>Make the audience sympathize with Hitler AND Himmler
>Portray nazi occupied usa as a lawful prosper place without crime
>Portray the "Resistance" as the bad guys and general despicable
>The most charismatic character is a nazi general
>The most unlikable character is a literal jew
Make the audience sympathize with Hitler AND Himmler
Sounts neat,guess I'll watch it.
VERY good premise soiled by EXTREMELY shite acting
There was at least one Swede in the book iirc. Is he in the show?
>>The most unlikable character is a literal jew
Tbh that's common in tv shows. There's something smug about the tv jew that they always include in the characters for some reason.
There's one nazi who masquerades as a swedish trade minister at one point iirc
Goddamn the nazis were so aesthetic. Why are germans so plain and boring now?
do they make lady liberty do the salute in the book and show or is that just in the promotional material?
Just promotional material
I tried reading the book years ago. It seemed boring and like half of it was a romance and half was some i ching primer. Is the show any better?
~aryan glory~
How do I become as effay as hitler
Apparently it's utterly shit though despite the setting
you can't... nobody can
Really? Or are you pulling it out of your ass so we watch it and get trolled instead?
what is the porpoise of the diagonal belt across his torso
He's pretty much right. I was surprised myself after watching it.
Does show at all follow source material? Does fictional book within the original novel at all pop up? Is main character dealer in prewar artifacts? I remember from book scene with Mickey Mouse watch he was trying to sell to Japanese businessman, I think. It is most stand-out in my memory further details that the chintz of our times would be collectible in same way an Hitler Youth dagger is to us.
How do I get a nice loving, supportive, and loyal family like Obergruppenfuhrer Smith's?
There are some similarities but the storyline is very different, thankfully (the book sucked desu).
Why is he called that in English speaking vassal state? Why not the equivalent? People aren't so stupid they need constantly be reminded he is a Nazi, right?
I assume that Germany wants to slowly replace English with the father tongue.
I liked the book at the time I read it. That was very long ago back when I was big fan of Philip K. Dick. He was a big ideas man but he was not very good when it came to stringing together words. There is reason why everything he has so much as sneezed into has been optioned into screenplay though.
Fuck. Going to pirate it then.
>Goddamn the nazis were so aesthetic.
Hitler was an artist foremost. He was painting an empire.
what would hitler think of pepe
The second season was straight up garbage. I wouldn't waist my time with this show.
who's the jew in scrubs?
Legend says it he liked cartoons.
Fucking really?
was bj a jew?
You consume american garbage? I live not to far from the border and manage to not turn on the TV.
>its another episode of "mods are asleep, Sup Forums can move in" threads
so is chicago really a shithole?
kys liberal scum.
well I don't know about the australian, but yes, how the fuck am I going to absorb vocabulary and get used to the language if I don't consume it's media?
and once you get fluent in said language, you're just in too deep so you might aswell just straight up watch and enjoy everything they make since you get even the slightest cultural reference now and there's no language barrier at all.
>how the fuck am I going to absorb vocabulary and get used to the language if I don't consume it's media?
I see. I guess you could listen to audio books instead. Try something more cerebral.
>the sao paulo brazilian Sup Forums poster
you're very predictable. why dont you go blame """"""""""leftists"""""""""" for every problem ever like you usually do?
I'm not calling it anything, I am asking you whether it is indeed a shithole.
Learn how to read Tyrone
>Learn how to read Tyrone
It's neurologically/genetically impossible for him.
dude stop trying to act like you are so much better than a fucking tv show, you only come off as a smug cunt.
it's just a comedy, that doesn't mean we're retarded, get over it.
Seeing this makes me sad.
Americans definitely fought for the wrong side.
>a smug cunt.
not an argument
i'm marxist-leninist
so who was the JEW
You're getting heated up out of nothing, little sausage
>cHe cHoRi
chicano ^
I don't know, nobody answered.
andá a la cancha bobo
He'd probably do the right thing and put the redditors who post in the gas chamber.
the fat one eats it~
but you go on Sup Forums, it's just as bad as tv if not worse
let out the cats lpqtp
I'm a *content creator*.
