
real depression hours edition

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moving to Brentford 2bh

could use somebody to talk to


kill yourselves fucking scumbags

post choons



scum yourself fucking killbag

me thinkgn bout my life

shat my pants there for a sec m8
what a coincidence

do you also have your exams on monday, tuesday and wednesday next week?



>get into top uni in sweden
>drops out after first semester
hard being a fucking retard in swedeland

wouldnt mind if i do


yep but I have one on thursday as well.

im at my parents atm and decided that I wont be sleeping and take the train to the hague at nine.

Did you catch that Algerian runt from earlier?

Was mental


really makes you think


Thailad seems alri but I question the moral values of anyone that would voluntarily live and work in Thailand.

More like bentford

alarm in 188 minutes lads

You missed a brilliant few threads then mate

If you see some brown nonce buying prostitutes dinner and then not having sex with them, heem him promptly

listening to depeche mode as we speak

bet you plebs are listening to more of that grime bullshit smdh

there's always a mirror around user

he paid for a prozzie to go to dinner with?

only pakis listen to grime

lads, my abs...

theyre hurting too much

cant even sit up straight haha

i guess thats the price i have to pay to make ladies sceram haha

She's more or less his gf but he doesn't shag her, just buys her expensive things and then claims to be Chad

where is he?

shudder to think that there are actual pakis posting among us on a daily basis

>spamming stopped when mexican flag stopped posting

Literally who

Why doesn't he these girls?

Cause he's an autistic bumder

The Scouser

isn't music haram? as with almost everything else in their twisted religion

>he's being shaken down
oh dear

hope an asteroid lands on my head


Is that sersh?

The gf

some swede used to do the same thing a while ago, i'm assuming that was you

Nah you got it wrong, he's a Chad Thundercock. Only a Chad would know the easiest way to get a prostitute in Thailand to fuck you is to buy them dinner

cheeky nipple haha


where is he? You chased him away

why do you keep posting this? are you retarded?

bit old for tinder isn't she

tell her to try eharmony

my mistake

>some swede used to do the same thing a while ago
i know and it wasnt me

stopped posting on brit all together due to everyone thinking i was the one posting

why do the golden globes exist? we have the academy award for movies and the emmy for tv already

A'rite by gum
Goin down t'pub


i unironically filtered sweden over it

only reason i'm seeing your posts now is because i had to reinstall Sup Forums x and couldn't be fucked rewriting all my filters

i'll get around to it one day, then you'll be sorry

i am still here haitiANO

Thailad's GF used to be a bar girl haha

munching on some muesli right now

got some coffee on the brew which I shall be having with a cheeky ciggy. almost enough to make me feel good about things.

she's ugly

doing a run down to Brumby's lads what do you want

nah, you want to stay clear of all that lot

Think I'm going to go to Taiwan

a 2m length of rope x

you don't win friends with salad

Haven't you got kid's meals to pay for you RUNT


ah yes another "fine" /brit/ meme

so am i

t. fatty mcBitchTits

Is Afghan Dan the best in the Grime scene right now?


Just had a spooky situation

back garden light kept getting activated so I was like alri im being robbed time for a fight, go outside with a rolling pin like andy capps wife ready for beef but theres no one there...

turns out a spider has made a cobweb right in front of the sensor and has been setting it off x

might do an ol' 'cide haha x

>it's a "thailad tries to joke with brit about there being 2 thailads, where one of them is an algerian"-episode

What were you going to do? Bake a burglar a cake? A fucking rolling pin....

am i the only one who thinks emily ratajkowski and all slavic girls are incredibly overrated

>rolling pin
Wouldn't that slip right out of your hand? Personally i go for the fire poker, sharp on one end, heavy iron pommel on the other


she has a good bum but her face and grotesquely oversized lips can fuck off

the gf

aren't you like 5'3? just become a girl

being real I could easily bludgeon a human being to death with a rolling pin

no fire pokers in m'house, just grabbed the first thing at hand. coulda got a knife but I reckon in a real situation blunt force is what you want

you'd be best served by grabbing a kitchen knife

threw a stone in this runts back garden and while he was out investigating I nicked a bunch of his shite

she would probably break the penis 2bh

Could heem her head clean of her shoulders

about to smoke a phil mitchell and listen to some lounge lads

Need to see her front bottom to check for roast before I can make a definitive opinion

slavic noses need to get in the bin

i would but i could never pass

thoughts on swedes?

KEK got a link?

this looks better than disney garbage

Kitchen knives don't scare dogs

Watching Sherlock lads S4E1

wanna shove my face in between those legs tbqf

>make a paragraph post in the most unbeliveable non-spam way possible

>hurr durr our system thinks ur post is spam try again

literally fuck yourself gookmoot

My favorite band is a garage rock band from the Outer Hebrides, you've probably never heard of them.

Rolling pin is a small bit of wood, you will hit someone and it will fly out of your hand then they will do a number on you. Get a gun you fucking nonce (SGC is easy to get) or at least a cricket bat,
State of you...

i want to tell the girl i've been stalking for 10 years how beautiful she is without having to use my 10 years of stalking as proof

mummy said that i'm only allowed 3 cookies from the cookie jar but i took 4

you probably included a link or word that's banned like fb.com etc.