What is the Film equivalent of this .gif?
What is the Film equivalent of this .gif?
gag me with a spoon
I can't find it atm but that one picture of Wesker from the resident evil movies making that dumb face. you know the one
Ghostbusters (2016)
I just imagine myself farting in her face and then her saying this to me.
Dear White People
who is this samoan daemon?
fuck I hate niggers so much
The face she makes is the perfect face anyone would make when you fart in their face.
She's married to a white guy
who is this xluid xruid
Game Of Thrones season 6
it looks like her upper jaw is gonna shoot out like when you open a pez dispenser
came here to say this. All her social justice shit is just a virtue signaling front contrived to let her deal with her massive underlying inferiority complex.
Doesnt her face make you want to sit on it
At least she's a little intelligent
Civil war
What is this from?
It seems like MTV is virtue signaling now a days, trying to cash in on the sensitive idiots
>tfw black girls don't like to have afros anymore
If someone could please shoot me I'd appreciate it