Is it just me or does oberwebngvhwghauie smith always look like he hates himself internally?
i take back what i said about your critique of american cinema, clearly you have so much talent you're entitled to call it all garbage
Second season really was fantastic, season one is meh but I stuck with it merely for the premise and the axis leaders are interesting characters
Thanks friend. I've seen French movies so I know what garbage means.
>I've seen French movies
ahahaha why would you do that to yourself
The main character faggot was the jew
Y-you guys don't like Godard and qt Anna Karina or Brigitte Bardot?
The south and west sides are shitholes. The rest is pretty nice.
Maybe it's intentional and he feels guilt from gassing the jews
Here's the map which tells you which areas are shitholes.
so which one is it?
Pretty much
It was really nice.
I have a relative who did some kind of roofing job in south side chicongo once and nigs stole his ladder while he was on the roof.
The good movies are all 50yo and they didn't all age well
And modern French movies are terrible
>whites use hispanics as a buffer with blacks
latino immigration all of a sudden makes sense
This is why I never visit the south side except for when I used to be forced to for family events.
>if nazis won you could wear a fucking cloak without being aspie.
Why don't nice frenchies make good movies anymore?
>read the original novel
>japanese are freaks literally get around there by occultism
Are you really going to believe a seppo?
Well now i really really don't want to get all antisemitic, there are a lot of great jewish people, and i would much rather not give a simplistic conspiracist answer such as "it's the jews", but they really do in fact control the entertainment industry, at least in France.
There is today a certain drive i think not to even bother with quality. French movies are actually VERY high-budget, more than hollywood (hah, i know right) and because this is France, movies are financed with the taxpayers' money. I'll let you make your own conclusions about this. (hint : the budget doesn't go into the production)
Also the acting and directing is pure nepotism, it's shared between what is pretty much a group of close friends, who are not all talented unfortunately.
Also all the forced diversity and ideology really doesn't make for good movies
how do we save french cinema ;_;
i wish i knew user
well actually i do we clearly need a benevolent dictator who would set things right but that's a whole other topic
Why do you guys let Jews run your media?
>there is an alternate universe where this is reality
>you're in the "Jews won" timeline
I really like this show.
Apart from the movies supposedly being some magic jew jumbo mumbo its really well down.
Even in documentaries they constantly ride the good goy train
>oy vey it was so evil
>muh shoah
But this show doesnt have it.
Watched it all night once and next morning while scratching ice from my car I accidently said Heil Hitler to my neighbour, luckily he said it back and nobod else saw.
Im amazed that a show like that is allowed, is there any SJW whining online about it?
Is Amazon really that based?
>Watched it all night once and next morning while scratching ice from my car I accidently said Heil Hitler to my neighbour, luckily he said it back and nobod else saw.
>while scratching ice from my car I accidently said Heil Hitler to my neighbour, luckily he said it back and nobod else saw
I cannot believe it.
Aren't Natsocs in Germany like, really rare?
Easily 70% of germans are in the closet.
You made me smile.
phillip dick said he once got yelled at by a japanese man who was angry that he used the godless chink ideology of confucianism in this book
it made him wonder why they were considered polite
Well just like you, they own the companies, or occupy the public televisions positions, then they give the jobs to each other and their friends who are often married to jewish women.
And you can't do much because you are forbidden to talk about it. Well actually nowadays because of muslims you can be very antisemitic and get away with it, which is a strange situation.
Now you end up with two kind of people on the right, those who say "see, muslims are such antisemites, the establishment should get rid of them" and those who say "see, muslims are right, let's unleash them on the jews"
Might have something to do with you bombing it out of them kek
that dwarf is a bit gay desu
and the people who just dont give a fuck
i wish, people talk way too much about politics in this country