Do americans actually do this?

Do americans actually do this?

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only ironically

Dude is clearly a neckbeard making that shit up to get himself off.

Europeans do it also it's not just us

And I'm sure asians would do it if they had black people

No way that happened.

Sounds English, desu

Asians don't have sex.

why is this on a /tv board

Americans literally invented cuck porno, it's like their main kink, that's why they always fetishize niggers in every media.

man is clearly not up to par up stairs. it's an intellectual game, mate.

yes, burgers have tiny dicks and are cowards

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

Post the polyamorous one

What makes you think he's american?

We have already been culturally and politically Blacked. It's only natural that we get physically Blacked as well.

The fact that he's a cuckold.

Nigga what's the most populated country on earth?

bryan is a american name m8


They're all robots

Don't believe the Chinese lies

Europeans do it but they don't have this creepy weird race angle

Bryan is English. Brian is American. Colour is English. Color is American.

Europoors always mispell shit.

>and listening to her grunt and groan in pain
>in pain

>it's not just us

>it's not just us

Do you think in 40 years there will be some new fetish developed that's even more degenerate than cuckold shit?
I honestly can't think of a more degrading thing

First of all I think EVERYWHERE it is a kink thing.

The difference is that European degenerates are more into swinging than just cucking.

This 'polyamory' shit makes me mad every time I hear about it. I can't imagine what sort of horrible self effacing cuck could fall in line with a scheme like that when the arrangement basically confers no benefits upon the male involved.

I don't know brethren.

The statistics do a pretty clear job of evidencing that it's Americans who watch the most cuckolded porn. And when I see the SJWness that can flower in the United States, I can't say I'm really surprised that your men are this way.

But who am I to judge. I'm from a country where it's become illegal to refer to an "ethnic french" because that would be downright condescending to our immigrants, wouldn't it?

Having a black stranger fuck you in the ass while your wife masturbates in the corner.

It'll be a revolutionary new form of bizzaro cucking.

There is already the whole money cucking thing and I would argue scat is already more degenerate than cuckold shit.

tfw german and never even knew about scat until I went to a trip to america and learned that people think it is a common german fetish

Its not an unlikely story. But on forums like that its equally as likely that its a madup story just to get cucks' rocks off.

Probably fake.

Here's another one from bryan_t

Well swinging at least gives you an option to get your dick wet. Meanwhile american cucks just stroke their itty bitty micropenises while negro athlete fucks their wife on the bed they bought.

Am I the only one turned on by this shit?

No there are more americans in this thread.

Anyone else wish they could see their big sister painfully used by 10 bulls? I mean just totally fucking pumped and dumped in a tornado of giant dicks.

Bryan_t is a legend


My friend is in a polyamorous situation and it's basically just wife swapping with friends. Sometimes strangers are involved but rarely and she probably fucks as many guys as he does chicks.

I think it's that mostly it's a race-play thing (le hyper masculine black buck cucks le small white man) which is playing on American cultural tropes because of their history of slavery and large black population

>tfw actually black and have had someone offer to let me fuck their girlfriend

I just kind of had one of those surreal moments where it was hard to discern what was even fucking happening. I couldn't handle that level of meme magic manifesting in my life.

But yeah I declined because that shit is degrading for every party involved.


How is this related to television or film?
Oh, right. I forgot this is Sup Forums and everyone and everything is a cuck

I want to tell you that sounds interesting but that sounds gross to me still. How do you feel about it?

It's the entire point of the post. It's NTR jerk off material and pure fiction.

I want it to give her PTSD

yes since she's a hot slut tbqh

I always wondered if black people would feel that this is degrading.

They kinda treat black people like it is a form of kink animal porn.

No wonder people react weirdly to REAL interracial couples if they turned them into something inherently fetishized in their heads.

The fuck?

it turns me on to read how heartbroken and insecure he got, I didn't get the appeal until reading these disaster stories on reddit

you blew it nigga

you blew it


>w-wait hold on i dont know about this
>what are you talking about?
>n-nothing. oh my god.

These are the people who call Trump racist.

Yeah that's why I'm fundamentally opposed to it or the prospect of dating anyone who seems interested specifically because I am black; being fetishized as some kind of barely sentient fuck-beast doesn't sound remotely appealing to me.

Unfortunately I imagine most guys that do participate in these arrangement don't think about it any harder than "Oh boy I get to fuck something who cares if these people subconsciously regard me as a literal animal."

Legitimate cuckoldry just exists at the intersection of stupidity and mental illness.

>that shit is degrading for every party involved
well said, based niganon.

I have a black friend who had some random balding white literal cuck come up to him in a parking lot and ask him to fuck his wife and he lied about having a gf so he could drive off

keep that shit to yourselves redditors

hotwife has lots of good stuff

but its a common german fetish

>going on reddit
Do Euros actually do this?

>They kinda treat black people like it is a form of kink animal porn.
it's funny because it's true


Remember when cuckolding was never mentioned on Sup Forums apart from NTR doujins on porn boards? What happened? It seems really fucking bizarre to me that people are saying cuck more often than fag now.

>Unfortunately I imagine most guys that do participate in these arrangement don't think about it any harder than "Oh boy I get to fuck something who cares if these people subconsciously regard me as a literal animal."

yeah never understood why this isn't a thing, then again so many people unironically love gangster rap trap while going on about #blacklivesmatters so fuck knows

Yes, Also autism.

Post yfw you are not bryan_t

I hope you realize that cuckolding has existed for centuries. Even Shakespeare refers to cuckolding.

>women think they are oppressed
>they choose a nerd avoiding a shitty remake of an 80s comedy as their cross to die on

Both terms imply that a person is not 'masculine'. Something that is regarded as something very shameful in American society.

It's quite literally just a meme right now to call people cucks.

Sounds progressive. Nu-males will line up for it.

dont know how you could let someone you care for and pour time into fuck another person

and then to actually enjoy it
makes my skin crawl bruh


I remember reading about it when they had a Something Awful mainpage series where they'd go to fucked up messageboards, take screenshots and post them.

I particularly remember one bull on these messageboards who would get all defensive whenever another bull would try and ease in on his territory. Like someone would post "hey someone fuck my wife", defensive guy would go "I'll do it", some other bull would go "I'll also do it", and defensive guy would go "get the fuck out of here this is my shit I called dibs"

it showed up after Moot and the whole Luggage Lad thing

Good on you man.

Not sure if I had it in me to be that conscious and aware of all the implications if someone offered it to me.

Also I have slept with girls who were in relationships and doing it with the partner's knowledge seems like asy mode.

Europeans do wife-swapping. You cucks just sit and watch.

Lets not go to far and claim that swinging isn't also degenerate.

it might be less pathetic but I really don't want to praise this shit.

ITT: Stories that never happened.

Yes. I spent 6 months studying in America, one day a dude approached me while I was having a drink, we talked for like 10 minutes and then he asked me if I would fuck his wife, right after showing me a pic of her. I felt weird and left.

Yes, I'm black.