Why do Slavs do this? Why do they meet up and drink something by the road or whatever? Why not socialize properly?
Why do Slavs do this? Why do they meet up and drink something by the road or whatever? Why not socialize properly?
because slavs are fucking subhumans
because slavs are fucking subhumans
>Why do they meet up and drink something by the road or whatever?
but that is socialising. Just them, their closest Slav friends, the great outdoors, and bath lotion.
Was it communism that turned Slavs into subhumans or were they always subhumans?
they have always been a joke. not even hitler considered them to be human despite their white skin.
Before communism we were peasant subhumans, now we're subhumans that live in stacked concrete boxes.
because slavs are fucking subhumans
>t. eastern germanic
>Beer in plastic bottles
Why would you do this?
Why is int so obsessed with us
to disguise it on daylight as a non alcoholic beverage so that cops can't spot it from a distance.
because slavs are fucking subhumans
why would anyone disguise drink they drinking? We can drink publicly anywhere without any trouble
> Why do they meet up and drink something by the road or whatever?
We often drink in parks when the weather is good. It's a great place to talk to people, enjoy nature, and after that go wasted to some club or party river raft
Most people live with their parents so they can't bring too many people to their houses
poles are ugrosomething like hungary
>drinking alcohol in the street during daytime
you seriously can't see a problem here?
ye ofc
our language is Slavic therefore we are Slavs
It's not out of the ordinary in Denmark 2bh, especially in the city during the summer you'll be hard pressed to find a bench where people aren't hanging out.
because slavs are fucking subhumans
No, alcohol is tasty and refreshing
because slaves are fucking subhumans
There's usually some slavs/poles drinking in my nearby park, I've seen them at 9AM drinking.
They even throw glass bottles where people walk their dogs.
That's probably why they sell beer in plastic in slavland.
you know that's not what I meant, Muhammad.
that's my point.
it's illegal to drink during daytime here because you don't want a group of drunk lowlives in the street at the same time a mother is taking her 2 kids to school.
it's problematic.
>is against the consumption of alcohol
>calls others muhammad
sure thing Jamal Rodriguez
We have a Nobel.
because slavs are fucking subhumans
I'm not against the consumption of alcohol.
only during daytime in the street.
that's all.
You did nothing
Whatever you say Mehmet al-Quetzlopacl
>making the street a shariah zone unless the sun has gone down
what strange beliefs you Mohammedans have
>his intellectuals don't even like their own country
>unironically using the word problematic
whads de broblem :D
come on now, it's not a bad measure.
what's so weird about that word?
I literally just used it because it's pretty much the same as the spanish one that we constantly use.
pls dont bully poland
We can take it, we're big boys
I see the muslims have managed to get into south america as well
For me
Slavs were a mistake
>Mehmet al-Quetzlopacl
am I officially a slav? there are a lot of degens like this in villages but i never socialize with them
the british do this too
>all the shitskin butthurt
because slavs are fucking subhumans
i do this too
Not break bottle then you are seriously drunk.