We Wuz Vikings and shet!! Hail Odin!!
We Wuz Vikings and shet!! Hail Odin!!
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Rurik was Finnish, though.
Rurik does not sound very Finnish.Where is your messiah now?
Finland did not exist 1000 years ago.
Rurik is, obviously, a Germanization of Ruurikki.
>According to the FamilyTreeDNA Rurikid Dynasty DNA Project, Rurik appears to have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup N1c1, based on testing of his modern purported male line descendants.[6] N1c1 is not widely found in Scandinavian countries, but is overwhelmingly found among Baltic and Finnish ethnicities. The N1c1 haplotype possess the distinctive value DYS390=23, also rarely found in Scandinavia. The closest relatives of the Rurikid haplotype are found in coastal Finland
LIIIIIES, they were Slavs, Slaaaavs.
Why did they invite them back?
He's just wewuzing. Plenty of Swedes have this haplogroup because of old Finnish influence.
It's actually over 20% around Central Sweden.
Svea are basically Fingol'd Norwegians but that doesn't make Rurik Finnish unless it also makes all Svea Finnish which is something we don't want to do as they are cucks.
t. Cai-Göran
t. retard who thinks Finnish was spoken in Stockholm 1100 years ago despite there not being a single Finnish language runestone there or anywhere else
It just doesn't work as a hypothesis. Whatever Finnic language was spoken there went extinct a very long time before Rurik was born.
>Whatever Finnic language was spoken there went extinct a very long time before Rurik was born
Sounds like something a Svecoman would say
Odin was a Turk from Central Asia
>Svecoman this svecoman that
>Da evil swede's behind it all we wuz kangz
Fuck off you dumb cunt.
What happened to the runestones? Svecomans smashed them?
Just fuck off with your niggertier bullshit. Finns don't want to be associated with that.
Funny you should say that.
Your samefagging won't sway me, Cuckström
Bravo you took an hefty hour and a half to come up with an answer and there was literally no argument.
Obviously vikings were from Azerbaijan
Like i said. We wuz turks and shiet.
>tfw no qt manjaw viking gf to dominate over me