Please help me think of a Sup Forums related trip and avatar.
Please help me think of a Sup Forums related trip and avatar
Fuck off
are they dating? how the fuck would that even work
Is it rape if one wants to fuck but the other doesn't
so, would you consider this cuckholding?
Easy mode thread?
i bet she's cucking both travis and robbie with that stealthy negro from the left pic
I just want to know what the one does when the other is sucking dick.
Also, I saw them walking into a Children's Hospital like 20 years ago when I was a kid. My friend hit me and pointed and said, "That girl has two heads!" We were in a parking ramp so they probably heard it.
hahaha ohh my god
>I just want to know what the one does when the other is sucking dick.
She's sucking balls
Once again goes to show how easy it is for females in this world. You can be a literal retard or freak and still get dates.
why the FUCK do women have it so easy, yet complain constantly?
balances her checkbook
Its as though the black guy has developed shadow powers.
That dude is either doing it because he's gay or he feels sorry for her. Probably both.
Also I'm not saying that because I'm jealous I don't have a retard gf. Because I'm not. So don't think that.
I'm pretty sure he is retarded, too. Some of them look perfectly normal. at least in pictures
>That dude is either doing it because he's gay or he feels sorry for her.
He's doing it because bitch has dem legs and probably has a hairy pussy.
>girl sitting at home with me
>talk about random shit
>she talks about that guy who is totally nice but can't get out of the friendzone
>half an hour she starts talking about having good experience baiting people with the "I'm not interested in you" method
Confusing as shit.
Can they kiss each other?
There are a ton of non-retarded girls that also have legs and a hairy pussy user. I mean I know the pussy game ridiculous but come on son
>Good looking BF
Hahaha, you like a retarded person!
use the "I'm not interested in you" method yourself
Seems like you, too, were successfully baited
its just not fair, retard girls are getting hot bfs just because they have vaginas and are too stupid to find out about cheating.
retard boys dont benefit like this because women can go to the dick atm whenever they want and now that every man is a cuck it doesnt matter if they cheat. Men have been defeated.
it would be extremely awkward
you're a big twin
its not confusing to me, the average person has grown up learning to be disingenuous.
is it legal to bang a retard?
It depends on how retarded they are, and I'm assuming the gender would also have something to do with it too
it depends on how retarded they are.
Nah, at one hand she says "uh look at that idiot who potentially could have me but he doesn't have the balls to try" and then she says she basically pretends to not like him. But that's the reason he's not trying. It's bullshit.
I really like the way you are thinking and writing.
thats what i mean. shes disingenuous. its a common trait in this time.
Probably not. If someone asks why you're still a virgin, you can use that as an excuse.
but i got raped doesn't that count?
heh, I guess someone banged a retard in that case
>It depends on how retarded they are
>it depends on how retarded they are
good to know, that Sup Forums at least knows their shit when it comes to retard railing
>thats just more chromosomes to love
If you're highly intelligent is it wrong to bang average people? I was supposed to have an IQ of 140, which I suspect is bullshit, but anyhow. If it's true. There might be a bigger gap between me and an average person than the gap between the average person and someone functionally retarded.
> literal genetic trash have partners and I don't
how do you make that neat blur effect
>implying you aren't genetic trash
But thats not how this works. The retarded person just cant form reasonable consent or understands her actions.
You could compare it to age. A 20 year difference between a 60yo guy and 40yo woman is OK, But a 32yo cant bang 12yo
at least you have your privilege
Do they deserve more happiness than us, Sup Forums?
>I was supposed to have an IQ of 140, which I suspect is bullshit, but anyhow. If it's true.
Fear not, you don't have an IQ of 140...
Just realized this is Sup Forums. Same question applies.
Talking about the girl btw.
I guess I'm smart enough to realize I'm stupid. But who knows.
>walking down dark alley
>just see teeth
>mfw downys get choosy about their partners
Would you ever recover if she rejected you, Sup Forums?
>I am 37 years old.
>My mother still buys me candy when I visit home and hands them to me the same way she did when I was a kid.
>I work as a data inputter at a logistics company.
>I have no friends.
>I have no girlfriend.
>The last time I kissed a girl was 1997.
>The last time I got drunk was around 2006.
>I am a virgin.
>My dad left my mother for another women when I was very young.
>For my birthday last year I booked a motel room and paid for an escort but when she turned up I felt sorry for her and gave her the money and told her to get some sleep but she laughed and called me a bunch of names and left.
>I was attractive in my late teens and early 20s buy my looks have worn off.
>No girls notice me and I don't feel worthy of being noticed.
>Sometimes I drive to McDonalds after work and buy way too much food and eat until I feel nauseous and then lie in the backseat while listening to R.E.M.
>Last year I developed a crush on a girl who works at an Arby's near my workplace but when I asked her out she seemed to hope I was joking and said no thanks.
>My old neighbour had a pet dog that I'd look after sometimes but he moved out and now all I have are the plants I try and care for.
How can these freaks of nature find happiness but not me...
>I'n not comfobabel with jou only earning 100,000k a year
>I cant see a future with jou
mommy says i'm special
probably pasta but
try getting drunk more often
even if you don't get any underwear time, it will blank everything out after a while
>If this thing lives long enough it will be in a relationship before you
lol ;_;
it is definitely pasta
That's what every mommy says.
>Have you ever gotten so mad at monopoly you just lie down on the board
I usually just smoke a bowl
>Hotels on the first lane
is it even legal to have sexual relations with a mentally handicapped person? how would they be able to consent?
A simple contract/transaction, my dear user. Trading them a bag of legos would only make it prostitution, at worst. Otherwise they could make their mark on a consenting paper, or spell out "yes" in alphabet blocks.
depends on how retarded they are
also would you guys?
she seems like a slut
im down
>t depends on how retarded they are
>it depends on how retarded they are
>depends on how retarded they are
>37 years old
>still calls them girls
Pedo alert