Please, explain this "Russian hackers" meme to me

Please, explain this "Russian hackers" meme to me.
Do people in your country really believe in it?
Here everyone is absolutely sure that it's bullshit.


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it's funny because the same people telling us how awful Russia is now are the same people who told us how wonderful the USSR was for 50 years

>Putin ex-KGB
Nah, hacking and espionage doesn't sound like him at all.

Liberals are just mad, they're about to blame everyone for Hillary's fault, including us. Relax, thy can blame Ctulhu alongside with Ayylmao hegemony in the absolutely same time.

its not a meme

>russian government tries to manipulate results in their favor and use their media outlets to manipulate the russian population in their favor
Would be a first, right?

No, liberals are in the middle of the spectrum. Communists are on the far left.

>Western communists

> blame Ctulhu alongside with Ayylmao hegemony
Yeah, I know what Russians think
But see, people really think it's true

I think this hacking shit have been happening for long time. I bet CIA/NSA and FSB have a funny banter somewhere in deeb web IRC. I don't know why they mention it now.

What is it that makes the russian so naïve/gullible?

Trump: We should let Putin do what he wants in Syria and Ukraine.

Clinton: No that is a bad idea.

Putin: hm, who is Russia to support in this election? A very hard choice.

Well tbqh Clinton's non-flight zone over Syria is a very bad idea.

>Befriend with Ruskie and invest in Eastern Siberia to get those mad dosh is a bad idea.


I agree.

Doesn't stop you lot from looking stupid demanding broofs.

You should just own up to it and admit it was a good idea desu.


>What is it that makes the russian so naïve/gullible
You mean "Americans"?
Because you media went full Brezhnev-style and it's kinda amusing (for us).

Actually stage 3 but same thing.

americans have a hard time discerning propaganda and bullshit because they rarely get foreign news sources and really only get the same recycled opinion. result is people don't learn to distrust what they hear and base things off evidence and facts.

this habit is dying down now that fake news or whatever is big and making people inherently distrust everything they hear, even with evidence.

It's some made up shit to keep Clinton's gullible, warmongering supporters wound up.
These are the same people who used to claim the stupid rednecks were itching for a war with anyone on any pretext.

Who are the stupid rednecks now?

I'm always 4 desu

Yeah so what
Literally re*dit-tier clinton's shills, pathetic


YOU ROSHIA! Gib plane back! Justice!

Can I just ask what the "official" (i.e. western MSM) narrative is on this?

Russian intelligence agencies hacked Clinton's private email server (lol) and released her emails and the scandal caused people not to vote for Clinton?

Is that really the story of how Russia "hacked the election"? Actually, genuinely asking if this is the official story.

I also like how the Europeans would claim the US was always trying to start a war with Russia and would try to drag Europe into it. Now they are forced to accept responsibility for their own shit.

How quickly the rhetoric changes.

>use their media outlets to manipulate the russian population
It's all vice versa. The more people read YOUR news - the more they believe ebil Kremlin propaganda, because Western media went full mad. Actually they remind soviet papers now which is a bit ironic.

"""Russian""" hackers leaked the DNC emails
Western MSM called this as US Election Hacking.
>Hackers just leaked those emails.
>Leaked emails in the middle of 2016
>Elections hack
Literally kids.

I vote Trump, vlad.

You guys still did it tho.


Americans are pretty stupid.
They'll believe pretty much anything.

Everyone with a smidgen of computer knowledge will tell you that ''hacking an election from the outside'' is highly improbable and if it actually happened that would mean the governing body who is behind the election is incompetent beyond believe.

So the current American government is either lying or highly incompetent.

Take your pick.

wtf I hate Dr*mpf now

I know, right? Who ever heard about
>election manipulation
in context of russia?
Oh wait.

Look on a bright side. They finally found something to export after oil and gas.


>russian news, true news
Wow, it's funny how you actually believe that.

It doesn't matter if Russia actually did anything, the fact that we are now questioning whether our President was voted in due to Russian interference is damaging enough by itself.

