat people? Are you dumb?

>>he asks if he can come in
>>I say no
You're an asshole, there is nothing left in Americans from English gentlemen.

Thanks, appreciate it
It's American style banter, an Australian wouldn't know about it.

Cut OP some slack, if he's telling the truth then he seems like a good guy.

Anyway I'll contribute with a story on the same topic:

>be in college, live in dorm that's basically a studio apartment
>neighbor is a girl from my class, we frequently go to town with the same group of people
>whenever she was at my place hanging out she'd always talk about how she wanted to bone a Sargent because military town
>clearly she's into macho men
>go to town this one time
>a friend of a friend is tagging along
>he's an asian dude with a white sounding name, nice guy
>they hit it off instantly and start flirting
>at one point they separate from the group but I think nothing of it
>I go home after a couple of hours, early night, opt for watching a movie or something
>hear my neighbors door open and go out to greet her as we often hang out after parties
>it's the guy
>kind of freeze for a second out of surprise but manage to squeeze out an "oh hey man what's up"
>oh you know
>turns and leaves
>oh well no small talk
>next morning I talk to hear
>apparently she played around with his dick for a solid 15 minutes and then decided it wasn't worth her time
>asked him to leave without even finishing him off because he was too small for her liking

I always felt bad for the guy, the least she could do was give it the good old college try.

talk to her*

I banter with my gf's family all the time. Probably more than you but there was no coming back from that situation

>he tells you to move again or pushes you he looks like a retard
>he stands there silently he looks like an even bigger cuck

I would have done the same.

>All of these are the bread and butter of Sup Forums
You are mistaking cancers for the bread and butter. I bet you think twitter screencaps are the bread and butter of Sup Forums too.