Don't think it looks any better tbqh.
Don't think it looks any better tbqh.
>inb4 shills arrive
Here comes the nitpicking!
I don't even want to pirate it.
> what is the catalog
fuck off
There's no other Ghostbusters trailer thread on the catalogue.
>twitter shitstorm yesterday
>conveniently trailer releases today
They actually kept the shitty stage dive scene.
>Le Movie References in the fucking trailer
>I don't know if it was a race thing or a lady thing, but Im mad as hell
It's not that desu. I will probably watch it. I found the jokes funny.
The ghost dragon bit made me kek
Also that completely confirms the leaks
110% now
This flick is going to be fucking garbage
What's wrong with it?•imdb, joblo, digitalspy, reddit/see 3
•no duplicate u/names(1) Direct discussion away from social backlash; lead in dialogue regarding Chris Hemsworth, special effects, franchise possibilities --(1)continued - Direct discussion towards Paul Feig's past success with Bridesmaids (2011), The Heat (2013), Spy (2015). (2) Emphasis on family friendliness (3) Link trailer via twitter and Facebook; no direct links to YouTube (4) No merchandise, Medjuck retains rights
the selfie part made me lol irl.
reminds me of my friends so i can totally relate to that scene.
I thought the stage dive joke was funny until she played the race and woman cards.
Oh fuck me.
I hope I die soon.
No offence but couldn't they have cast a better looking African women?
And don't call me racist: I would have said the same thing if they had cast a real fat ugly man in an adventure action film.
i'm not even going to download this movie
The dragon ghost part was good. "I'm just gonna take off."
You mean the "Bigger boat" bit? They're playing Hemsworth character off as a dumb, corny goofball.
Granted, I think that's going to be a crappy way to play what is basically supposed to be Janine's opposite.
>we're gonna need a bigger boat
They're remaking Jaws too
screencap this
I've seen a lot of people say this and I'm pretty sure that it was a joke
get ready for a ghostbuster themed ellen
the view
any news outlet (partially owned by sony) with 50+% women in it to be ghostbusters themed
just to get people to watch it
and of course 'sexist/man-child/etc name calling' when it doesn't get the boxoffice returns
of course sony will come out with a second one regardless if it fails (or at least some gofundme)
Any update on the James Rolfe drama? Is twitter still raging at him? Has he responded?
Calling it right now.
The women Ghostbusters are a parallel universe.
The climax of the movie, and the location of the "cameos" of prior stars, will be a convergance of dimensions.
>didnt play the she's a 6 foot 250lbs women wearing heavy equipment card
This is why people play the gender and race card, they see movies do it. Little black girls will see this movie and grow up thinking they cant stage dive cause they're black women, but it's cause they're FAT.
>having the sole male character be retarded
Not sexist at all.
Man, Hemsworth must feel terrible knowing this movie is going to flop.
Outside of MCU, none of his movies have really been a box office success.
Much like the original Ghostbusters cast, they wanted to use SNL cast members. She's probably the most popular black comedian out there right now.
Who the fuck signed this off? It looks awful.
>people base their entire life philosophies on jokes in comedy movies.
Oh shit greatest MadTV cast member and better than 90% of SNL cast Michael McDonald is in this movie!?
are you ready to 'answer the call' for an all female Citizen Kane remake?
...That doesn't sound bad at all.
Considering how much money that guy has, his gorgeous wife, and his three children: I don't think he gives a flying fuck.
He's in practically every Feig movie.
He's charging his responselazers as we speak.
Rush was really good.
>"His name is Rowan"
You do realize that person was joking, right? Or can you not take a joke like most SJWs?
Career wise though, it must suck knowing he'll never be taken seriously as an actor and always typecast as one role.
I was really hoping to see a bit more of the two smaller gals, the first trailer made it seem like they might have some decent chemistry.
Oh boy here come the racist, sexist ugly white Manlet pol virgins!!
Already got my dislike
Do something about it SJW fags
Why did you post the photoshopped version? Do you hate women that much you shitlord?
>it stars four of the funniest people in movies
Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon are SNL nobodies who have never been in a good movie.
i REFUSE to post in this thread.
God dammit, I liked you Elias.
Horrible. Just horrible.
you do realise that post was joking right? Or can you not take a joke like most SJWs?
Again, don't think he gives a fuck. I mean, there are people in this world who legit enjoy being worshipped or admired. If anything, I think he's enjoying the remainder of his youth being considered an adonis of our modern times.
We already know how he will respond
>James never gave a shit about twitter and barely ever sets a foot in it
>Mike probably laughing while deleting retarded comments about sexism by SJWs who didn't even watch the video
>James spends his time working on his videos on the history of Ghostbuster 3's demise
>while everyone tries to create controversy, James replies by getting shit done
>you lived long enough to see based Rolfe unjust himself
You do realize that post was joking right? Or can you not take a joke like most SJWs?
