How to save/fix the franchise?
How to save/fix the franchise?
Let it die
Let it go
>stop making them
>Do everything possible to erase the existence of anything after T2
Let the bodies pile up in the streets, in the end they'll beg us to save them.
I take it he was agreeable?
Make a war movie set in the future setting, and I dont mean that Salvation trite, I mean something that is pure action schlock.
Bring Cameron back.
Have James Cameron do a sequel to T2
Salvation was significantly better than Genesys.
What the fuck was Geneshit even about? I saw it and don't remember it.
After 3... THREE!!!... failed attempts at a soft-reboot its clear that you cant build any sequels upon the first 2. I think the franchise needs a complete reset. Go back to basic formula: a killer robot from the future that murders people! Set it in an alternate universe with no John Connor, no Sarah Connor, no Arnold or any other connection to the previous continuity (you may even redesign the T-800).
>How to save/fix the franchise?
It ended perfectly with 1/2. Make something new but similar in style and setting if anything.
make it a neo-noir horror again but honestly there's nothing further to do with it. T1 already exists and that's the best they can get from the entire concept.
This scene alone is why the movie is garbage
Let it die, it was a product of the 80s/early 90s and could only survive there.
Otherwise, atop making it about the Connors. Who cares about them? It's a story about robots and a nuclear war. I'm not invested in them as characters. It's like that shit Lucas pulled by telling Anakin's story in the prequels.
He didn't really have a choice.
I kinda liked Genysys or however you spell it.
Heh, Arnold was actually upset at the studio for this, he didn't like the idea of them running to Cameron to get his blessing on the movie, as if it couldn't stand on its own. Sorry Arnie but it really didn't
The idea that you need the pointless "blessing" is stupid.
If the movie is good, it's good. If not, then what does said blessing matter?
>be 1990 something
>terminator has arrived
>Sarah Connor cleaning guns John doing kid stuff
>terminator out of fucking nowhere
>snap crackle pop splat
>Connors are dead
>mission success
>cut to skynet going skynet
>missile launch detected
>doors kicked in. Families slaughtered.
There's your opening sequence. New characters with new origins fight their way up.
Yeah...i literally don't remember this movie.
genesys fucked the story up (still a solid 8/10 action flick tho)
1, 2 and 3 were good since it followed sarah, john as kid and john as teenager/ young adult.
Salvation was good because you saw the war and John conor arc was completed, he went into surgery and the war was practically over. they won.
never really cared for the tv show, apparently some people love it, didnt think it was that great, but still plot relevant and gave a whole other arc to sarah.
it should stop now though.
however if youre going to save/fix it here's how id do it.
>remove arnold all together
he's getting to old and as long as he keeps coming back itll just get worse,
>find new person to replace arnold,
will be a challenge since nobody young is as good as arnold was.
>no more conner family
time to move on from these fuckers also. they have been done enough. make a new family the victims of terminators
>change location
make it about someone in europe
my story line
>CIA secret lab/ building in Europe somewhere, france or germany would work
>focus on one guy who works there and lives in the country with his gf/wife
>the nerds at the facility are looking into some portal thing they found.
>it actually contains a terminator who was sent back, to the secret bunker thing, and his job is to wait for the war where he will appear underneath human resistance from the bunker and fuck them up (humans use the building as a stronghold.
>terminator comes out of capsule thing,
>kills the nerds
>main guy is like bourne type agent
>thinks terminator is normal guy
>goes to fuck him up
>gets fucked uo
>fights him
>terminators job was to kill anyone in the bunker
>kills everyone but that guy
>that guy runs
>terminator must kill him at all costs, follows him around the city causing havoc
>terminator hunts them over europe
>CIA guy kills terminator
>other CIA guys swoop in to help kill terminator and clean up etc
>main guy becomes involved with CIA plot that relates to skynet in europe
Came here to say this.
Linda Hamilton herself said that it should have ended at T2 and that everything since that is just bullshit, and she's right.
T2 is a great film and maybe the greatest sequel of all time.
Leaving it be right there would have made it one of the most perfect endings to anything ever. Literally perfect.
Instead they've done everything possible to shit on it. By now it's worse than anything George Lucas did to Star Wars with the prequels.
Terminator is a lot like Shrek. The first movie was great, the second movie was even better, but they really should have quit while they were ahead.
>second movie better
lol nice one fagot
Terminators are like onions.
I don't understand this about Genesys
>Kyle says at the begining that when he was born, the machines were already ruling the world.
>Travels back in time
>Then travels again with Sarah, to 1997 (?
>There's a kid version of Kyle in that world
what the fuck? that means the judgement day was postponed?
Give it a few more years until everyone has forgotten all post-T2 nonsense.
Have a two film parallel story that does not include the Connors but is linked to their arc.
Make it a self contained loop that works with T1 and T2 to kind of create a figure eight if that makes sense.
First film slow and gritty (T1/Drive) with the second one more like T2.
Have the plot convey a message and subtext about humanity and family.
Keep the robots and future wars as the backstory that the plot is set against rather than the main focus. T3/TS/TG got this wildly wrong.
Basically make them for adults and let the legacy naturally develop rather than trying to forcefully make another T2 success with toy lines and whatnot.
