yay another thread for this shit
Yay another thread for this shit
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so is James now officially liked by Sup Forums again? :3 has he uncucked himself big time? Brendan, you should take notes.
I stopped going there when they made an article advising straight people to put stuff in their asses. I know it went downhill long ago, but they occasionally had a good article every now and then. Now its just Weed, Jail, and Homosexuality. You should stop going to Vice OP.
No more Ghostbusters threads pls.
Cant tame the James
>friendly reminder that it is your duty ad a windrammer to send James some nice mail to show your support so he knows we are with him and never apologizes for doing the right thing and bringing common sense back.
literal Jew propaganda rag
Has he finally redeemed himself for the abomination that is the AVGN movie?
I'm kind of proud of our boy
Has James responded to the feedback yet?
Vice's HBO show is okay, but their online content is complete shit, aside from the occasional raw footage stuff like Abu Hajaar.
Oh shit I just had a flashback to when Vice was primarily about underground reporting in ignored circumstances. I also remember when Cracked used to be a comedy article website.
Why did "middle school-tier writer complains about irrelevant shit in American entertainment media" become the standard opinion/editorial piece format in internet-based journalism across the board? Is it really that much of a winning formula?
I love how you faggots are riding his dick now. Just yesterday you were all over his shit, about how he's stupid as shit, untalented, corny, bald and cucked. Now you're all like "Sup Forums has always liked James". Fuck you, hypocrites.
stay strong avgn
stay strong
>written by this
Because OP is a cuck
Ive always liked James
>SJW are giving Hollyshills free range to exploit franchises if you drop the "sexist bomb"
>All James did he said that he wants none of that shilling off of classic franchises
LOL so progressive.
He is busy making actual videos and such and doesn't have time to go on a twitter war.
Meanwhile, Mike is probably deleting shitloads of stupid comments by people who haven't watched the video.
And he is probably laughing.
TFA being full of references and old characters hurt the movie though
Meanwhile James's video has more likes than the ghostbuster trailer. Coincidence?
I smell a kike
>your wife dies in her sleep at 46
>2 weeks later you're getting in twitter fights about fucking ghostbusters.
Is this truly the state of Mourning in 2016? Christ patton go hug your kid, she's probably crying herself to sleep thinking of her own mother slowly turning into a skeleton
>Social Engagement Editor
Jesus Christ this fucking Orwellian bullshit is insane
James just unJUST himself. The unkeking process begins. Praise lord kek. Praise Donald trump. Make AVGN Great Again.
You gotta wonder how it got to this point
Why does James make cuckold movie if he's not really a cuck?
>something bad happened to me and nobody is paying attention
>I'm a celebrity damnit, i should have my mourning displayed across the globe
>better go get my face out there some more by publicly sticking my nose where it doesn't belong
people have always been selfish shits while mourning, it's just easier to be a selfish shit on social media
They're giving him TONS of free advertising, the only people promoting this movie are bloggers and article writers while normal people aren't giving it any fan fare, it's a very tiny online vocal minority that's only way they see of trying to tell people about it as belittling the people who don't want it. Also Oswald seemed to have backed down, he even said he's a fan of James so even the celebs they have on their side aren't willing to go all in.
This was a shit movie, cash-grab remake. Would it have had the same reaction if they replaced Murphy with a woman??
I know that feel.
Back then the internet was like the Wild West. Anything went. Things were refreshing and new. Now everything is sexist and racist. I remember when ebaums would take the blame for everything you guys did.
>i just feel this is a cheap cash-in on a classic movie. i will not review it.
Like oh my gooood! Fuck you, misogynist shit!
Daily reminder that online bloggers are irrelevant when it comes to normies views on movies. Everyone hate this movie and it will bomb.
>Social Engagment Editor
The fuck is that
His wife made him do it. When you are a spineless fucking a white male, you tend to get ordered around like a bitches when a woman tells you to do something if there is a possibility of pussy.
It already did.
The new Robocop did not do well
Clickbait shit
Go back to your containment board you buzzword autismo
Fuck vice. Copy paste the article contents, so we don't have to give them a penny for visiting their site.
Open with admin privileges.
This is where your Hosts file is located. Open "hosts" (does not have an extension) with Notepad. Enter the following line in mimicking the formatting of the example already there: vice.com
Save the file. The "Save As" dialog box will appear. Save this as "hosts_new".
1) Back in your \etc\ folder, rename your previous "hosts" file to "hosts_backup".
2) Rename the newly created file, "hosts_new.txt" to "hosts"
There. No more of "sex, drugs, and rock & roll" nerdculture clickbait.
At least one other e-celeb has his back
Don't relate the Trump clown to AVGN, retard.
Try it out faggot I think you'll like it
Well James is an OG of YouTube and a lot of people got started because of him.
It's still like that, we just became pussies
why hasn't he died of cancer yet like c'mon
Wait, what is that little fat turd doing this time?
Based Biscuit just cured cancer
Didn't stop Lindsay and Brad from already taking shots at him. I bet Douge will sit it out too.
