"I don't know if its a race thing, or its a lady thing, but i'm mad as hell"
Kek. It was a fat thing.
"I don't know if its a race thing, or its a lady thing, but i'm mad as hell"
Kek. It was a fat thing.
Dont fucking say anything negative about this you mouth breathers.
Looks better than the first trailer. Still looks worse than Ghostbusters II.
At best this is going to be a mediocre film.
it honestly doesnt look that bad
like a 5/10
But Melissa is fatter than she is, Leslie is just tall.
Better than the first one but still looks terrible.
It's basically Bridesmaids with ghosts.
I don't see a problem with this?
>showing the same vomit gag again...again.
>we was crowdsurfers and shit
>the definitely not in cast because he's good looking guy's character is retarded
>selfie jokes
That selfie joke made me chuckle.
The second trailer was much better than the first. A couple of the gags even made me smirk.
this came out weeks ago
Dat Marshmallow man rip off with the actual logo ghost lol
kristen wig a qt
this looks decent tbchwyf
I kind of liked this one, maybe it won't be as bad after all
>ghost sitting on her back
>"I'mma just take off"
Alright, that was actually decent.
Still rehashy, but hey at least they're not being all WE WUZ BUSTAHS AND SHIIIET now.
I could've sworn that was actually Mr. Stay Puft with half his face burnt off.
you're wrong
Alright, funny new things:
>Wiig screaming to leave town
>Grodd walking with the ghost dragon on her is a funny concept, but it isn't executed that well, from the trailer at least
That's it.
which part?
Jeez the shills for this movie are working over time
>no one can have different opinions
ok, Stalin.
I'm still moving on it being Bridesmaids in a Ghostbusters outfit, but this trailer's done a lot to make me think it'll at least be decent.
I predict a 93% on RT, with the audience score hovering around 67%
Still looks like ass
Better than the first trailer, but still meh
>With ALL the downvotes, do you REALLY need to add yours "on principle"?
Letting women learn to read and write was a mistake
>yfw this shit gets at least 30% on RT
>even if i hate the remake i won't say it because i don't want to be grouped in with the people that i am grouping together as racists
she's also a "lady" does this joke work?
begone jew shill
Jesus Christ. Even if the movie will somehow turn out to be a 10/10, I will never change my opinion on how unlikable the new Ghostbusters are.
>a fat ugly bitch who tries comedy
>a "LAWDJEEZUZ"screaming ugly black hoe
>a "le nerdy redhead"
>a "my hair looks like shit cause I'm different you cis scum" girl
It's not because they are women; it's because they are the worst possible types of women.
Can't quite put my finger on it, but everything about this trailer and the other one feels really, really lazy. Like, all the actresses seem to be going through the motions and all the CG looks like a bad video game. Am I a misogynist now?
I think it's going to get good scores, probably.
It will be a critics like it, everyone else doesn't thing.
I think I'm the only one who doesn't give enough of a shit about GhostBusters to care if it's crap or not either way
holy shit chris hemsworth is actually going to fuck up his career isnt he
Wait this is what everyone is talking about? This stupid forgettable comedy is what's so triggering to you anons?
Christ you really couldn't make this up
your prototypical woman doesn't exist. stop being so buttblasted about characters in a comedy.
chris hemsworth a shit anyway
only worthwhile thing he ever did was blackhat
He'll be fine, looks like the most interesting thing in it, he does a wheelie man!
Man, if it wasn't for Marvel that nigga would be done now
Ghost Dragon gag was well-done I thought, certainly the funniest part of the trailer.
I'll give credit where credit's due. It's something at least.
Kek ok
>Rush bombed
>Heart of the Sea bombed
>Huntsman bombed
I don't think Ghostbusters is the problem, user.
It's not triggering anyone, it's just a very shitty looking movie. But feminists like to think otherwise.
>world needs saving from an opposing threat that will cause an apocalypse
How the fuck is Hollywood still using this cliche?
The thing that pisses me off the most is that this movie will make tons of money from all the curious haters and will get an eventual sequel.
They legitimately miscast McCarthy, Wiig and Jones. Should have gone with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler for the main two white girls and replaced Jones with any other black woman.
Are we still talking about this mess? Just let it fade into obscurity.
Will James see this movie now that Slimer is confirmed? Is that not enough homage to the original for him? Or will he be forced to admit that he's not seeing it because he's a bleeding misogynist?