That sounds like it came straight from the brain of a 13 year old kid.
More Glau.
that wasnt a terminator
Modern reboot
except she was
Stop the fucking Time Travel Hijinks and turn it into a goddamn military sci-fi. Show the wider war that the whole world fights against the Machines.
>But user, that is what Terminator Salvation Did-
No, it has Secret Mission bullshit all over it.
>Stop the fucking Time Travel Hijinks and turn it into a goddamn military sci-fi. Show the wider war that the whole world fights against the Machines.
go fuck yourself
Set in the war after Judgement Day focusing on mindfuckering body horror Second Renaissance/ Doom/ Virus style
Prequel showing the last days of the future war with the final all or nothing battle resulting in skynet being destroyed and the original terminator being sent back in time as a last ditch effort. Either Cameron directs or we all go back to pretending nothing after T2 is cannon.
best unofficial continuation coming through
We erase everything except T1 and T2.
>Have James Cameron retain the rights
>Incorporate Terminators into the Avatar universe
>Terminators vs giant cat aliens
>you will never
why is she so goddamn hot?
is she tall too? i think she is tall but idk
its those boots and naked legs that make my dick crazy
also her belly is like perfect
I'd guess like 1.70m or 5'7
how can one woman be so based?
idk theres just something about her that makes me ijfhjhljhljkhsalhfslkjhflkjsajhfas
sure is 2008 in here
The timelines were split because of something (forget what) john did when he went back in time.
Unfortunately i only learned who she was last year
i know its horrible
Better late than never fa m
stop trying
I ran a test
i'm good now
Everythings good now
Im fixed now
>we're gonna need to """test""" something else :^)
what is it with her body that makes her so hot?
She works out, she was a trained dancer dontchaknow
yes but still
>yfw she won't go full JUST because she keeps herself in shape
well she is a mother now soooooo...
I always wanted this. Salvation was an utter disappointment
I want a nightmarish plasma beaman future action movie
No, you stupid shit no.
>a two film parallel story that does not include the Connors
What I think they should do is have T1, T2, and one last James Cameron sequel as the true final Terminator trilogy. The last movie would be set in between T1 and T2 in 2029 as John Connor finds and reprograms the T-800 from T2 and show the bond John has with it
>no arnie, introduce new terminator models like the T-950 or ceramic based cyborg infiltrators from the comics and novels
>no connor family, john is a huge faggot in very timeline and you can't beat hamilton's sarah so don't bother trying
>bring it back to it's horror roots, the idea of a robot coming to kill you and no one believing you is meant to be scary, not a cool action adventure scenario
you could do anything you want with it really, have the protagonist being hunted by two different terminators and they don't know which is coming to kill them or trying to protect them, have them not know if the resistance is trying to protect or kill them or if skynet is trying to protect or kill them so they wonder if they're actually some dangerous horrible person, have them not be sure who's a terminator and who isn't so there's constant paranoia, it could be a psychological thriller, could have body horror elements, could have them trapped in one location so it's claustrophobic, just something unnerving and dark like the first one and not a typical action movie
>Human gets sent back in time to kill Miles Dyson as a kid
>A terminator gets sent back in time to protect him to make sure the war happens
>How to save/fix the franchise?
Stop fucking around with it.
>kill myself
what robot would say that?
She's supposed to protect him but because her chip is damaged she builds a kill switch in case she goes bad again
These 2. Just let it end. No more. Draw a line under it.
This includes
>no reboots
>no "re-imaginings"
>no spin offs
Just let it die.
Nothing. It's fine right now. The last movie was ok. A nice stupid action flick. It's no T1 or T2 for sure but it was leagues better than T3 or salvation.
b8 of the worst possible kind. No effort at all.
i choked on my food reading this garbage
Let it die
There is no justification for continuing it
1 and 2 are the only ones a normal person loves. Those aren't touched by any movie to come after. People on here argue about which is better, but the truth is as long as they're you're one and two spots you're fine. No ones retarded enough to put any subsequent sequel over either one
Just let it die, nothing of value was lost or made after 2
Hey man come on, I liked 3. In my defence I watched 1&2 for the first time (I was 13) because 3 was coming up and looked cool, and it has nostalgia for me. Plus I enjoyed the tits.
3 isn't a patch on 1 or 2 in any respect but compared to 4 and 5 it is Citizen Kane.
We have a winner.
No that too
Even that I have no sympathy for, it put the franchise into the garbage were it hasn't left
>directed by James Cameron
If they had left it at 3 it would have been fine. 3 would have been the corny "you don't have to watch it but its kinda fun" one.
Oh sweet lord yes.
Especially if Winona can reprise Call for it. That would be a dream come true.
If you're adamant about making more Terminators, set the first one in the first days of the war, second one in the last days.
>1rst movie
>original timeline
>John doesn't have the tapes nor training, just regular kid when shit goes down
>Skynet doesn't know about him or Kyle
>people trying to figure out what happened
>2nd movie
>Operation Chrono
a futuristic war against the machines with the horror of the first world war and the destruction of the second.
It's too late to make a movie like that, the way movies are made nowadays is not compatible with what Terminator was, its time has passed, it should have been made in the 90's.