>just ignore crazy people
>2 years later wonder how come everyone in position of power is a crazy person now, their crazy position is the status quo now, your previously reasonable position is considered crazy now, and they're mandating that you become as crazy as them too
Worked so far, right?
Max Landis also defended him
I would have paid to see a Robocop with an incredibly hot female Officer Murphy set in the near future. But they would need to make some major changes to the story, have it take place in a different city/country atleast.
I'm thinking a post islamic invasion of Berlin in 2050, rightwing government takes over parts of Germany after a civil war in europe, a US company is hired as private security for Berlin, tall hot with huge breast female robocop is made to purge Berlin of niggers and mudslimes.
Fatton is the one who started all this, he basically insulted James over how he swallows loudly in the video
Youre going to have people that betray you, thats just how some people are...thats life.
That's a tough pill to swallow. Max Landis transcends obnoxious on so many levels.
>I also remember when Cracked used to be a comedy article website.
I remember when Cracked used to be Mad magazine's rival.
They should be. James basically created the YouTube video game review.
What did xe mean by this?
Non of that's true though, so yes.
what was his point anyway? i never watched it because i dont like avgn/tgwg/whichever this guy is
was it something along the lines of "im not watching this movie because its a hollywood cashgrab and political agenda pushing"?
It means "give me attention"
He didn't mention anything about political agendas. He just thinks it looks bad.
How about you watch the video instead, retard?
>Fatton is the one who started all this, he basically insulted James over how he swallows loudly in the video
What? Was that the best thing the hobbit could come up with? No wonder his wife died, I'd die too if I'd mated with a beta male tub of goo like Patton Oswald.
Landis and even Movieblob of all fucking people defended him, Filmbrain already condemned him, I can bet Doug won't say anything, Spoony will side against him but only say so three years from now,
He is a scumbag. Like what little respect for Fatten Oswald was gone after readong that tweet.
He deserves no pity
i hate the guy but i just wanted to know what all this shit was about because i keep seeing it everywhere
Fuck off, retard.
Well, Landis got similar heat when calling Rey a mary sue so I'm not all that surprised
>literally called vice
>being surprised that it's degenerate
He anticipated his fans' demand for a review. He released a video saying he just doesn't feel like entering into that arena. Barely touches on the gender politics angle for about 5 seconds. Majority of the video is him calmly and rationally (I know I am setting up a loaded statement here, but it is my honest interpretation.) explains why he feels like not indulging the reboot.
He spends most of his time talking about how the legacy of the movie that's getting usurped due to the new movie using its title instead of honoring it by using a subtitle to differentiate.
>>Non of that's true though,
Meanwhile in the real world:
>You can be fined for not calling people ‘ze’ or ‘hir,’ if that’s the pronoun they demand that you use
>Examples of Violations
>a. Intentional or repeated refusal to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun or title. For example, repeatedly calling a transgender woman “him” or “Mr.” after she has made clear which pronouns and title she uses …
Always makes chuckle
He also BTFO'd Devin Faraci in process. Good on him
Meanwhile in the real world Donald Trump is a serious contender for President of the United States.
>And this isn’t just the government as employer, requiring its employees to say things that keep government patrons happy with government services. This is the government as sovereign, threatening “civil penalties up to $125,000 for violations, and up to $250,000 for violations that are the result of willful, wanton, or malicious conduct” if people don’t speak the way the government tells them to speak. Nor is this likely to stay in New York City: The New York officials are arguing that this is just what the New York gender identity discrimination ban requires, and indeed it is part of the standard ideology expressed by many transgender rights activists; the same logic would be easily applicable by jurisdictions that have gender identity discrimination bans, or will have such bans; the federal government is taking the view that existing federal bans on sex discrimination also in effect ban gender identity discrimination, and the New York analysis would equally apply to that view
I still don't get how James is the bad guy for saying "I'm don't like how the movie's looking so I'm not watching it"
These situations ALWAYS create strange bedfellows. Blob and Landis being the voices of reason, could you ever really see it coming?
They actually do that less now that Gavin has been kicked out.
Brad jones is a spineless jew fuck
Don't you mean Patton Oswalt?
Anything is possible now that it's no longer The Current Year
Oh my sides are in orbit
James is too mature for twitter wars he is just working on his Ghostbuster 3 video and not giving a fuck
Can someone point me to the Patton Oswalt tweet or wherever he criticised James?
our boy bain
He later said James is 'imploding society' by judging the movie.
Because the main cast is all women. If you say you don't wanna see movie that isn't solely geared towards women but the main stars are women, you are a misogynist regardless of your reasons.
I thought TB died already.
>waging a war on Internet misogyny
Or maybe we just don't like it when a beloved franchise is ruined by shitty cgi, bad casting, shitty jokes and shitty characters.
No and he won't because he's not immature enough to sink down to their level.
What's the point in all of this? Everybody's gonna go to the theaters and watch this piece of crap anyway.
It's not Brad defenders, it's brad himself. The cuck.
Didn't spend a fucking second mocking James. It was barely a few hours later.
>Everybody's gonna go to the theaters and watch this piece of crap anyway
No, I wouldn't go watch it even fo free.