what does Sup Forums think about it?
What does Sup Forums think about it?
ambitious yet flawed
I loved it, but I'm a sucker for style and atmosphere. Story wasn't great and that's where a lot of the criticism comes from.
the visuals are 10/10
story and characters are trash/10
it contrasts the white goo of our life we made.
flawed, but awesome. I liked it a lot. Amazing visuals too.
contrast isn't poetry, that's a visual thing.
>words here
>MEME here
are you triggered friend?
Really bad.
Massive potential, brilliant style. Awful, abysmal execution.
A real shame, a well put together version of it could have been a classic.
Best film of 2010's. Plebs hate it because there's no xenomorphs
I hated the fuck out of it
If you make a movie with some >deep storyline, at least put some effort into not making characters total imbeciles who behave like people in Scary Movie
dissertation papers were written about how and why the movie is utter, irredeemable shit
Trailer was GOAT
Visuals were GOAT
History and execution MEH
I loved it and no amount of complaining by underage retards will change my mind.
david is one of the most intriguing characters in recent times and i absolutely adored the style and atmosphere of the movie like
Ridley Scott needs a better hand at picking scripts, his visuals are GOAT as always
I truly believe this is the underlying basis for a the complaints, but nobody will admit it.
They wanted/expected Alien 0.5.
>he actually liked Prometheus
adult retard detected - which is much worse than underage retards, as those still have the possiblity to grow up into somewhat decent and capable people.
Amazing looking and great sound design. I loved that silicon storm effect.
The story and characters are absolute trash and nothing makes sense.
Overall I hated it.
dubs confirm
>david is one of the most intriguing characters in recent times
I tell people that the movie is actually ABOUT David and they get all confused and butthurt.
He's an android. There is literally nothing intriguing about him, he's programmed to act a certain way. Not sure why they decided to make him so much more advanced than Ash and Bishop despite being made earlier.
Name one complaint that isn't "scientists were dumb."
>is this thread again
Prometheusposting is BEST posting
Adding in the Xeno at the end when they stated a thousand times in interviews before the movie came out that it wasn't a prequel to the Alien films. Now they gave in completely.
>There is literally nothing intriguing about him,
Despite the fact that he despises most humans and struggles with his programming literally every second of his life ?
I know everyone hates it, but i love it, i love movies that show me another world and what could happen, even more so with this level of production.
>dude with the map layout gets lost
>create expert touches random life form
Has a ton of script problems (LINDELHACK STRIKES AGAIN) but the visuals, atmosphere, etc. are fucking stellar, the performances were strong and it was ambitious as hell.
Still waiting for the "snarky" WHY DIDN'T THEY RUN LEFT """"""criticism""""""" to die so we can discuss this film for real and accept that it's the best Xeno film after the first.
So the white mother is a coal burner
Her "son" is murderous autist
Overall the movie is absolutely fucking atrocious, doesn't make any sense
>They tricked me! It's garbage!
>So the white mother is a coal burner
>Her "son" is murderous autist
What in the actual fuck are you talking about?
No, Scott caved into the producers.
I'm still reserving judgement while waiting to see if pic related fixes Prometheus.
Give up already my dude
So you wanted less Xenos?
You're like the opposite of everyone else who hates Prometheus here. Can I have your autograph?
They said from the start that it was going to be a film set in the same universe as Alien but not a prequel. We were going to get the origins of the Space Jockey. Instead we got Xeno's and black goo that doesn't make sense.
It's like pottery.
Too much blacked goo
I still maintain this is the only time I've seen this criticism, here. You're the only poster I've ever seen acknowledge that the movie wasn't supposed to be a direct prequel to Alien.
So I approve of your criticism because you actually seem intelligent.
Excellent film. As a psychological horror/thriller, it isn't as good as the 1st half of Alien but is much better than the predicable 2nd half of that film.
The emersion was broken when there was a bunch of holographic projection. Like this is supposed to take place before Alien, yet the technology they use is centuries ahead of that? Besides that little problem, thought it was a pretty awesome movie.
Eh, it could be worse, but there are several points that are just plain fucked up:
>the alien - which would be implied to be one of the Anunnaki - is just aggressive right off the bat, great representation of "MUH CREATORS OF MANKIND"
>cheap Ripley replica as female lead
>trying way too hard at making the holograms in the alien weaponry seem like "MYSTIC FUCKING SIGNS OF GODS, INTERGALACTIC CRUISERS, OH MY FUCKING GAWD"
>while also making the alien itself act really fucking stupid, and just go full Rambo style on Earth out of nowhere
>trying WAY too hard at the ship crash scene
>and that god-awful ending with the female lead being still okay
Basically, it had the possibility to be its own thing, but instead it's just Alien-lite with 2 types of aliens instead of one.
visual poetry
There was never any reason to give the xenos and the space jockeys a backstory.
And the backstory they gave them (that they're related, and so are humans) is a shit, childish idea, and nowhere near as good as the original story in Alien: the SJ was just some random alien that got killed by xenos.
And if they really insisted on writing this shit backstory, there was certainly no need to do so by making a mess of a film with an incoherent array of threats so disjointed and random that it robbed the film of any sense of dread.
Hey, astronaut - look out for the
> black goo
> I mean the snakes in the goo
> I mean, getting turned into a evil zombie
> I mean the big baldy man
> sorry, I mean having sex with someone who touched the black goo
> by that, I mean the thing a bit like the chestburster
> I mean a bit like the xeno only a different colour
Aliens my fucking arse.
>"I don't know what I'm talking about" the post.
its kinda well known that ridley wanted to do an ancient aliens movie, but when he pitched it, the studio heard "ancient Alien™, the prequel to Alien™: the movie" Then when the studio realized he wasn't making "Alien™ -2: acoustic boogaloo" they started meddling hardcore until ridley just gave up fighting and shoved lindelof onto the project. Hence why the entire movie is a complete fucking mess.
>stop disliking what I like: the post
It's actually several types of Aliens; the snake thing, the big mean white guy, alien octopus, the fishy eye thing, and I guess you could technically count the black stuff Dave puts into the drink.
Ruined the mystique of the space jockey, wasn't scary at all, was downright retarded most of the time
Bravo, simply bravo!