what does BFG stand for?
What does BFG stand for?
Big Fucking Giant
big fucking gay
Big Fucking Gun
Big Friendly Giant
Big friendly giant
Big (For you) Guy
Big (forU) Guy
BFG Friendly Giant
you just KNOW
Big Fucking Guy
Blown (the) Fug Gout
it's literally impossible not to read it as big fucking giant/guy/gun
Big fat gonads
I literally don't know past Big Fucking Giant. That's how I read it.
Big Fucking Gook
Big Fuckin Goy
What is she looking at?
Disney's at it again, corrupting the innocence of little girls. Whatever it means, it makes people think of big dick.
Look at the guy, he's big. Poster implies they're in a relationship. Forcing people to think... if he's big, it must be big too. The letter "B" stands for big. Big what? Big you-know-what.
I'm sure even little girls will think the same way.
big fucking gaybo
>human beans
Butt fucked gay
bum fat groper
Bane is a Fat Guy
Beautiful Feminist Goddess
Bombastic Fantasic Guy
>from the human beans
I hope this doesn't become a meme( I'm a big guy)
Butt Fuck German
Big Fucking Guy
Big futa girth
Boner forging girl
He's a big fuckin guy
Bara Fucking Guy
Dr. Pavel, I'm UAC.
Baka Fucking Gaijin
Blacked Female Godesses