Sup Forumsacks would all believe this without thinking anything else regardless of their nationalities and all agree with you

and that IS the "objective" answer to this i think

i mean, you are in the wrong board

So why complaining, those "HACKING ATTACKS" brought so much win: pizza gate, trump's win, some interesting shit from the democrat's "inner circle" etc
The irony is if such a 3d world mordor like Russia could get into 1st world MUH STARS AND STRIPES country election system and ((((((hack)))))) it then what the fuck is frong with this superpower.
Really makes you think...

>You should just own up to it and admit it
In Russia if you admit your failures in public you will get beaten to death.

>Who ever heard about
>>election manipulation
>in context of russia?
Well, I never have?

Russian election "manipulation" in Russia is kinda Neanderthal style with "meh, fuck it, let's write some other numbers".

And "Russian hackers" always was _literally_ a meme from Hollywood or something.

As far as I read it's all about "we saw Russian IP!!!"
Welp, every user here can make a Russian IP in 5 seconds. Russian hackers, everyone!
What the fuck.
I really don't get it.

>liberals are in the middle of the spectrum

Traces of a program known to be used by Russian hackers was found.
It's a Ukrainian made free software, and could theoritically be used by anybody. The problem is that Obama has spun it to make it sound like Russia hacked the election.

It's absolute stupid bullshit. The original Clinton Emails were linked from the inside by a guy who has since been killed, and the Podesta Emails were obtained because Podesta was a moron who responded to a fucking fishing scam with his "password" password.
These are the people we trust with our security everybody. The people who will use "password" as a password.

Where did I say a word about Russian news?

>The more people read YOUR news
>The more people read YOUR news
>The more people read YOUR news
>YOUR news
>YOUR news
>YOUR news

We don't even need Russian news anymore, we can just translate yours and laugh because it's pathetic.

you succeeded though

>Well, I never have?
Perfectly understandable.

R.I.P Seth.


most of the people believe its true, but then again, most of the people are stupid. i mean, if people in representing the mainstream media said that the earth was flat, or that finland is a hoax and it does not really exist, people would believe it without questioning.
President elect donald trump has said that the hacking is NOT TRUE AND THAT THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF IT

Yes it's so funny, the American government is like children.
>hey let's monitor everyone with the NSA lol
>Russians hack Clintons email server

They hacked the DNC and use some propaganda ect. No big suprise, the US money flowed into colored revolutions. If anything this is a wake up call, funny enough Obama said to Romney 4 years ago that 'Russia is no longer the biggest geopolitical threat' now i will point to that everytime someones says that Russia isn't a priority for political agenda.


>The original Clinton Emails were linked from the inside

Can I get a source on this? Not saying I don't believe you, would just be nice to have for my own purposes.

you sure showed him with this totally not biased site

>Here everyone is absolutely sure that it's bullshit.
speak for yourself cuck

Plus you can check msm posts like CNN/BBC etc.

There's evidence of Russian hacking going on for years. That's not the issue. The issue is that Obama apparently didn't know or care about it until his party was totally decimated in the '16 elections.

you sure showed me with this hilarious meme picture

Unfortunately we have no solid straight up answer for that, as to be expected. However the people with access to those servers was pretty limited, and one of them ended up dead shortly after the DNC.

Best I got honestly. But who knows, maybe it was Russian hackers, and they killed him to silence people. No way of knowing, but wikileaks did confirm that there source wasn't from a state party, and given their track record I tend to believe them.

>Russia could get into 1st world MUH STARS AND STRIPES country election system and ((((((hack)))))) it
But what if it's really true?
What if all Russian internet is just self-hating bunch of idiots who can't believe in ЯUSSIA STRONK?

Even vatniks don't believe in it though and they probably would like to, they like to "dat pososat pindosam", etc.
Is not it all kinda sad?

Well, it's still probably not true, but wouldn't not it be cool if it was? And if everyone anyway believes that it's true can we be proud of it even if we knows it's untrue?

>finland is a hoax
it is though

got unbiased source for your "it's biased" claim?

It was probably some teen in Europe with too much time.
Or whatever group in China that keeps coordinating cyber attacks at the US. Most of which our elected officials are stupidly unaware of.

