I assume this cryptic turn of events indicates people don't like the trailer
probably because it didn't look very good
Because it makes people mad.
looks like shit
Hating this movie has become a meme
WHy didnt they show this trailer first?
Granted, the movie still doesnt look good, but this trailer was much better. Least it didnt open with a puke joke and end with a big ol' black stereotype.
a lot of original ghostbusters fans probably do not like how the trailer looks. i heard it looks pretty bad, and that they cast women in the main roles because they think housewives go to the movies ever.
> Internet votes
> Meaning anything
Choose one.
how do we fix baby-men, Sup Forums?
Delete Sup Forums.
Yes I also wonder how there are 1,8k real persons who'd actually give it thumbs up.
by giving them what they want.
People are just doing out of spite now after the filmmakers and the media tried making a gender war out of it
link to video fag.
I'd watch the shit out of this
I blame the patriarchy.
Shouldn't Sup Forums love this movie since reddit hates it?
ride like a windrammer as you fuck
I feel there should be a new movement in the film industry:
a movement for people who believe some shit just needs to be laid to rest and not exhumed for modern profits
i doubt i am alone in this feeling. seeing new powerpuff girls, this, ocean's eleven girlpower remake on the way, that rocky horror TV movie remake, just... ENOUGH already
make some new fucking IPs for christ's sakes
but tumblr loving something overrides everything
I dont know if its a race thing or lady thing....but the dont piss off the ghost joke was ok, but i think it will be the peak of the movie
I'm not obligated to love something because someone else hates it. Besides, broken clocks.
>make some new fucking IPs for christ's sakes
That's the problem with 8-and 9-figure budgets. When an exec is signing off on spending that sort of money, he knows it's his job on the line if the film doesn't perform.
So, you can risk your job on a new idea that might flop, or you can look for something that already has some brand in the moviegoing consciousness and thus doesn't need to have its brand built from scratch. If it still flops, you have some sort of a business-based defense to make to the bosses, instead of "lol that sounded cool so I gave them 80 million dollars, sorry we lost it all"
The size of budgets these days, hilariously, has strangled creativity in the Hollywood model.
if seeing the first trailer was the deciding factor for you that this film was going to be bad and not the fact that they cast women in the lead roles then you're a cuck desu
>attack AVGN James
What the fuck did they expect to happen?
edgy misogyny has no place here
>what they want
>3 jews known for promoting drug degeneracy and the black guy who occationally co-stars with them.
most of them are just trolling, the trailer is bad but better than the previous one
If james apologizes will he be a cuck again?
>someone was waiting for this trailer to be released
>he rubbed his hamds together in glee
>time to downvote! he cackled
>he clicked the button as the tears of joy welled up in his eyes
>remember to dislike! he commented
i don't understand this man
Except for Paul Rudd, that is a fucking disgusting casting. Kinda prefer Kristen Wiig to those fuckers.
>The municipality of you
yes but he wont cause he doesnt give a fuck
>would watch/10
This is fucking Sup Forums motherfucker, you're probably from Sweden aswell.
>drug degeneracy
back to your safespace loser
can Jonah Hill be the receptionist??
It's honestly just a meme to hate this if you're a non feminist. Same reason why people are treating bvs like it's worse than a talking cat. It's just a meme. Everything is a meme.
That black guy was arrested for meth, ecstasy, and cocaine.
Of courshe
I would be so excited for this movie
people are sheep
I don't know why you're so obessesed with Sup Forums, it seems as though you think Sup Forums is your personal safespace, it's not and it will never be, if you want to discuss movies in a politically correct board, then go back to tumblr where you belong.
I'll bet they'll hate some meta humor in the movie about people disliking a Ghostbusters for being female or because one of the Ghostbusters is a black female. I'm not even going to watch the trailer.
because irrational reactions to irrelevant media is the only outlet for an irritating world full of madness.
based paul rudd
I predict the movie will be bad, but the cheeky one with glasses will stole our hearts.
Replace Rogen with Chris Pratt and Franco with Charlie Day and we've got ourselves a movie.
hating a harmless recreational drug makes you seem like a loser.
>le straight edge
whatever loser
>a movie containing none of the original cast, crew, writers or director
>a movie already claiming if you dislike it you're a misogynist
>a movie that looks like every other generic unfunny comedy containing Kristin Wiig and Melissa Mccarthy
Gee I wonder why people aren't sucking it's clitoris more
Yeah, except that it causes the people who use it to become less productive and has a high rate of addiction, which generally leads to death, but no it's fine alright.
