Synthetic weed or shitty weed? What does Sup Forums think?

Synthetic weed or shitty weed? What does Sup Forums think?

synthetic, you got jewed couz

That's some good cooking herbs fam

just looks like shitty ground up weed user, smoke a little bit and if it tastes like pizza youll know you made a mistake.


That's definitely some spice. You'll get high as fuck but who knows what complications it'll cause down the road.

lol doesn't look like weed

Neither, t
That is orgeno or something
It could be synthetic weed because synthetic cannabinoids can be sprayed on anything, but usually Mullen.
I can tell you that this is one thing for sure, this. Is bait.

Catnip. You must be a real fag everyone hates.

Jesus tapdancing Christ, thats some nigger weed right there. Only leaves and seeds.

I wouldn't smoke that shit period. Not even back in my feening days.

3 quads then trips....super fag

It's shit.
>protip: only buy complete buds (or whatever you call the flowers)
You're getting a whole lot of leaves and sticks if you buy it already ground.

I'm not a native english speaker, hope you get the point.

its the left over weed on the groud after they cut it

That looks like complete shit m8. Kind of looks like a rosemary.
>pic relate is what I'm smoking
>get on my level

Shitty weed. Sell that shit to the next middle schooler

its weed stems an leaves i think. not bud( not weed)

>implying even a kindergartner would buy that

I wouldn't smoke that if YOU paid me

Gotta smoke that crumb nigger

I also had a couple of bags of shit like this. 100 percent shitty weed, not synthetic.

protip : only smoke it when you're out of your main shit. If you smoke it too much, you'll get headaches and maybe even sick.

protip 2 : I hope you spent no money on that garbage.

I got crumbly shatter too, how'd you know bro?

I pefer shatter crumb, I like you
ps. a fellow dabber knows


Fuck no I found it in a park

I like it too, and I'm a 710'er all day brother. Why smoke weed when you can just smoke the active ingredients? I do like my Skywalker tho.

Then why didn't you smoke it yet?