>flaying people alive
>doesn't even know how to peel an apple
jesus christ, why GOT """actors""" are so lame?!
>flaying people alive
>doesn't even know how to peel an apple
jesus christ, why GOT """actors""" are so lame?!
Why would anyone peel an apple in (fantasy) middle age with the worse winter in decades coming?
He doesn't eat said people afterwards, he doesn't need to be neat about it.
but apple skins are delicious
why he wearing a k-way?
>Long term character comes back after 2 seasons
>dies after 2 scenes
I actually laughed at how dull that knife was.
Yeah a plastic poncho or suchlike is better for flaying
Ramsito Boltones
oi m8 u shuld knoe better, u cant av a sharp nife in dis country.
it was meant to be dull so that even if the bitch manage to stab him it wouldn't be that of a deep wound.
Ramses should made a dire wolf hat out of the head of the one that got killed. It would be sweet
This pissed me off more than anything else this season.
She's protecting Rickon for 2 seasons off screen. She returns. Has one scene with him where they don't talk or interact in any way. Dies in the next scene.
We get no information about their relationship with each other or how they were caught or how they lived or anything.
And they kill another wolf.
Fuck this show.
That sounds like some DCuck "BvS was really deep" headcanon.
right? not only was it lazy and retarded, I felt like it was a cop out from having to explain anything that happened to Rickon.
I mean, the little boy is not going to talk about himself.
Not OP, but it really came off that Ramsey/the director had us really focusing on the knife and the peeling of the apple, as if Ramsey also wanted Osha to focus on that also.
I hope Rickon dies next. He is a completely unnecessary character at this point and the only use for him is to have his death make Jon Snow angry enough to go super saiyan.
Every character is unnecessary when the only characterization formulas you need are "being an asshole" and "dying"
This, also is a green apple, is even better in taste, he truly is a faggot for cutting the apple skin off.
You know, are you all soft in the head? He was purposely using a dull knife and baited the wildling Osha with it by placing it almost within reach, I thought that was so clear to the viewer.
This. You're all retarded, the knife was purposely dull and Osha was fooled with it, just in case she was able to stab him first.
A Bolton once rode out to battle with a cape made out of some Stark's skin, a direwolf hat would be ok though I guess.
Dumb&Dumber strikes again! HOOORAH!
Why do people peel apples period? I've never understood this. Same with potatoes.
You can still stab someone with a dull knife...
You can but it won't be as effective inside of a 1d4 damage it'll be like 1d2 or something if even and I doubt it would penetrate, be more of a blunt force and what not and won't go deep enough.
It doesn't take that much force to pierce the flesh.
A blunt knife will do more damage because it is tearing and pushing through the flesh rather than just cutting.
>the knife was meant to be dull
get checked for autism
Don't you guys have a general for this shit?
>Green apples
Fucking pleb, make way for the superior apple, if you seriously think a fucking Granny Smith is better than a Pink Lady you have zero taste. Go take your sour meme apple and fuck off
Yes because people and apples totally peel the same way.
I respect your opinion, but can we at least agree that peeling an apple is retarded as fuck?
Apples improve baked beans, if you throw them in while they're simmering on the pot. Skinning optional.
What are zombies doing this whole time while nothing is going on in Westeros ?
The skins contain toxins. Everyone knows this
the reason for peeling tha apple was to make him look super edgy when he stabbed the whore with the knife and then cut a piece of apple with the same knife and eated it.
> not repping based Honeycrisp
Only true villains eat apples, specially green ones.
That's only if exposed to sunlight
When I saw the scene I was so fixated on his absolute non-skill in peeling his apple, that I didn't even think about why the fuck he would peel the apple in the first place
what the shit
Seriously. If a Bolton should be good at anything, its peeling a fucking apple.
I flayed yr mom's pussy last night yet I wouldn't call myself an apple peeling expert either.
Only if you put pesticides on them, ameritard.
are you mental?
both are knife-work, if you cannot peel apple how can you even think to skin people
but i have more than 18 you silly pussy
the seeds are worse
>we don't use pesticides in europe
yes you do. Bayer chemical is one of the largest manufactures of pesticides.
>this meme again
Fuck off Eurocuck
How the fuck is this dude getting fresh apples in the middle of winter?
Rickon has always been fucking useless, even in the book his only worth is as an object. He may as well be Jon Snow's fleshlight.
you can stab someone with a screwdriver
>Not getting the it's always sunny reference
ok you're all wrong and right
the knife was dull because they don't want iwan cutting himself and bleeding all over the set
if it weren't for this, they'd have made the knife look sharp
but in reality if you're using a peeling knife it's meant to be slightly dull - if you're using a dull knife it means if you slip, which you're prone to if casually peeling something round, you'll not cut yuorself very easily
the knife being sharp or dull makes no difference if you're being stabbed by it, though it's harder to slice someone's jugulars with a dull knife, i don't think ramsay would bank on getting sliced instead of stabbed, i think he banked on his reflexes and already having his weapon ready
I'm not caught up to the two latest episodes yet and i dont really care that much, except i saw a picture of Daenerys in the fire and she looked topless, but the picture didnt show her boobs.
Was she naked in the episode? I saw a picture on google images but it might be photoshopped or something, because i thought the actress wasnt going to do nudity anymore.
If she did though im going to cum so hard please guys did she get naked?
Fuck off, I like Iwan Rheon.
He was good in Misfits too.
The dothrakmisomethings loved it
Maybe the point is to illustrate that he's not nor will ever be a true Bolton since his peeling skills suck ass