Thanks friends

>sweden near top
that one alone realy made me think

I don't think it's impossible that they tried to influence the elections, but I think the impact is highly exaggerated. It's also not like the western media wasn't biased in terms of the US elections and it's ridiculous that Merkel and her people also start to spread this shit about how russia will manipulate the german elections. If they leak true stuff, I can't see how this is manipulation.

>Even vatniks don't believe in it though and they probably would like to
Actually no because our Emperor said that "USA is not a banana republic".
>can we be proud of it even if we knows it's untrue
I'd be proud of my country if it'd be just a usual country with a good economy and with no imperialistic bullshit

anecdotal, indeed
I tend to value UN consultancy status a bit more for example

>made me think
this is good though

>If they leak true stuff, I can't see how this is manipulation.

Eh, I can see it being accurately described that way.

Honestly, both sides in the election definitely had shady histories which would have hurt them had they come to light. However, selectively leaking one side's dirty laundry does manipulate public opinion. Doesn't mean one side is better than the other, of course.

what do you mean? :D

The elections were generally dirty. I get your point, but I wish the politicians would simply be more honest in general (which is naive, I know) and stop throwing shit at each other and start working together to improve the country, they claim to love instead .

>The issue is that Obama apparently didn't know or care about it until his party was totally decimated in the '16 elections.

He knew, he just didn't think it would look good to make it public, given that he thought clinton would win and that he would look like he was trying to influence the election in an unconventional way.

>liberals are in the middle of the spectrum
Look at this map, and tell me the chances that it was a Russian source that used a free Ukrainian software to hack into a US parties email server, and release emails.

>Police were alerted to gunfire at 4:20 am by an automated gunfire locator called ShotSpotter.
>its real
Time for the next burger invention: ShartSpotter™ in Walmart™

I honestly don't see it as any more dirty than openly accepting brib- I mean donations from foreign governments.


> stop throwing shit at each other and start working together to improve the country, they claim to love instead .

You know, Germanbro, you're right. That would be the ideal case. And I am hopeful that the corruption and bullshit in modern politics will one day be eradicated. But until then, we must be rational cynics.

>a usual country with a good economy
Aww, come on, don't be so boring, don't you want to live in a meme country, the queen of trolling, the dvach-state? Would be fun.

American liberals are a meme, since nobody knows who the fuck they are. They are carrying communist flags, yet they doesn't asknowledge marxist views on anything and lean to the free market. They are talking about revolution but afraid of taking a gun or at least organize a political strike.

>But afraid of taking a gun


>the dvach-state
We already have Ukraine, it's more than enough I think :^)

You're right. They are comfortably in the right.

They don't have style.
They are like Green Elephant state. And we can be like high class meme state, the elite of trolling.

B-but what's the price, Boris. Shitty salaries and infrastructure etc. I think it doesn't worth it.

We have shitty salaries and infrastructure already, but without fun.

It may become even shittier

Hello friends

I guess most people don't believe in it. Politicians in Germany try to fearmonger a bit with it, but our actual problems are getting out of hand and become hard to ignore, so the "Russian hackers" are only mentioned sparingly. Besides I know your country DOES try to hack us, the west does too, so whatever.

Boy, that Instagram post sure showed me.

this position is already taken

WikiLeaks' strategy was to leak real stuff then lie about what it said knowing Internet users are too retarded and lazy to check. It worked really well especially on the Berniefags

>Hammer and sickle flag
Fuck that's irritating. Nothing ruins Communism more than these people who cling to some shitty Soviet identity.

Liberals aren't really into "fighting the system" or believing democracy is in the streets. Fundamentally they're about believing capitalist nation-states can work well for everybody with a few tweaks here and there. I know when you're a Sup Forumstard everyone to the left of Alfred Rosenberg is indistinguishable but they really are not the same as democratic socialists, forget Leninists

>USA makes a big fuss about Russian hackers with little to no proof about that being true shown
>when they have been proven to spy on their own allies and not a single fuvk was given, going to the point of wanting to hang the guy who exposed this
Hypocrisy at its finest.

I doubt it, otherwise they would have presented the evidence already.

Obviously Russians are gonna say it's bullshit

>finland is a hoax and it does not really exist
I miss this meme