He's still in prison
He's still in prison
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I bet he plays a lot of handball
classic dano
is there actually any progress in either of the cases? Only saw the documentary, haven't check anything regarding them since...
Did he ever get to see Wrestlemania?
>own lawyer attempts to incriminate him
>confessions gained under illegal circumstances
>all of it still used as admissible evidence in court
The American justice system everyone.
His new attorney has been tweeting some stuff.
She's pretty good, has gotten 17 men out for being wrongfully convicted.
she is attorney to both? or just the kid?(already forget the names...)
who /theprize/ here?
She's Steven's lawyer.
both those cunts killed that chick, they deserve to rot in prison.
TMAM is just like any other documentary: full of bias and omitting anything that goes against their narrative.
they deserve what they got.
Dudes biggest defense is that he is too dumb to commit crime...says he got the bound and gagged idea from a book.
Nice bait.
To be fair he's a murderer and a rapist
just because you're too deluded to see the truth doesn't mean that my post is bait
easily explained away by him leaving his cell at home
>mfw he is released in a few years and given a massive pay out for wrongful conviction on the DNA grounds
>mfw he says how happy he is to the media and starts a young family
>mfw 15 years later him and his son are involved in the murder of an autotrader advertiser on the Avery property
>steven avery is guilty
ok believe everything a tv show a couple of ugly dykes shit out tells you to
Who is the guy in OP's pic? I haven't followed american tv lately
Steven Avery is guilty.
Brendan Dassey is not.
I'm curious to what the fuck this thread is about
>steven avery isnt guilty
Steven Avery used to kill cats for fun. Let him fry for all I care.
It really showed the shows narrative when they glossed over that fact, and failed to mention that almost all serial killers start off by killing animals for fun.
the lies shown in Netflix's "Making a Murder", made by two ugly lesbians
the nose knows
Good post
Bad post
Anybody watched the doc A Murder in the Park?
It was on TV a couple of weeks ago, sort of similar to this and was pretty good.
Plebs don't understand this was what the doc was about. Not proving Avery innocent but showing the failings of the system.
reporting in
aight, i guess i can't crack that shell of autism you've enclosed yourself in
Nah, at the very least the kid was innocent.
Neither should have been convicted though with such a glaring conflict of interest.
I think him telling his sister about it kinda makes me think he did sumthing instead of nuthin
even if he didnt have any participation in the murder, he's still an accomplice.
Oh no he burned a cat! Let's convict him for murder! Fuck law!
She claims she made that up.
Accomplice to what? Brendan couldn't keep his story straight and said anything to appease the police or his lawyer in some of the most irresponsible interviews ever filmed.
I'd fuck the right
I don't buy that
>I'm gonna accuse my brother of murder for no raisin
I think its pretty funny that averys old jew lawyers are now touring doing talks everywhere on the case jewing all the money they can out of it.
well prrison is for poeple who are a danger to the public and he's so fucking retarded there's the danger he might breed .
>admit to murder
>go to prison
oh no american criminal justice is so corrupt.
i think he probably didnt do it but in order for the whole criminal justice thing to work you need to actually try to not be convicted .
Why? She was as retarded as him. Brendan was a functioning retard. I know people that have worked with these kinds of kids all their careers. Children like them are so impressionable and easy to manipulate that it's sad. They can't discern between reality and fiction.
Is America's justice system so bad that 2 people can be convicted for crimes that contradict each other? The cases against Steven and Brendan had completely different stories.
>tfw mom didn't record wrestlemania
He knew something, that much is obvious
>Steven Avery is guilty
Let me guess, you rate Zidane too?
Zidane is a god.
>ranking Zidane
not only that but Brendan's confession was thrown out of SA's trial for being bullshit. then they use that same confession to convict brendan
Sick fuck.
So is he actually innocent or is it all shilling
What's Sup Forums's thoughts I'm about to watch it
>People actually believe this
Kek they didn't force a confession out of Dassey it all came willingly. Listen to serial if you want to understand how manipulative making a murderer is.
>Avery a good boy he dindu nuffin he only throws cats into fires
Oh bullshit, Brendan came up with multiple details on his own that proves he saw something at the very least. Also the interviews were not done under duress the kid had no idea what they wanted so when he's talking about multiple details that the cops never disclosed about the murder what do you really think is so fishy about it?
Avery did it and Brendan was there to witness, at the very least.
It's interesting and entertaining but while you're watching it be aware of how biased it is and how they don't even explore the case against Avery or the possibility that he is guilty. It becomes very obvious that there is plenty they aren't telling you about the case. For instance, the difference between Dassey's full interview and then the heavily cherry picked version they show in the documentary.
this thread is a prison
brandon dassey's lawyer's investigator was crying on the witness stand about the woman who was murdered. that shows a clear bias against his own client, which reflects on brandon's defense attorney.
and the video of brandon's interrogation was insane, he was saying things and the police were like "thats not what happened brandon, tell the truth" so he just started making shit up to tell the police what they wanted to hear, because he wasn't aware that by saying all that shit he was incriminating himself. now you may say "how didn't he know he waas incriminating himself" first he was a 16 year old kid, he was clearly nervous, he didnt understand the severity of the situation, and on top of that, the dude is clearly a little slow.
no version of any of the multiple stories presented involve TH leaving the property once she got there.
This conversation is a prison
>tfw no Wrestlemania
bullshit, the official story requires him to leave the house to burn her
Didn't he rape someone?
