/sino/ 中文

Who Are You to Judge Edition

The thread for posting in Chinese and discussion about the Chinese speaking world

Resources for Learning Mandarin:

Resources for learning Cantonese:

Smartphone dictionary (supports both Mandarin and Cantonese): pleco.com/

resource credit goes to 一路順風

China will grow larger


不太会 恕难从命gudasai

It's always dead.
Makes me sad.

not if we Sup Forums
nonetheless still sad, sorta

Better than being Sup Forums
Sup Forums sucks

How can I say "thread" in Mandarin?

>Japanese placement test tomorrow

讨论帖 〇
讨论楼 ×
真爱贴 ×
真爱楼 〇







tho both are "depend on"


What does "不" mean?
It leaves me puzzled.
My book says "not" but what not?

Afaik if you but it front of a verb, it negates it

For example: 我不是 is "I am not"

Also 大家好


Thank you.



1> reCAPTCHA is blocked for it's a google thing
2 >inb4 normies



大家好 (。_。)

我尊重日本和日本人。想爱她们的美女 ( ω )




Are ya'll using Google translate to write these posts?


wasn't expecting this much of new blood all of a sudden tbḥ ḟams


nah I'm a China-boo so of course I study the zhongwen

Anyone know why Chinese-Americans are so bad at Chinese?

Like, even most second generation ABC seem to be unable to speak, never mind read Chinese beyond literal Chinese 101 basics.

Because of american """education"""

From my understanding, some only understand it but speak back to their parents in English. There's the whole assimilation idea and some ABCs and their parents want them to focus only on English. When I lived in NYC though I came across a good amount of ABCs who immigrated to the US in the childhood or teenage years so of course they spoke Chinese natively, and even among 2nd generation ABCs many had an interest in Chinese language/culture and were attending Chinese classes with me in order to be able to speak Mandarin.

Additionally, many ABCs come from families that only speak dialects/Cantonese and not Mandarin.


>came across a good amount of ABCs who immigrated to the US
actually that should read "chinese americans" but you get the point


我也爱你们。( •̀ ω •́ )

That still doesn't make any sense.

I went to public school. My Japanese is perfect. I just had to go to Saturday 日本語学校. I know Chinese schools exist too, so I know that's not the issue.

I guess the dialect thing makes some more sense. I'm guessing there are more Mandarin schools and maybe some cantonese, but not much for smaller dialects. Learning from just parents is much more likely to speak just baby-chinese.

Man, Flushing is basically China. I'm not surprised. Everyone there would automatically assume I'm Chinese and speak to me in Chinese whenever I'd go there. A Chinese person could probably live there without ever speaking English.

shay shay

So even asians can't tell each other apart. I fucking knew it.

嗯嗯 嗯~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

>I just had to go to Saturday 日本語学校. I know Chinese schools exist too, so I know that's not the issue.

Many Chinese-Americans do go to Chinese schools as well but from what I've hear many just see it as a waste of time and have no interest in it.

It's like how in the US in high schools people study Spanish for 2 or 3 years but because most students don't have an interest in it, they come out of high school being unable to hold a basic Spanish conversation.


别 use Google Translate.


为什么中国人通常不用Sup Forums

》为什么中国人通常不用Sup Forums


>double meme arrows

Also, how do you say maymay in Chinese?

妹妹 maybe?

In addition, which website to visit to consume chinese maymays?



Do chinese schools have books that are mandatory to read?



Is this captcha?

for sometimes life and death yes


This is 4th dimensional chess for me.


真可惜, 那你们去哪里?




同志, 来吧

>好扮唔扮 扮支那豬

咪咪 不冷水边高数外人的 (^-^)


Does this look readable?



I know three characters out of the ones you have posted.

What are you saying?

第三个, third one
是, is
“月”, "month"
吗, "eh"

Third one is month, eh?

日 sun
月 moon
this user wonder what's your intention

It's supposed to be "日",but judging by the reactions,I fucked it up.

Help me understand my GF's Chinese conversation

They bottom isn't supposed to protude. At least that's how I write it.

Taiwan, do you know it?

Honestly,my handwriting is absolute trash.
This is how I would write "moon"

It is better than mine. lol.

there are calligraphy instructions on strokes

if you do the strokes in order they should look better

I did them in order.

chinks believe "开窍", an enlightenment or epiphany of some kind
i unironically hold the opinion that an un开窍ed human being wll not be able to do chinese calligraphy well
practice make perfect tho

stupid chink

>practice makes perfect
Why do you think I wrote at least a line of each character?

boxes then lines
when we were learning in school we had special boxes to practice the characters on so they are stable and structurally sound

>user,what is your goal for 2017?
>I want to learn a new language
>which one?
>half of the groups starts saying that it must be Russian
>awkwardly say "mandarin"
>teacher looks at me like if I just said some really,really dumb thing
>half of the group is like "mandarin is a fruit lol"
>"Did I say something impossible?"
>"No user,bht I have to ask,why not Japanese?"
Fucking people I swear.

Well, why?

I was never really that much inerested in Japan.
Most of my books about asia are about china/by chinese authors.
I only have four books written by Japanese.

And maybe because I don't want to associate with the animeheads that I have seen irl.

they were shocked by your alacrity

This shouldn't be allowed.


Why this thread has so many Japanese?

Shitty english translations

Similar to how North and South Dakota is translated into Japanese/Korean/Vietnamese/Chinese

Chinese studying in Japan + sinoboo who is also a weeb

Him (spoiler)or maybe her(/spoiler) and I are the anons who've done these threads the last two years.

There is literally nothing wrong with being cheerful
If I jumped into this thing without optimism,I would have given up a long time ago.

it's different tones
technically shan1 and shan3

I approve my fellow foreign-language-learning user

Why is romanised Chinese so shit. like I get the accents and stuff but

>Pronounced Jung

Fucking spell it like "Jung" then

One of the provinces should be renamed to avoid this abomination

It's another case of the characters look different but look the same.
Like how you have 20 different ways of writing fucking Yang or Míng.
It's all the same in latin but looks different in hanzi.

usually in chinese the city is said right after the province

shaanxi hanzhong
or shanxi yuncheng, or just the city so it's okay