How is India so good at cricket with streets like these?

How is India so good at cricket with streets like these?

>it must be a shitty game over there

Other urls found in this thread: definition shit railway tracks

is it healthier to have brown poop or black poop?

brown id guess :P

That doesn't even look like human feces for fucks sake...

What the hell is wrong with these people?

>Spend life eating spicy gan saneer and maggots
>intestine is basically one big parasitic worm by now

>so good at cricket

i want to deeply smell that street

playing on surfaces like that is what makes them such good players of spin bowling

haha :)

Saved to my American banter folder lads

ALL that shit and no toilet paper

Nobody plays cricket on designated shitting streets pal.

Simple. They get plenty of practice at catching and swatting small hard objects when they throw poo at each other.

>indian poo
>hard object

you do know what they eat, right?

They eat a lot of fibrous grain like dholl, lentils and chickpeas.

All those piles and not one errant footprint. They're like shit stacking experts.


what did he mean by this? definition

> designated shitting streets

I'm not making fun of you Rajiv but is this real life/ what did you mean by this?

> definition

Maybe this should help you understand the context better, Steve. shit railway tracks