I'm watching the first episode, and all the shit he's done involving burglary and his cousin is entirely because he's fucking stupid and it's his own fault.
Doesn't matter
All white males deserve to be in prison
I don't buy it. Dassey obviously didn't know what he was getting himself into but he was not coerced into a confession. Nothing that happened during the interview was illegal. Also go ahead and watch the full interview tapes. You'll see many things they chose not to show in the documentary because it didn't fit their narrative. The kid came up with plenty of shit without and leading from the detectives. Shit he would only know if he was there, which he most definitely was. Avery is a piece of shit and their whole family is mentally deficient. Felt bad for his mom though, soft in the head and really thinks Steven is completely innocent.
Steven threw his nephew under the bus by the way. Brendan could be OK if Steven admitted to what he did and clarified Brendon's part in it all.
So Steven is so smart that he kills her, leaves his cell phone at his place. Takes her cell phone, drives away, leaves it somewhere and drives back to his place, all to fool the cell gps.
But he still doesn't use the car crusher.
He burned her and the cell phone
Obviously to do that you need to take her and her cell phone away from the house to the quarry burn site
If anything, the series showed why people with low IQ's so not have fucking kids.
>implying Wrestlemania knew literally anything.
He was probably planning on moving and ditching the car somewhere but the whole thing blew up in his face. Not to mention using the crusher would bring attention from his whole family and actually would be completely damning evidence in court. If the car is only found on his property not crushed, there's at least plausible deniability. If they found it crushed, not only would it HAVE to been done by someone that lived there, more than likely one of his family could have linked it back to him using it in a very specific time frame.
Are u high? The kids testimony was so shit they didn't even use it in Steven's case. Some retard kid saying bullshit to the cops and doesn't even know wtf's going on. He thinks he's going back to class after admitting to rape and murder.
It's kind of strange not knowing anything about this case and watching people argue about it.
Like I want to know what the fuck you guys are talking about to start going into specifics like that
why are you even in this thread if you didn't watch the series
god damn you're spoiling a good tv show experience
>if he dindu nuffin why he on trial then
>muh toes
>muslim honor killing
>feels are more important than evidence
american juries everyone, these people have no education at all
>takes her body to the quarry to burn her
>then brings her body back to his house to burn her
>He was probably planning on moving and ditching the car somewhere but the whole thing blew up in his face.
So we're just making shit up now?
>Not to mention using the crusher would bring attention from his whole family
You mean that thing they used every day and wouldn't have thought twice about?
>If the car is only found
That's the whole point it wouldn't have been found. Think that lady guided by "god" is gonna be able to figure out it's the victims car from a cube?
I guess I just don't look at documentaries like regular shows
Can't really spoil history
It wasnt illegal, but they manipulated the situation. They misled his mother, she wanted to be with him when they questioned branden.
the fact is, it SHOULD be illegal, what the police did.
think about it, you're subjecting a fucking 16 year old to that type of questioning, the police were acting overly calm and undermining the gravity of the situation, and for a 16 year old kid with no real experience in life he was susceptible to say some stupid shit. The police were leading him into what to say, and yes branden was stupid for saying it, no one is saying he was a dumb fuck, he clearly was and is. the whole family is off, but that kid was not aware of the gravity of the situation and because of that, and the fact that hes underage, it just shows how unjust the system is.
and the only reason why they went after brendan, and continued to throw the book at him, is because without him they had no case against steven avrey.
so in my opinion, the only reason for dassey to be held accountable for a coerced confession, is because they really want to keep Avery in jail.
this goes all the way through the system, from the lowest level to the highest in the judicial system, the police needled and coerced a confession out of a slow 16 year old boy, then his public defender implicated him further, then the judge refused to give him a fair trial. His whole youth is squandered, whatever chance he had at a normal life is completely fucked. just because they wanted to convict steven avrey that bad.
it's not technically a documentary, think of it more of a very compelling murder mystery loosely based around actual events
Bro the alternative is, someone murdered her, knew that Avery coincidentally happened to have a bonfire that night, burns her at the quarry pit, then gathers up the bones and dumps them on Avery's burn pit
You've already fucked up. What makes the show amazing is not knowing anything about it. If it wasn't real it would seem like most bullshit, contrived, unrealistic episode of CSI.
When will America get rid of the jury system like civilized countries?
Kek you've clearly made up your mind. I don't care if he did it or not but his initial interviews with the police and his "lawyer" were deplorable. Imagine a police department doing that to your retarded little sibling or child.
>kid literally admits to helping rape and murder a girl
>murder tool and car of victim literally found on premise and house
the brother and boyfriend did it and framed avery
moved (some of) the bones, and parked her car up when they saw which way the police investigation was headed
They didn't have to know when he was specifically having a fire. They just that he had a fire pit. Which he apparently used all the time and was clearly visible from the street. Her ex and roommate were suspicious as fuck, and she's getting calls from a convicted sex felon. For the murderer, the idea to frame Steven would be the most obvious thing on the planet.
>boyfriend and brother (first suspects in any murder) are never investigated
>delete her voice mails 'accidentally'
>"lel dunno where i was the day she died, or if it was morning or night when i last saw her, i was on a lot of drugs desu"
shit bait 0/10
The boyfriend and her brother were in cahoots about something. boyfriend especially
I'd worship the feet of the right one, but only because she looks smiliar to my mom