Calling people losers are what i expect to find on Tumblr's "banter" go back to Tumblr faggot, you're the same shit as the SJW's that ruined SomethingAwful.
when someone calls you out on your shit opinions, it's because you have shit opinons. they're most likely not offended.
>they somehow managed to literally force their racism crap against the gorilla in this piece of shit
Fuck this shit.
Step aside, manbabies.
Because it's literally massage a knee.
polluting your mind with mind altering escapism is degeneracy and cowardice. Feel free to take your "free spirit" bullshit to /r/israel
why do you care what other people do with themselves?
>Yeah, except that it causes the people who use it to become less productive
>and has a high rate of addiction,
>which generally leads to death, but no it's fine alright.
>polluting your mind with mind altering escapism is degeneracy and cowardice
why are on Sup Forums?
why do you watch films?
I guess music is also degeneracy?
and books?
All the people who vow for recreational drug use are hippies or druggies who do nothing with their life except smoke le weed XDDDD or uselessly protest, these people do NOTHING to help society, those who take the path of a druggie or a hippie are social rejects, edgy teens, or simply lazy bums.
Source: I live in Portland and i have been to Colorad
Sup Forums and reddit agree. This movie truly heralds the apocalypse tbqhfam
The movie will do fine. Not Avengers fine, but good enough.
It has the name Ghostbusters. It will have international box office. It is not opening against anything else that weekend.
People have too much time on their hands and just need to relax - it's just a movie.
I don't know what kind of psychosis you have to compare browsing Sup Forums with taking drugs
just because vapid retards use it doesn't mean anything.
those people would hippie losers with or without weed.
I'd wathc the shit out of a Paul Rudd and James Franco Ghostbusters movie.
most of the people who vow for recreational drug use are hippies or druggies, what does that say about the movement? A group is defined by it's majority.
you said escapism in general.
I'm not talking about the movement, I'm talking about the drug itself.
Weed culture is cancer, but there's nothing with using it.
A product is not defined by its userbase.
Gotta be productive like a good goy.
"mind altering escapism" was what I said.
all forms of media are mind altering.
Craig is Jewish too
I knew this kind of abstraction of meaning was coming. I won't waste my time on it.
There's a big uproar about him saying he won't review it or see it because Jews would rather have them paying to see a movie then giving it a bad review than not going at all.
Stepping away from a product and no longer being cattle for the industry is the biggest threat to the entire entertainment business.
better line up
Paul Rudd
Matthew McCunnyhee
Yes you are we can't like anything reddit enjoys
>we'll never get an all black ghostbusters where they battle voodoo, called "ghostbustas"
And the "race thing or lady thing" joke was decent.
But ultimately, the movie just seems really bad, with terrible actors.
You know your comedy movie has a big problem when Chris Hemsworth is the best at delivering jokes.
Paul Rudd
Channing Tatum
Ice Cube
James Franco
Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill play ghosts
The female cast isn't the problem.
Not really.
The script and the main cast being terrible comedians are.
who would be the receptionist if not Jonah?
Ideally, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver or Ernie Hudson.
Terry Crews if they don't want to do it.
wew lad
at least now she has material for a rape documentary
he misogyny'd all over that bitch
>The female cast isn't the problem.
Yes it is. It's a major problem and always will be. I will not accept it and it seems neither will the world.
Stop acting like most of these people hate them because they are shitty comedians. 90% of the people that watched it probably don't even know they are comedians. But they all know one thing for sure and that is a female ghostbuster is only acceptable in cosplay.
>try to buy ticket that isn't ghostbusters
>sexism violation and banned from the theater for misogony
Racism towards black, sexism towards males. /thread
It's just the parrots of the Internet. Willing to bet most didn't even make it through 5 seconds of the trailer. Cue the parrot comment section as faggots repeat the same shitty jokes over and over.
>But they all know one thing for sure and that is a female ghostbuster is only acceptable in cosplay.
Wew lad.
Name one thing wrong with a female ghostbuster.
Not even being a SJW, there is nothing wrong with a female team of ghostbusters from a story perspective.
What made the original(s) work was because they were funny, because the actors playing the parts were good comedians, not because they had men as main characters.
You're retarded if you think otherwise.