>It's not triggering anyone
Stick around user. You're gonna learn a lot in this thread
As a reminder, last April's 'leaked' plot:
>Kristen Wiig will be playing Erin Gabler, a science professor at Columbia University, who years prior co-authored a book with Abby Bergman, played by Melissa McCarthy, titled “Ghosts From our Past: Both Literally and Figuratively – The Study of Paranormal Knowing.“
>The two have not spoken in years but are brought together when Erin is approached by a gentleman looking for help with a haunting. It’s during this interaction that Erin learns that Abby has made their book available online. Erin fears what the book could do to her credibility if it’s discovered and approaches her old friend to take the book out of circulation. Abby agrees only after she offers to bring her and her colleague Jillian Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon) along to look into the haunting.
>Abby is a professor of paranormal studies at a third-rate university in the Bronx where she works with Jillian. Jillian is the Egon of Feig’s story. She’s invented a PKE Meter that she brings to test during this first investigation.
>At the site of the haunting they encounter slime followed by the ghost of a woman who proceeds to slime Erin. (Sound familiar?) Abby catches the incident on film. The video goes viral but the majority of the public doesn’t believe the video is real. The circumstances around the situation cause Erin to lose her job at Columbia.
>Abby proposes the three set up a business investigating paranormal disturbances. Erin reluctantly agrees and the three embark on setting up a paranormal extermination business.
They next need to locate an office for their new business. The realtor shows them a perfect spot, a renovated fire house that is way too far out of their price range. They instead end up in an apartment above a Chinese restaurant.
>and replaced Jones with any other black woman
I got you senpai
That was without a doubt the worst CGI I've ever seen. That times square looks like it was rendered in absolute dog shit. I bet they farmed it out to India to save money.
Sony are 50/50 on editing out the dancing scene apparently.
I actually liked Bridesmaids though. I prefer it to the Hangover
>It's not triggering anyone
l m a o
He's a massive failure outside of thor
It's just easy trolling m8. Only women take this shit seriously, we just enjoy the bantz.
That news guy
>What do we think of these "Ghostbusters?"
Everybody hates them because they're women and they're not Bill Murray
They predicted the backlash so well they even wrote it into the script.
Can't really do worse I suppose.
are the rumors true about massive rewrites needed because mellissa mccarthy complained that somebody had more lines than her? so they rewrote the script to give her a bigger part?
Bryant Gumbel got really thin, good for him.
> Misogyny is not having faith in a film where the cast is entirely replaced by women in order to make a statement commandeering a well-loved franchise in the process
This was better than the first. I'll probably see it eventually on Netflix.
>We are next introduced to Patty Tolan, played by Leslie Jones, who works in the tunnels under New York City. While underground she encounters the film’s villain Rowan Elgin carrying a device. She pursues Tolan but he gives her the slip.
>After losing him, she stumbles upon his device attached to the wall. A ghost in clothing from the 1600’s appears from the device and chases Patty until a train appears and hits the ghost, causing it to vanish.
>Meanwhile, Erin, Abby and Jillian and their new intern named Kevin are brainstorming ideas for a logo for the business website when Patty arrives. Patty brings them down to the tunnel to show them the device. A graffiti artist in the tunnel draws a picture of a big white ghost on the wall. Patty yells at him and spray paints a red line through it, creating the logo for their new ghostbusting business.
>Patty proposes that they let her join the team, offering them the use of her uncle’s vehicle for the business, an old white hearse.
>The newly formed team gets their first official gig at Rockefeller Center where they are hired to get rid of the ghost of a fat Mafioso. They test out Jillian’s newest invention, the Proton Pack, on the ghost. The pack ends up shooting off the ghost’s arms, legs and torso, leaving only a disembodied green head, which manages to get away.
At least this trailer doesn't seem like it's actively trying to sabotage the movie like the last one.
Still doesn't particularly make me want to see it.
>Much like their previous video, the video of their fight with the fat green ghost again goes viral, but again it’s viewed as a hoax. The evening news reports on the event, jokingly referring to them as the Ghostbusters.
>The team’s next call brings them to a comic convention where they arrive dressed in old underground maintenance uniforms provided by Patty carrying Proton Packs, blending in with all the other cosplayers. A battle breaks out when they locate the demon-looking ghost. The crowd cheers, thinking it’s all part of the convention.
>The Ghostbusters eventually deduce that the rise in paranormal activity is the result of Rowan who has ties to very old secret society and has been working on building a machine that will release all the ghosts in the city to facilitate the release of an ancient Sumerian god of darkness who will bring about the end of all humanity.
