What will she do once GoT has ended?

what will she do once GoT has ended?

Star in more xmen films



I can see her being another classic JUST story.

From her instagram we know that this girl is even dumber than your typical actress. I can see her getting caught up in reckless heroin use or something similar

live in opulent splendor all the days of her life with more money than we could realistically hope to earn even with 20 years of herculean effort


Doctor Who companion.

done already

She looks like the kind of girl thats fun as fuck to hang out with
Like, I'll fight a dude kind of fun

Better her American accent.

interspecies porn

Become the British felicia day

continue to balloon out as her hairline recedes

She'll probably be in the next X-Men movie because they didn't stop making them after Wolverine Origins so they won't stop making them now.

Some britbong soapkino like EastEnders

90% of actors from GoT will never get another role after the show end. I've watched it a season and shit acting ruined most of it. I don't know how normies can enjoy it, acting makes entire thing cringeworthy.

Plays in London, like all british actors do. Or marry some rich guy.

only dwarf dude gets role because he can act .

i saw rob stark a movie with idris elba last week it was so horrible. even elba couldnt save it.

They are going to run out of decent storylines soon though

They can do Phoenix next time then the rest are the goofier villains like that soviet guy and the edgy black vampire looking dude

sugg my benis :DDD

dinklage doesnt give a fuck anymore and its obvious

jon snows acting improved though while everyone else stopped caring

care to elaborate?

she will join ONU and fight the patriarchalism

>Joffery literally quit acting
>John Snow is literally the least worst actor in the show
I mean ok he was average in spooks and average in the show but hes likable for a manlet and has some presence.

EVERYONE else has stopped caring

GoT actually had good acting back in season 1 but since S3 when it became mega popular everyone stopped caring.

Back to your mother board with your edgy hating.

It had most of its worst acting in S1

All the young actors were at their worst and pregnant Lena Headey was just unspeakably awful

>what if I make this face and speak in a monotone voice all season

Having Sean Bean and Mark Addy doesn't remove the fact that everyone else was shit tier

desu looking back Joffery was a great actor. That role probably doomed him forever.
>Try making it big in show business
>Get picked to be a kid who was hated by everyone not only in the books/show but in real life.
>Now whenever you go outside you will be that joffery kid

>It's popular
>therefore it must be bad
>I'm very smart

This is why you're losers 2bh

This hopefully.

He said he doesn't want to act anymore, he's going into academia, I can repsect that but it's a complete waste of talent imo

The only correct answer is slip into obscurity.

kit is pretty good especially in action scenes

i heard reddit like le witty dwarf

maybe you should go back there

I watched an interview where he said he wanted to start a company that specialised in puppet shows.
The dude apparently really enjoys puppets.

maybe he'll get back into it when got is over and people dont just think of joffrey when they see him

cat was good, theon was good and dinklage actually cared back then

but yes it had its fair share of shit acting

Most of the older male actors(Tywin guy and Sean Bean) were the most capable in the entire cast, but they killed most of them off. Those not killed aren't that good either, I remember Davos guy being pretty awfoul.
Pretty soon we'll be left with the likes of Clarke or Turner. The acting is so bad, especially by HBO standards. I've rewatched The Sopranos before season 6, coming back to GoT was like watching a school play.

Hopefully but I think that role might stick with him for a very long time

Fair enough I guess

>>Now whenever you go outside you will be that joffery kid
Meaning he will be drowning in pussy for the rest of his life. Women go niagra falls for sociopaths and the character is extremely well known.

It was a brilliant move for his sex life, leaving acting while he was still "that joffery kid"

Probably BBC period dramas, having a boring but decently paying career well into her sixties.

near-instantly disappear into obscurity

>current year
>caring about meme girl

20 and looks already gone

>British """people"""
seriously, how the fuck does this happen?

>luvly trips ya cheeky cunt

Theon got better later, as did Jaime, Cersei, Cat, Sandor, Tyrion, Tywin, most of these have their better scenes in later seasons

All of the young cast, Kit especially, is better in later seasons

Then theres well acted characters who weren't even in the first season: Stannis, Davos, Melisandre, Roose, Oberyn, Tormund, Ygritte, probably forgetting some

Claiming that S1 is some pinnacle of the shows acting is just bullshit, it has always had its ups and downs

become a quarterback

just delete that country it's all full of rotten genetics

>literally meme quote the character
>well acted.

opinion discarded

>20 and looks already gone

so...a normal woman then?


because accepting biology makes me a murderer?

I'd say go yachting but...she's kinda busted now.


Yeah lucky we're all immaculately forged Adonises here right bro?

Swallow tiny men alive and digest them inside of her stomach.

dob geg

she can swallow my tiny man.

s3 was acting wise the best season. The intense scenes were not even acting, it was real. Tywin vs Joffrey, Walder vs everyone, etc.

But Jack Gleeson became worse each season. He overacted Joffrey too much and made it feel awkward and funny. He danced around too much and was just over the top.

NCW was the same from day one. In s4-now he is a bit worse, but that is mostly due to the dialogue and plot he has to act out.

Tyrion was horrible in s1, fantastic in s2 and s3 and boring from then on. The fame got over his head and he overacts his character and just thinks too much of himself when he acts.

Is it just me or is theon phoning it in recently. I think its the bad dialouge it must be hard to act

Tyrion and Petyr were great in season 1 but somehow turned to absolute shit in season 2 and beyond.


That ugly girl they got to play arya is getting more work somehow, and she was one of the most annoying guests on Doctor Who last season. She is really hard to look at and can't act either.

its just shit writing

hes a guy who got flayed for like a year, got his dick cut off, had to watch a guy rape his teenage wife he grew up with and brutally murder people

he seems way too sane compared to the books

Based on her shower scene in X-Men Apocalypse, hopefully something where she gets her jubblies out again.


>I remember Davos guy being pretty awfoul.

literally the best actor on the show

fade into obscurity



What did he mean by this?

Any boobs pic ?

Pose her size 9's

She'll end up in my bed with her soles caressing my erect penis.

I think his parting speech to Sansa is his best work to date.

Fade into obscurity while starring in smaller and smaller films. Maybe end up in B movies.

She's a terrible actress.

She's a product of british inbreeding, not the brightest

From some of the posts I've seen she's just a hardcore normie dumbass, or at least that's how she chooses to present herself.

Indeed, Liam Cunningham is a really good actor. Charles Dance was also very good. I don't know why you complain about Lena, she's probably the best actress in the show.

Bad acting is more a director's problem than the actors itself, If the acting is bad or overacted, it's the director's fault to keep with it.

Hopefully have biracial children with a black man.

Ted Cruz biographic.

Interracial Gangbangs

Not really, Apocalypse will probably flop.

Fade into obscurity. She has no charisma or talent.

What's with all the fucking posts about her becoming BLACKED. Is half of this board interracial fetish enthusiasts or something?

>Is half of this board interracial fetish enthusiasts or something?
Gee I wonder