You talking the logo being a big bad in this one?
No idiot, that was the joke.
It wasn't a race thing, she was just fat as fuck.
There were literal shills in the other thread.
Blocks of posts about it looking good.
he has to be a good actor before he can be taken seriously as an actor.
was that milo yiannopoulos at 1:10?
nice meme
..but it does look like an easy way to spend an hour and a half while eatting popcorn.
Fuck me, right?
>S-S-Shills! That's what you get for not sharing my opinions!
wow the old stave dive gag so original
So you like someone less because they don't dislike something that you dislike?
>kids aren't impressionable and don't quote movies immediately after watching them
reddit has arrived
This was a bit better, but it still doesn't remove the main problem and that is the blatant cash in on the same plot that's already been told but better.
I did chuckle when they're dragging a hysterical Wiig out of the restaurant though.
They should've just made it a sequel.
They did the same with Finn in Star Wars. Studios trying to appear tolerant really like to hire gorilla-looking niggers.
What's a stave dive?
>Reddit hasn't always been here
haha, you know it my friend, don't forget to buy TWO tickets to Ghostbusters (2016) on opening night.
Reminder you're a misogynistic loser if you have no interest in seeing the new Ghostbusters.
i say we 'like' james' ghostbusters 'notreview' and the next review coming out 'ghostbusters 3'
to the point it infuriates the sjw to the point of bodily harm/triggering
i did my part
would you like to know more?
People would've still been mad.
Can we actually have a PROPER discussion on the positives and negatives of this movie?
I'll start:
>Ghosbusters car speeding down night street
>close up of a shiny ghost symbol attached to car
The cinematography is surprisingly really good in these shots
>that ghost at the concert especially when it comes up at 0:46
Looks really bad CGI wise. Although the library ghost at 0:35 I like it's skull face and looks pretty decent - I do hate the over use of glowing colors.
1:31 is actually a really cool shot of the building
1:48 WTF IS HAPPENING? WAY too many giant ghosts.
1:37 >"The government's trying to claim the event isn't supernatural
That part made me really chuckle hard, due to if this actually did happen: the government would absolutely state this. So great script writing for that part.
2:07 that ghost actually looks really good and menacing: FINALLY we see something that isn't over colorized and glowing like the library/concert ghosts.
All in all: it isn't "the worst thing ever" as so many are claiming it is. But this is my opinion.
Spoiling all the ghosts and your best jokes in the trailers?
Thanks. Don't need to waste my time watching the full movie now.
The other fat lady gets to crowdsurf tho
Just don't fucking go and they'll stop making these movies - as simple as that
>needing to watch shitty movies as an excuse to stuff your face
another movie with laser shooting up in the sky
Hitler would have prevented all of this.
The movie is like 2 hours right? No way did they spoil everything. Although that end shot of the giant ghost SHOULD have not been in this trailer.
But then for a movie that has gotten so many dislikes and so many do not wanna go see it: I can't blame the editor wanting to put as much in as possible.
I will buy 17 tickets on opening just to spite you Sup Forums.
the news reports and media references always made me smile in the original. Kasey Kasem, Larry King, that random beard guy on the corner while the reporter spoke of the phantom locomotive.
I really appreciate seeing that similar vibe going on again.
Probably. But it's still nonsense to announce it as a reboot of sorts and still use the old movie to advertise it.
It doesn't only make it look ultra cheap but it disgraces the old movie by just using it to the new movies advantage.
It has to be one of biggest marketing failures ever created.
Is it just me or is this second trailer not-so-subtly feeding the SJW controversy surrounding the movie? I think this is their hail mary.
>White male newsguy: "What do we make of *these* Ghostbusters? Are they going to be taken seriously?"
>Ape falls b/c shes huge. "IS IT CAUSE IM BLACK OR CAUSE IM A WOMAN?
>I don't know if it was a race thing or a lady thing...but I'm mad as hell
Alright. I giggled. The movie still looks like shit, and I'm not going to see it. But that part was cute.
I have never made a reddit account nor would I ever
knows how reddit works
Upboat :)
It looks better than it did in the first trailer it also looks like a bad movie and I wish it didn't exist I'm not offended by it but I think it's sad that people are pretending to be enthusiastic about a soulless remake (both positively and negatively) just so they can take some political stance
Just fuck off and stay there faggot.
I'm sorry? Negatives? You fucking sexist.
>there's a scene at a concert
is it smash mouth playing all star?
Beyonce is playing a cover of All Stars with her "FEMINIST" lights in the back.
It better be rock and roll and not rap.