/got/ general
Friendly reminder to never ever trust a Tully.
>rains of Castamere starts playing
Will D&D ever stop using it so much?
Promise me, Ned
>mfw I married a tully
If Davos knew Stannis burned Shireen would this justify him not shanking Brienne?
Miss me?
first for dropping this show if D&D dont develop Brienne and Tormunds relationship
>the outcast Tully is the only competent one
We overthrew the greatest standing army on the planet (British Army) and there are many retired veterans in the United States and citizens with tactical training. You have the right to build up an entire armory of weapons if you want. You have the right to mount an anti-tank gun on the back of a jeep if you want.
The only free society is an armed society, and there is no way you can possibly argue with that. What keeps totalitarianism at bay is the arming of the citizenry. This is why America is the greatest nation on the planet.
I hope they develop it with rape
>The time has come to join the Freys
What did he mean by this?
A god isn't a witch.
>this is actually what the average American believes
Britain was the greatest navy, greatest standing army was France.
>>Do you want to play a Game of Thones, you fucking bastard? I have become Lord Bolton now and Warden of the North after the Clash of Kings, come and see. I have a Storm of Swords ready for you, bastard. I dare you to fucking come for me. I have your little bother, and soon I will make him a Feast for the Crows, bastard, come and see. I will burn you and all of your fucking wildling sluts after I flay your bodies - you will burn like a Dance of Dragons. Fuck you, you bastard piece of shit. Come and see, as the Winds of Winter will blow across your blackened bastard bones and I will pick my teeth with your splintered ribs before I gently fall asleep and have a nice Dream of Spring. Come and see, you bastard. Come and see.
Who would rape who though?
fuck Tullys yo
Who's this semen demon?
Was this written as a primary school assignment?
who coincidentally helped them overthrow the british.
also the spanish
and a few others
maybe, what if she weight as much as a duck?
you guys got overbearing corruption at a federal level, you guys got overbearing racism in so many fucking states, and overbearing poverty in countless cities. get your head out of your ass
>freedom to die unless you are a millionaire
Sounds awesome
Lost to Mexico. Kek
Have you ever considered that one of the reasons the quality of life is fairly high in Sweden is because they benefit from all of the stuff that was created by entrepreneurs in the United States, because of a system that incentivizes that sort of thing in the US but not so much in other countries.?
This girl sorta looks like what I'd imagine Lyanna to look like.
dat first man blood
more like the first mud blood
Reminder that /got/ is a socialist general, and recognises the the proletariat can only be free when they own the means of production
>oi bruv u want anal m8?
Top kek. But she looks white to me desu
>/got/ - Waifushit and Sup Forums Garbage
>implying based bernie is a socialist
Mexico didn't even exist.
I love how shamelessly slutty she is.
1920 -> 1969 - America was based
1970 onwards? Shit heap.
What happened Yankee doodle?
Probably because you're not white
Way to ignore our points, and bring up something totally unrelated, spaz.
>Starks have brown hair and brown eyes
>mad blueuck
France absolutely did not lose to Mexico. If anything the US did.
I saw a very good thread about that on /askhistorians/ recently
I guess 2016 will go down in history as the year that Sup Forums crossposters ruined /got/
Who is the best character and why is it CIA?
>Ned enters the tower
Bran and Bloodraven watches as things unfold
>sees Lyanna and everything covered in rubies
"Tell me.. what do you know of your brother" Bloodraven quizzes Bran
>Lyanna is clutching a baby
"Robb's betrayed, and Rickon's off with.." a confused Bran answers
>"Lya.." Ned whispers seeing his sister's crimson husk of a body
"No.. not them" says Bloodraven
>Lyanna smiles at him
"Jon? He chose the black, He's father's bastard fro-"
>Ned tearfully smiles back
"Is he?" a smiling Bloodraven looks at Bran
>"Rhaegar.." a dying Lyanna tearfully musters
>Ned shakes his head
>"We havent yet named our child.."
>Bran witnesses all of this
"Jon?" a puzzled Bran utters
>Ned hears Bran
>"Jon?" Ned queries, hearing voices from the wind
>Lyanna looks at Ned
>"I like that.." Lyanna smiles and looks at her child for the last time
>"Jon..." as she clutches her baby with all she can muster
>Lyanna looks at Ned
>"Promise me, Ned.."
Ewww, I can smell her from here
piss off back to ribbit or pol or wherever
Gillen is king
>ruined /got/
fucking lmfao
>Lyanna is a turkroach
Fuck off
You complaining just fuels them
Why do Americans think the world revolves around them? literally no one outside America gives a shit about their meme presidency race or their retarded Sup Forums dichotomy.
I agree, disregarding his jetpack I think Petyr and everyone at Castle Black have been the characters who they have consistently wrote well. KL characters are definitely almost falling into the pit of shitty writing, but they'll be killed off at the end of the season so who cares.
Do it for him edit when?
>American invented physics
>America invented electricity
He's still going.
I really hope he doesn't die.
>notice me america sempai
Nixon. Nixon happened.
>From physics to the internet to electricity.
All things not invented by Americans.
Times you acted like Jon snow:
>working on a group project in an international finance class
>one guy is not pulling his weight
>decide to confront him after class
>"we're not friends
>we've never been friends
>this isn't about friendship!"
At least she's good looking unlike all the Anglo scum that's pushed as "attractive" in GoT
>Sup Forumsacks run purely on spite
seems about right
CIA seems like the most fun at the moment. I hope Torumnd gets more screentime though, he's great
CIA is the only guy to rout for in this pro-feminist fuckpile you call a tv series
CIA definitely looks like Baelish. If only his accents didn't change
I miss the Stannis/Mature Men/Jon/Maisie autism. That shit was at least GoT related
>When Davos stood there like a meek bitch apologising
>these are 10/10 in the English speaking world
just pretend he's changing accent to whatever region he's or something fuck idk
ok reddit
This post is multiple levels of stupid.
>americans are a race
>americans invented physics
Nobody ''invented'' physics, it's a field in which a lot of people of a lot of different nationalities did a lot of discoveries
>americans invented electricity
simply incorrect.
>americans invented the internet
I got to hand it to you that without DARPA the internet would've come a lot later but the process in which the internet became not solely military used involved a lot of countries aswell.
Disgusting 2015 scum, kill yourself. Last year's general had been the worst since the series began. 2013 is where it's at.
'I've made a huge mistake'
Why do you think Brienne lied about killing Stannis?
She'll probably do dirty ATM without second thoughts and lick it clean
not a stannisfag but
because Weimar Rebublic was a cuckpublic
>being nostalgic about retarded shit that made discussion impossible and got the threads banned
It seriously ruins my immersion when people act as if Dany is the most beautiful woman in the world. Any boy whore in the show is better looking than her.
>Why do you like to read the books?
>Why? I didn’t say I like to, I just said I read them.
>29 years old
She's ageing like milk
Hotter than all the Angosluts on the show combined desu fampai
Because hating Jews isn't a crime and is being tolerated
DND are pretty gud consistent writers tbqh
>Khaleesi has been shown to not be affected by heat and flames since season 1
>this is pretty consistent when shown in season 6 where she did not burn at all
>this explains why Dany is fat since she cant burn calories
seriously what is Sup Forums doing here?
Hothead detected
Haters to the moondor
I love my wife but STANNIS