>They get to Rowan too late as his machine has created a large supernatural cloud that begins to rain slime. The Army arrives to provide assistance but the raining slime causes them to become possessed. The team must find a way to stop Rowan as his machine begins to release a horde of ghosts from all periods of New York history.
this is so accurate
If this pulls higher than 70% RT, I'll probably see it as a matinee.
> "We knew it would be bad guys"
> "That makes it good right?"
>thats a big nigger
>for you
i cant wait for this
>cast is entirely replaced by women in order to make a statement
How is it in order to make a statement? What about their entire careers in SNL? The same roots a lot of the original cast had. What about the success of Bridesmaids and Paul Feig and Melissa McCarthy's output?
>commandeering a well-loved franchise
Ditto. Still not sure about the movie, but that was decent.
>That selfie joke made me chuckle.
>That selfie joke made me chuckle.
>That selfie joke made me chuckle.
>That selfie joke made me chuckle.
well this is it Sup Forums this is the future
> Ghost busters not well made
The original cast is all male, nor is it particularly realistic to have an action-orientated gang of people composed of women, especially with a male intern.
If something is both markedly different to the source material whilst also not representating reality then it didn't just happen organically. It was artificially put together for a reason.
>Get me Will Ferrell
>We're out of money
>Get me a Will Ferrell type who will work for the free food on set
>I know just the man for the role
god forbid a movie makes a joke relevant to modern trends
It's not Sup Forums it is legitimately shills of some variety or a Sup Forums outreach program.
>How is it in order to make a statement?
Literally the first thing he said about getting the movie was that he was casting women. Not that he hoped he could do the first movie, as in the only reason his exists, justice. MUH WOMEN.
He then proceeds to bitch and moan that other people refer to it as the all-female Ghostbusters rather than just Ghostbusters.
>I don't see a problem with this?
Anyone who uses this sentence and ends with a question mark deserves a bullet to the head.
What are you doing?
Are you asking if you don't see a problem with this?
Fucking retard.
>taking a picture of yourself is now considered a joke
Go watch the emoji film, its bound to be great.
I'm waiting for the all-female reboot of "Glory," the 1989 film about the 54th Mass. in the Civil War.
Amy Schumer will portray Captain Roberta Shaw.
>A male secretary
it's the context you fucking mongoloid. the idea of somebody taking a selfie with a demon perched on the back of someone trying to slowly get outside is pretty funny. whether or not it was executed properly is another story.
It is a joke that belongs in a high school revue by someone who thinks he's Seinfeld. HAVE YOU SEEN THESE SELFIE STICKS THEY HAVE THESE DAYS?
The fact it's the last joke in a trailer suggests it's one of the movie's best ones.
Welcome to Sony movies.
This are their early plans for The Amazing Spiderman.
>“A rising trend we see with Millennials are the really extreme forms of experiential exercise like Tough Mudder (a sort of filthy triathalon), the Color Run and even things like Hot Power Yoga, veganism, etc.,” he writes in his email to Pascal (which you can read on Wikileaks). “Millennials will often post ‘N.B.D.’ on their social media after doing it, as in No Big Deal, also known as the ‘humble brag’…..wondering if Spidey could get into that in some way….he’s super athletic, bendy, strong, intense….and it’s all NBD to him, of course.”
>Of course! Everybody loves a humble brag! Particularly if it involves vegan food and yoga. Those are exactly the things missing in superhero movies.
>Shore continues: “EDM (electronic dance music) is the defining music for Millennials. Wondering if there’s an EDM angle somewhere with Spidey? His movements are beautiful, would be awesome with a killer DJ behind it.”
Let's remake Thelma and Louise as two bros who escape a bitchy wife, shag some hot big titted girl then in the end decide they'd rather die than live in a world full of cunty women trying to shame and contain their masculinity.
That film definitely wouldn't get any grief for being unnecessary and having an agenda....
>spoiling the end big bad for no reason
Holy shit
You have to be 10 to find that idea to be funny. Which is exactly what the writers were thinking since this movie is aimed at 10 year olds like (You).
hee hee hee its like a selfie! I take selfies too omg! Add me on snapchat bae #deliciouslyella
>there's a demon on my back dont take any pictures
>oh damn he's taking a picture anyway
i can only imagine what your psychiatrist is going through listening to your crap
daily reminder that these are the kinds of people who were in charge of making this movie happen
Good Lord. I still cringe every time I'm reminded of this.